Pattern of Elisha fast for Apostleship

8 December 2012

By Mark Farquharson

There is to be a heralding of the evangel to the world, before the Lord Jesus Christ returns. To enable us to do this, there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the body of Christ and the starting of the time of Effective Apostleship.

In 2009 there was the Passover Conference in April in Virginia. There was the birth Elisha and the first eight signs. The first eight equalling Elijah’s eight. This first Elijah period being three and half years. We are awaiting the start of the double portion and the ninth sign. However there was a month delay to the start. Thus the full period ending in 6-7 November 2012, 21-22 of the eight Hebrew month.

There was something that occur last month. On the 6 November, Election Day, Dr Jones felt strongly to begin a time of fasting. The fast was for eight days through to November 13, which was the 28 of the eight Hebrew month. Dr Jones write that it was an overlay of Elijah’s prayer for rain.

“Last night it occurred to me that this fast is an overlay of Elijah’s prayer for rain on Mount Carmel, except that it is not just seven days, but eight, because of the slight difference in the Elisha setting. This also represents the eight days of Tabernacles, as I wrote in The Laws of the Second Coming, chapter 6.

I was not expecting to go on this fast prior to the ninth sign actually becoming visible, but now I see that I am to reckon it accomplished.”

From the weblog: “The Elisha Fast

While we should now be in the season of the double portion there is a further wait for the time of Effective Apostleship.

Lets go back eleven years to 2001, in that year there was the marriage proposal on the 19 June and the ring on the 21 June. Ten years later on the anniversary of these dates Dr Jones went to the Apostle Islands where he learned of a delay in “The starting time of the Effective Apostleship.”

“The Apostle Islands had gale-force winds with a lot of rain, so the tour was cancelled both Tuesday and Wednesday. We did have opportunity to go to the largest and closest of the islands (Madeline Island) for a few hours before they shut down even that short ferry after 2 p.m.

In inquiring about the meaning of this, the Lord said, "The starting time of the Effective Apostleship has been delayed." I asked if he meant this was "postponed," but he said "No, it has been delayed due to opposition."

From weblog: A Delay in sending out the Apostles

Thus a link between the bride and the Effective Apostleship. In May of 2009 a month after the conference was the wedding on the Virgin Islands. This I do not take as sign of the month delay. I take it as a sign of an event a month after the three and half year period. The event is not the wedding, for that is still a few years away I believe. It is the start time of Effective Apostleship.

Applying the month to the 21-22 of the eight Hebrew month you get the 21-22 of the ninth Hebrew. If one then applies the fast the seventh day would be the 11 December and the eighth day the 12 December. As covered in the past in the Henderson to Henderson Valley sequence there is Virginia street coming up.

As I covered in the last entry the revelations came on the night of the 11 December 2011. Here they are again:

“It’s time to receive Great Knowledge,”

“The provision is coming”

“You have the evangel go forth”

“You will travel wide and far”

“Much are the distractions of the world. Much discipline, those I love I discipline.

“Travel forth”

“It’s time for the priests to go into the temple.”

“Time is short, things will happen quickly at great speed, be ready”

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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