Chapel 2, Confirmation of Coming Judgement

29 September 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the 26 September 2012, the Day of Atonement, I walked to Waikumete Cemetery. There I walked pasted 11 trees, that are all on the same path, and all the same type of tree. I sat down on a seat next to the path, and spilled a bit of water there on the ground, from my water bottle. After Jesus’ resurrection there were eleven disciples.

Then I walked up to the crematorium, that has two chapels. From each one the casket can go into the furnace. I walked into Chapel 1, going right up to the front. There was a large urn. The place at the front for the casket, had a cover over it. Indicating that this judgement has pasted. For the first time I noticed the button for lowering the casket. The casket has to be lowered before it can roll through to the furnace. I sat next to the place for the casket briefly. Then I left the Chapel. Outside I drink a bit of water, and spilled a bit on the ground.

Chapel 1, I take as the sign of the first judgement which occurred on the 22 February 2011, being the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. I take this a sign because on the 2 March 2011, I prayed for the people of Christchurch in Chapel 1. Earlier on that day being the 2 March 2011, I had been to Chapel 2, but it was locked.

Actually this was the result of a judgement that occurred ten years ago, to the day on 21 February 2001 US time. It was rule in the heavens, the spiritual realm, that the Chosen, the body of Christ, had authority. The ruling came against the Saul type church, that is the ones that had the authority, it passed from them to the chosen. Thus like when Saul was in power in the old Testament and it passed to David.

Getting back to 26 September 2012, I walked around to the side, were they have a fountain, with winged horses. There are walls with the ashes in them. I walked around the fountain, not sure what Pegasus {winged horses} have got to do with it.

Then I walked into Chapel 2, going right up to the front. Again I noticed the button for lowering the casket. I sat in the seat right next to place for the casket briefly. There was no cover over the place for the casket, and the rollers were already lowered. This was the position the rollers were in when I visited chapel 2 last year on the 17 March 2011. I did not go to Chapel 1, on the 17 March 2011, only Chapel 2. Back in March last year I did not pray. I did however take the meaning of Chapel 2, to be a future judgement.

This time I prayed, asking about Vatican City, Jerusalem, and Christchurch, none of these I prayed for. This shows that this judgement is not for those cities. I did pray for the people of England and the inhabitants of London, the Great City. This to me is a very strong sign that this judgement is going to befall London. If I was meant to pray for the people of another city I would have done. For the Lord would have put the city in my mind and had me pray for the people of that city, if it was meant to be another city.

I have got a number of signs to do with England and London. I will not be covering the signs again in this entry as these have already been covered. While the dates listed in the entries are not correct, the signs do point to a coming judgement. The entries are here: England Signs

I have prayed a number of times about this second judgement, and for me the Lord has confirmed that the second Judgement will be on London.

There is an overall plan which is proceeding right on schedule. Along the way there will be a number of events which will occur. Some of these events will be judgements. Not all judgements result in what are called natural disasters. Please note that anyone killed will be resurrected at their appointed time.

Again getting back to 26 September 2012, after praying I walked to the entrance, and noticed the doors to the toilets were open, I will get to the meaning later. Just outside I drink the water and spilled a bit on the ground. Then I walked over to the flag pole, and touched it, before seating down, in the seat next to the pole. The seat is close to the doors of Chapel 2.

Then I walked through the cemetery, stopping at one grave. Most of the writing was in another language. The words at the bottom were “Servants of God at rest.” There were red flowers on the headstone, I thought roses. On the concrete grave was two white birds, maybe doves, a open bible, a rainbow and a mountain.

The rainbow representing the separation between land and sea. As a sign to me, I would take the mountain to be Mount Albert also known as Mount Owairaka. Being the sign of the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I recently went to the top of this mountain and sat down at the summit. This was on the 9 August 2012, which was the 21 of the fifth Hebrew month. My thinking is that this will occur on the 21 of the seventh month, being the 7 October. This being the seven day of Tabernacles.

Then I walked to the Chapel of Faith, which is a separate building in the grounds of the cemetery. The thought came, “knock and the door will open.” I walked up to the doors and knocked. Then walked around to the doors at the opposite end, and knocked. I spilled the water in front of these doors, then walked over to a seat nearby and sat down. “knock and the door will open,” I would think refers to the Door of Heaven.

What is show here then is a link between the 11 trees, Chapel 1 & 2 and the Chapel of Faith. I spilled the water at all those sites and sat outside Chapel 2, the Chapel of Faith and by the eleven trees. But I did not sit outside Chapel 1. While Chapel 1 is connected, the judgement represent by this Chapel is pasted, the place for the casket had a cover over it.

Back on the 12 September 2012 I went to the Ranui Library & Community Centre. I walked in the font doors and noticed a man at the community centre counter on the left. A bit further around was the toilets, and the library was through the doors straight ahead. The one behind the counter point to the sign which stated that the key for the toilet was at the library counter. I went into the library and looked at the time. The next day, the 13 September I again went to Ranui Library & Community Centre, and entered the library. I looked at the book “Dreamers of the Day,” about Auckland Parks. Then I went to the counter and got the key which was attached to a CD of Thomas the Tank engine. After using the key I returned it to the library counter. I took this as a sign that in the sequences I had made it to the front counter in the library.

