The Coronation Period & Bridge

11 April 2015, Edited 13 April 2015.

By Mark Farquharson

Some of this you may have read before, but there is new material here as well. Keep reading as I go over the old material because there will be new materal, in with the old stuff.

As you will know if you have read the old stuff, there are two hundred periods. This may be new for some people read this. The two periods overlap, one starting 36 days after the other count. Between the end of the first count and the end of the second count is a period that I am now calling the Coronation Period.

I first find out about these counts back in 2013. The first count ending on the 14 November 2013, and the second count ending on the 20 December 2013. There was a conference that year in the Philippines, where Dr Jones feed hundred pastors on the 14 & 15 Nov. The 14 Nov was the 318th day of the year, there is a prophecy that the dinar will revalue at 318, however there was no indication as to the meaning of the number. Therefore it could be a date, day of year, rate or something else. Read the prophecy here:

Last year there was a meeting where my parents got hundred credit on there account from a specially made ATM machine. Later once credited it was actually 115 credit. My thinking is that this could apply to the hundred counts. If one increases the first count by 15 days it then ends on the 29 Nov. The return of the Coronation Stone to Scotland occurred 14-30 Nov 1996. I do not think it applies to the second count. My thinking for this goes back to the sign of the gate, which I got back on the 27 September 2011 after a meeting about Telecom being split into two companies, one retaining the name Telecom. The completion date for the split 30 Nov 2011. Thus the gate relates to the coronation. Later Telecom became Spark, and give my parents 115 credit. Thus the 115 relates to the gate and the coronation.

My thinking is that the timing of these counts has changed. The email came on the 8 December saying the account had be credited. Later we find out that it was actually 115. If one counts 100 days from 8 Dec, you get to the 18 March 2015, 8 Dec-17 March 2015, 100 days inclusive.

"But this morning God pointed out March 18, 2015 as the prophetic date where we crossed the threshold from captivity to freedom." From Dr Jones, weblog. More here:

I got a card this year that has the numbers 115 and 318 on the card. However the 115 count did not start on the 8 Dec 2014, for this just does not seem to work, for the Coronation during the conference this year occurred on the 5 April, a count of 115 ended on the 1 April, thus a few days short. Also looking back to 2013 the count of hundred finished during the Philippines conference, not 15 days earlier. This would point to the 115 ending after the conference, not before.

If I go back 100 days from the time of Coronation during the conference, I get the 26 Dec 2014, 26 Dec - 4 April 2015, 100 days inclusive. Here is the sign on that day:

"With this key I open the Door of Heaven. revealing the Heavenly light, that shines forth on the nations of the world, on the peoples of the land, on the schools of this world."

Thus this seems a good point to start the 115 count, 26 Dec - 19 April 2015, 115 days inclusive. The 20 April this year is the first day of the second Hebrew month, and could be the timing of the gate and have something to do with the coronation. This could also link to the revalue of the dinar.

The two counts are linked, to the Coronation. My thinking is that there is a coronation period, which started on the 5 April at the Coronation, during the conference. This would be completed on the day after the end of the second count. Second hundred count with no extension, 31 January - 10 May 2015, 100 days inclusive.

The day after being the 11 May 2015, which is the 22 of the second Hebrew month or 222. Twenty two being the number for the Sons of Light. Someone at the conference mentioned the number 222. I heard them mention it as I watch the conference from home on my screen. Seeing as I did not watch all the videos from the conference, it is interesting that I watch that one. I was also doing puzzle 222 in a puzzle book during that weekend.

I have been seeing the full moons out my window for a number of months now. It is interesting that the next one I see will be the 42nd full moon, which will occur on the 3 May. That is I have seen 41 full moons in a row, from 8 January 2012. I have seen others before this, but this 41 is unbroken, without missing out on one. This is important sign because the Israelites 42nd camp was after they crossed the water into the promised land. This next full moon will occur at the time of Second Passover. That is not to say that this is the time of the camp, but it could be the time of the crossing of the water.

This could be the time of the Greatest Passover, however it could be a week later as I will explain. I got the sign for the Greatest Passover on the 4 July 2012 as covered in this entry:

Second Wave Sheaf could be on the 5 May if you believe that it falls on the day after the special sabbath for the start of Unleavened Bread, that goes for a week. This would be the 16 of the second Hebrew month, and would fit with when Dr Jones finished the final book in the series on Luke, for he finished it on the 16 February 2015.

On the other hand there are those who hold the view that it falls on the day after the weekly sabbath. Since the next weekly sabbath after Second Passover is not until the 9 May, being Saturday, then Wave Sheaf would fall on the 10 May. This is actually the day the second count finishes.

There is also a crossing coming up for us, into the promised land. One of the signs for this is the Coronation Bridge. I know the Israelites did not build a bridge. However the bridge is a sign, it spans from one side to the other. When you go across a bridge you go from one side to the other, or pass over to the other side.

There is more than one bridge. There is the Christmas bridge, the USA to Europe bridge or the bridge to Europe, and the China bridge. The Christmas bridge and the Europe bridge could be the same bridge or different bridges. There maybe more bridges then these ones.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

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