Jesus at 12 Dream and World Cup Sign

19 October 2011

By Mark Farquharson

I gain understanding of my dream that I had last year involving the numbers 8 and 4, more on that later, but first the world cup.

Is God sending a sign through the Rugby World Cup? Why I ask the question is that there are similarities between the 1987 World Cup and this years World Cup. Lets briefly look at these:

1: Back in 87’ Wales played France in the semi-finals and lost to France. Some this time round.

2: Australia played New Zealand in the semi-finals back in 87’ and Australia lost. Some this time round.

3: In the upcoming Bronze Final, Wales will play Australia, those two teams play each other in the Bronze Final back in 87.’

4: The Final will be New Zealand against France, same as 87.’ It will also be at the same location “Eden Park,” which is in Auckland.

However the Final back in 87’ was on 20 June, this time it is on the 23 October.

Of course one could wait and see if it is the same out come in the last two games, as what happened in 87.’ The Bronze game is Friday night NZ time, and the Final is Sunday night NZ time. New Zealand is picked to win as they did in 87,’ but have to wait and see.

Interesting one of the New Zealand players is called “Israel Dagg.” He was born 6 June 1988. Remember it is those who are spiritual Israel that will be released from spiritual Egypt.

In NZ every few years we have a one of program called, “This is Your Life.” On Monday night the program had one of the 87’ players, “Zinzan Valentine Brooke.” He use to play at number 8.

What then is the sign, what is it about 1987 and this year 2011? Well it is 24 years.

24 is the number of thrones and elders in heaven in Revelation 4 and 5.

Rev 5:8-9 And when It took the scroll, the four animals and the twenty-four elders fall before the Lambkin, each having a lyre, and golden bowls brimming with incenses, which are the prayers of the saints." And they are singing a new song, saying, "Worthy art Thou to be taking the scroll and to open its seals, For Thou wast slain and dost buy us for God by Thy blood. Out of every tribe and language and people and nation." {CLV}

This clearly identifies the elders as representing the members of the body of Christ. For Jesus Christ brought the faithful through his blood. This includes Old Testament saints.

It also relates back to my Dream. Lets again look at the numbers in my dream 8-8-8-8-4, which added up to 36, one of the signs I have been getting this year. The numbers were meant to represent my life. In 87’ I was 12 years old, 36 -24 = 12. The number 888 is the number of the name “Jesus” and it is the first three numbers in the dream. Which leaves us with 8 and 4, which added up to 12. The numbers 12, 24 and 36 are all multiples of 12. Thus this dream actual points to Jesus when he was 12. Jesus was born 2012 years ago on Rosh Hoshana in 2 B.C.

An event took place when Jesus was 12. This is recorded for us in Luke 2:41-50. Jesus and his parents went up to Jerusalem for the festival of Passover. The parents returned unknowingly leaving Jesus behind. They returned to find him in the temple.

Luke 2:48-50 And perceiving Him, they were astonished. And His mother said to Him, "Child, why do you thus to us? Lo! your father and I painfully sought you." And He said to them, "Why is it that you sought Me? Had you not perceived that I must be among the things which are My Father's? And they do not understand the declaration which He speaks to them. {CLV}

Luke 2:49 And he said unto them, `Why is it that ye were seeking me? did ye not know that in the things of my Father it behoveth me to be?' {YLT}

His human parents did not understand what he meant. When he said “I must be among the things which are My Father's.” Jesus mean his heavenly Father, God, the ultimate Father of us all.

Note the word “things” is added by the translators based on their opinion of what was meant by Jesus. Here is a more literal translation:

Luke 2:49 Not ye had perceived that in the of the Father of me is binding to be me. {Concordant Greek Text Sublinear}

It is binding of him to be in the Father. Jesus was in the Temple doing the will of the Father. Jesus was inquiring of the teachers and they were amazed at his understanding and answers. Thus it is binding for the members of the body to be in the Father, and doing the will of the Father. This also relates to Manasseh from the Old Testament who started his reign at age 12 {2 Kings 21:1}.

Why use the world cup? Well when the Open Door Ministry starts the true evangel will be taken to the world.

Back on the 5 October 2011, the container ship, the Rena hit a reef of the coast of NZ. Oil has been leaking out and washing up on the beaches and hundreds of birds are dead. The beaches have been largely cleaned up, but more oil is expected to leak out. Oil was slowly being pumped of the ship, until bad weather stopped it. It is slow due to the nature of the thick fuel oil. There is a large crack in the ship and it could break up. What is interesting is that it was reported on Thursday, day 8, that 88 containers had fall of the ship. On the news over here in NZ they keep say 88 containers had fallen of the ship. Thus representing Jesus’ name.

The ship hit the Astrolabe Reef and a container on the ship has Astrolabe wine. Astrolabe is an early astronomical instrument which was used to determined the altitude of an astronomical object. Used in navigation from the Middle Ages to until the 18th century. Now days of course it should have been using something more hi-tech.

What then does the sign of the ship mean. I think it could mean finally we are near the ninth sign. For the eight sign was oil, being an oil rig. God could be using oil to signal the period between the two signs is almost at an end.

One thing to remember about Israel leaving Egypt. Israel left with the gold of Egypt, however it did not course the collapse of Egypt, then stayed a country. The present rules of spiritual Egypt can stay in power, when spiritual Israel leaves.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011.

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