Sign of 210, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble

24 January 2015

Mark Farquharson

On the night of the 26 June 2012 I thought go to St Lukes. I was not sure if I was meant to go to the mall or the St Lukes Church or both. The next day, the 27 June I walked to the mall, I do not go to the church. Before I left home I though I would deposit $200 at the bank, which I did not have to do at St Lukes. On the way to St Lukes, I go though New Lynn, I could have detoured to the bank in New Lynn. On the way I thought about depositing $210 instead of the $200. I arrived at St Lukes mall just before 10am, and went to the bank. At the counter I hand over $210, the transaction printout has the time of 10:01 am.

St Lukes mall is owned by Westfield, this name should be familiar to some of you. Westfield owns a number of shopping malls throughout the world.

The number 210 means the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, it connects to the number 21 which means exceeding sinfulness of sin. There are two times Jacob had trouble, both 21 years long. The first was when Jacob went to work for Laban, his uncle for 20 years and include a year of travel. The second was the 21 year separation from his son Joseph.

The children of Israel experienced two times of trouble for 210 years. The first one, Israel was in Egypt for 210 years, before they left under Moses. One could ask how I get 210 years, when there is a bible passage that states 400 years {Genesis 15:13-16} and two others state an even longer period of 430 years {Exodus 12:40-41}. I do not want to spend to long on this as this is a short journal entry.

Genesis 15:13-14 and He saith to Abram, `knowing--know that thy seed is a sojourner in a land not theirs, and they have served them, and they have afflicted them four hundred years, and the nation also whom they serve I judge, and after this they go out with great substance; {YLT}

The sojourner is 400 years, but it is not all in Egypt, for the text does not specify the location. There is an earlier sojourn and affliction, to the one experienced in Egypt. In the above passage Isaac is the seed {Genesis 21:12}. This affliction started when Ishmael persecuted Isaac {Genesis 21:9, Galatians 4:29}.

Isaac was a sojourner in a land not his, when he was born in Canaan. Abraham his father stated that he himself was a sojourner {Genesis 23:4; Hebrews 11:8-13}.

The answer to the 430 years is find in Galatians 3:16-17. In Galatians it is Moses’ covenant that came after 430 years from the promise to Abraham. Part of that time was the time in Egypt, but the Israelites were not in Egypt for 430 years.

The total time of the sojourn was 400 years, but 190 years was spent in Canaan and the remaining 210 years in Egypt. Jacob was born when Isaac was 60, and Jacob went to Egypt at the age of 130, making a total of 190 years, leaving 210 years for the time in Egypt. For a more detailed study refer to Dr Jones book: Secrets of Time chapter 2.

As for the second time of trouble it occurred when the ten northern tribes of Israel revolted, setting up their own monarchy in Samaria. I will not be getting into all that, as this is a short journal entry.

The one that is connected to us is the 210 years that Israel was in Egypt. We are coming up to our own release from spiritual Egypt. Just like the Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites go in Moses’ day, there are spiritual forces that do not want to let us go. And just like the Israelites left, we will leave also.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

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