What Happened on Rosh Hoshana

1 October 2011. Edited 16 Oct. 2011

By Mark Farquharson

Dr Jones got the revelation of “Encounter” in the evening of the 28 Sept, which is what he calls the beginning of Rosh Hoshana, because to him the day starts in the evening. A brief quote:

“So last night we were given the revelation of "Encounter." I believe it indicates two things: (1) that The Remnant will have an encounter with Jesus; and (2) The Remnant will manifest Christ to others in order to give THEM a divine encounter. Watch for opportunities to manifest Christ to others.”

From: Rosh Hoshana Encounter with Jesus

Now I said in previous entries the Christmas sign I got and going to the Lady of Lourdes Church both point to the birth of Christ. Along with the birth of Christin the 7 child. He is what Dr Jones said about Rosh Hoshana and Jesus Birthday:

“Hence, the first year of the reign of Manasseh actually begins officially at Rosh Hoshana. Today is the beginning of the first year of The Remnant, with 12-year-old Manasseh as the prophetic type. This also overlays with Jesus' 12th birthday, because He was born on the evening of Rosh Hoshana 2012 years ago in 2 B.C.”

From: Rosh Hoshana Encounter with Jesus

Now I use to start at the wrong time of the dark phase for Hebrew months, which is about two days before. I do now start after the moon is first visible. However I do believe the scriptures have dawn day starts, which would mean Rosh Hoshana begins the next day at dawn, after the moon is first visible in the night. That would be the 29 Sept.

27 September: This is when I first had the seventh Hebrew month start and interestingly something did occur this day. It is also two months after the 6 months from the sign revelation.

We went to this meeting by car, with the parking on level one. At first we had trouble getting into park the car, but someone help us. The parking number was 36. Which is my age. It is also the numbers added up from a dream I had some years ago, 8 + 8 + 8+ 8+ 4. The meeting was up on level two. At the meeting the person said that the company had been spread across in a number of different buildings, but had come together in the one building. Although the meeting was about splitting the company into two. One share for every five, in the new company.

As we were leaving the door on level two to get back to the lift was locked. We had come through the door to get to where the meeting was. Security let us down another lift. Then security let us out of the car park. They had closed the big gates it be late at night, which opened before us.

Revelation 3:7 And to the messenger of the ecclesia in Philadelphia write: "Now this is saying the True, the Holy One, Who has the key of David, and Who is opening and no one shall be locking, and locking and no one shall be opening:" {CLV}

Thus it was my own door revelation.

29 Sept.

The number 36, a number of times in a episode of a program. The person had been waiting there 36 years. Thus I have been waiting 36 years, if that what is meant.

30 Sept.

Woke up in middle of night at 3:13 am and thought, “other side of motorway.” In NZ you can do 100 km on motorway. It is now over 100 days since the ten year anniversary of the time of the ring, back on the 21 June. I go from the ring, because a marriage involves the rings going on the fingers. Also the sign I got of the blocking of 21 Queen.

Back on the 15 Sept 2011, I cross over the Motorway on foot. Someone ask me about my trip, and if I had gone to the new houses, or was it mansions. Anyway I said “I had not gone that far.” Thus is something going to happen that is not that far passed the 100 days? Then again on a future walk I could go further.

Earlier on the 27 July I got the revelation that the “sign had been there six months.” At the time I thought it was 6 months from some sign in January. However there was also indication on the motorway. Instead of it being 6 months from some sign in January it could mean 6 months from a sign. I was in the suburb of Waterview at the time. Thus six months from a sign of water. I got a sign of water on the 30 March. This is when I went up the mount called “Owairaka” which represents the “Sacred drinking waters.” This I relate to the “River of Living Water” in Revelation 22:1-2 which is the Holy Spirit. 6 Months from the sign of water is end of Sept. Thus at Rosh Hoshana the sign has been there 6 months. You can read about the sign here: “6 months since the Sign, how long then to the Next?

On 27 July the mother of the girl said that the motorway was over there. Hence at the time that the sign has been there 6 months there will be a connection to motorway. What is it about a motorway? Well it is a multilane highway, but it is also the place where you get to do 100 km. Rosh Hoshana is 100 days from the time of the ring.

Brother watching program in the morning, heard 36 again.

I said to my father when he was stacking papers, “you making skyscrapers.” Now there are a few skyscrapers that are above 100 stories these days. But which one do I want? Or does it just mean skyscrapers in general.

Now the Tallest Skyscraper is the “Burj Khalifa” {Former called "Burj Dubai"} at 160 stories. The 160th day is 27 Nov. That could be too far, as I had not gone that far.

Sears Tower at 110 stories in Chicago, Illinois. The 110th day from the ring gets you 8 Oct, which is the Day of Atonement. Interestingly I went to Chicago way back on 5-6 January 1993, when I was 17 with my family. This was way before I knew of Christ. However at the day of Atonement it will be about 18 years, 9 months and 3 or 4 days ago.

World Trade Center, destroyed on Sept 11, 2001. The two towers were each 110 stories. I have been getting a New York revelation, however I relate it to actual going there sometime in the future, not the destroyed towers. However there could be a link here.

Taipei 101, at 101 stories. Not this one because today, 1 Oct, is 102 days from the ring, which means it has pasted.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Edited 16 Oct. 2011

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