On the 26 September the doors to the toilets were open in Chapel 2. This then seems to connect to what occurred at the library. This then means that while I went to Chapel 2 on the 26 September, the actual entering occurred back on the 12-13 September. That is to say spiritually it occurred at that time, with out my knowledge.

After leaving the cemetery on the 26 September I walked to Merlins, which is a recycled clothing shop. It also has furniture. Inside I walked upstairs to the furniture and seat on a red sofa. Merlin referring to the wizard from the Arthur legends.

Then I walked to Our Lady of Lourdes, going briefly inside. I looked around the entrance but did not proceed inside the hall. The 9 am Mass was just starting. I picked up a pamphlet on the “Candlelight Rosary Procession & Procession of Blessed Sacrament.” This being for Priestly Vocations, with a Benediction to follow. To be held at Sacred Heart College, on the 7 October at 7 p.m. This date is interesting as it is the seven day of Tabernacles, which is the 21 of the seventh Hebrew month.

I walked over to the Glen Eden Library, and went to the travel section. There I picked up a book about a painter, called “Salvador Dali.” Salvador, is similar to Salvation. On the back cover some of the listed paints were, Temptation of St Anthony, Christ of St John of the Cross, Sleep, Metamorphosis of narcissus.” While looking at this book there was an Earthquake Drill at 9:26 a.m. Please note that I was not aware that there was going to be an earthquake drill. When I set off in the morning I did not know that I was going to go to the library.

The travel section represents departure, remember the disciples had to stay where they were until the coming of the Holy Spirit. This is the same for us, we are awaiting the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit. At this time there will be a judgement, indicated by the earthquake drill. I do not know the meaning of the time 9:26 a.m. It does not necessarily mean that it will occur at that time of the morning.

Then I went to Harold moody Park, there I saw the words Eagles and Bears. In a path is the word Bears and the years 97, 98, 99. There is a War Memorial Hall. Then I went to Ceramco Park.

Then I went to the top of a hill to Pleasant road Water Pumping station 211. A sign of the coming water, the Holy Spirit. Walking along pleasant road a red car went past with the plate, DRY200. This could be a sign of a drought period which will end when the Holy Spirit comes. Seven times Elijah prayed for rain, (1 Kings 18:43), then the rain come (1 Kings 18:44). Tabernacles goes from the 1-8 October, with the seventh day being the 7 October.

Then I went to a small shopping centre. I overheard someone mention the time of 10:30, they thought it was 12. At the bookshop I picked up a book on world history, that was from a biblical point of view starting at 4004 B.C. This I would think represents the coming knowledge. There was a small purple book on Queen Elizabeth II, that I looked at. Please note I do not know who will be personally effected by the judgement. On the 24 September a person ring with a quote to fix my watch the price was $112.50. The Queens Jubilee was 112 days ago from the 24 September.

The last book I looked at was “London Secrets and Celebrations.” In the book I noticed, Nelson’s Column and the Gherkin Building, both of which are signs I have got in the past. I noticed the Olympic Stadium. Then I noticed St Paul’s High Altar, and on the page before, St Paul’s Cathedral, which was on the opposite page to St Brides Church. Remember the body is the bride of Christ. Going by a previous sign St Paul’s Cathedral connects to the sign of St Benedict’s. In St Benedict’s on the 21 February 2012 I sat on the seat on the stage. Remember the Christchurch earthquake was on the 22 February 2011, thus this was almost one year later and on the anniversary of the judgement back on the 21 February 2001. For more on the previous England signs refer to the entries: England Signs

Thus this upcoming judgement is linked to the judgement back in 2001. The first result of that judgement was the Christchurch earthquake, the second result will be on the great City of London.

Lets look at the pattern for February 2011. On the night of the 14 there was the sign of the cross during prayer. Then on the morning of the 16, the sign was “empty coffin,” referring to Jesus’ empty tomb. The earthquake followed on the 22, New Zealand time, note it was still the 21 in some parts of the world.

Earlier this year on the 16 February 2012, I went to Our Lady of Lourdes and sat on the seat on the stage. As I just said on the 21 February I sat on the seat in St Benedict’s. Thus the pattern is matching.

Note we do not have to wait for February next year or for the actual second Hebrew Feast month next year. There is the second month of the civil year, which would be the eighth feast month. However remember in the sequence the sign of the outpouring is date at the beginning of the sixth month, being the 19 August. Thus count this as the first month, the second month, then is the seventh month.

Second Passover in the second month on the 14th occurring on the 30 September, Wave-Sheaf on the 16th occurring on the 2 October and Unleavened Bread 15-21 occurring 1-7 October. Thus Unleavened Bread which is occurring in the second month in this period, overlaps Feast of Tabernacles 1-8 October which is occurring in the seventh month.

Thus the judgement is to occur on the 21 of the second month being the 7 October, and at this point the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will occur. The Chosen will gain the authority and be unveiled. At this point I also believe the knowledge and the glory will come.

The St. Louis conference is 5-7 October 2012.

For Dr Jones report on the Day of Atonement: Day of Atonement report

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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