Double Fulfillment of the thirty day Period

23 April 2016

By Mark Farquharson

I was viewing the two periods of thirty days as the same time, and having one fulfillment. Now my view is that there is a dual, or double fulfillment, which you can have.

Back on November 2008, I had to go twice to the medical centre, at the time I did not view it as a sign to do with future events. Over the years it has just been note down in my notes and I did keep the dockets, but they are now gone.

The first time was November 1 2008, I got 21 pills to take over seven days, three a day. The cost for the pills was $13.67, but with a subsidy of $10.67, they only cost 3.00. A couple of days later on November 3th I went again. Both times the fee was $30. My thinking here is that the $30 represents 30 days. It also shows why you should record these things down as they could mean something years later. The chart number was 2111.

Then in 2013 was the sale of the two TVs, both for $30. The second one sold on November 1, the person coming at 11.00 a.m. and leaving about 11:30. Thus five years after the visit to the centre there was another sign of thirty on the same day. Thus a period of 30, from 1-30 November, however my view is that this period will be fulfilled at two different times.

Then three days later on November 4th there was another sign of 30. The two are connected because on November 1st I tried to get a video recorder to work on channel zero. Then on November 4th I sold Xero {said "zero"} shares for $30. One should see the connection to the visits to the medical centre in November 2008, which were on the 1st and the third. However instead of the third it was the fourth.

The first TV was sold on September 26 2013 for $30, this happen to be the eighth day of Tabernacles that year. This was exactly two years after I observed a large gate opening, this being after a meeting. At the meeting the date of November 30 was mentioned. This shows that the two TVs are connected along with the sign of the gate.

Then on July 27 2015 I went to the same medical centre this time to see the doctor. The cost was $42 which I relate to the book of Luke, and the 42nd camp of the Israelites, when they reached the promised land. The chart number was 2111 the same as back in 2008. The next morning I had to go to have some tests done at a lab over in the suburb of Blockhouse Bay. I had to wait there 15 minutes for the results, and then after I got the results another 15 minutes. A total of thirty minutes, which could represent a thirty day period, July 27-August 25 inclusively. Note I view this as the second period, more on this period later.

My view is that the first fulfillment is April 22-May 22 2016. One of the reasons for this is that there was 15 days to go on May 8 2015, and on the same day there was an extension to a magazine subscription from Nov 16 to Nov 30.

Later on November 16 2015 I again went to see the Doctor. One can see that it was on the same day as when the magazine subscription was going to expire before it was extended. It was the same cost $42 and same chart number 2111. I got 90 pills at one a day, Nov 16 2015- February 13 2016. This being one day before February 14, which can be a sign of second Passover. Recall that second Passover is on the 14th of the second Hebrew month. This year second Passover falls on May 22 2016. Thus the pills represent a 90 day period February 22 2016-May 21 2016. What is also interesting is the refer number on the chart for November 16 2015, which was 515222. You can see that in the number is 522, and May 22 can be represent as 522.

On December 13 2013 I got a thirty gift card. I use it to buy two books costing $10 each on May 22 2014. Thirteen days later on June 4 2014 I use the remaining amount on the card plus $2.50 cash to buy a book. I view this first purchase of books on May 22 as the first fulfillment of the dream about buying books. In the dream we are released somehow, then two go ahead, but I stay back and buy two books for ten. Thus May 22 2016 could be the time of release, and the purchase of two books for ten could represent a twenty day period from May 22 to June 10. That is not including the third book. Note if I view May 22 as November 30, then thirteen days later on June 4th it would be December 13 when I got the gift card.

Recently the two that go ahead in the dream watched a on demand TV show for 90 minutes. This was because some how it had not be taped. It being something they do not usually do I took it as a sign. This could then represent a future 90 day period. My thinking is that this would be after the release on May 22 2016. This could start June 10, however below you will read how it could be shorted.

On July 24 2014 I brought two books for ten each, for a total of twenty, like the first purchase however I used cash, not a gift card. There was no other book brought after this in 2014. However I am not viewing this as a twenty day period.

As I said above I went to the medical centre on July 27, with a thirty day period you get August 25. However this being the medical centre my thinking is I can apply another thirty period which would start three days before or three days after. If I start three days before then I start on July 24 and go to August 22, putting the two periods together I get a thirty three day period July 24-August 25. Recall the gift card was for $30, and if I include the book brought on June 4th with the ones on July 24th you get 32.50.

Here I go again, shoes, recall from earlier entries that I brought shoes at $91 on October 4 2014. Then I again brought shoes on October 26 2014, but this time they were $78, a $13 saving. The first pair on October 4th were white, the second pair on October 26 were black. I brought black the second time because they were out of white in my size. What I did not know at the time, was that this represents a checked flag, white and black.

I thought I had this worked out due to the fact that the cost of the laptop in 2014 was $740 including $91. My thinking was this related to the shoes and I have got signs relating 740 to May 22. However it can relate to the period Nov 16 2015- February 13 2016, which was the 90 day pill period. This 90 day period then actually represents February 22 2016-May 21 2016, and the 91st day would be May 22 2016. There can also be a second fulfillment with another ninety day period.

My new thinking on the shoes is that the dates in October are actually August dates. The tenth month of October was once the eighth month and Oct actually means eight. Thus converting to August for fulfillment this year you have August 4 and August 26. The second date being one day after the second date of fulfillment above which is August 25.

My first visit to the pharmacy was on the 27 July 2015, she said that I could pay $100 for a item or wait for approval. For the first pair of shoes I handed over $100 cash. My second visit to the pharmacy was on November 16 2015, that is 113 days inclusively. My thinking was that the 13 was saved of a total of 126 bring it down to 113, however I now do not think that is the case. On the second visit to the pharmacy I saved $13.10. On the second pair of shoes I saved $13.

My new thinking is that the 13 is saved of 91, bring it down to 78 the cost of the second pair of shoes, sometimes it is best not to over think these things. Instead of having to do a 90-91 day period it comes down to 78 or 77 days. Thus the period would go from June 10 2016-August 26 2016, being 78 days inclusively.

Note the date of August 25 2016 is Av 21 and August 26 is Av 22, Av being the fifth Hebrew month.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2016

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