Additionally on 999, 111 & 222, Along With 555, 777 & 888

1 March 2016

By Mark Farquharson

In this entry I will be covering additional material to do with the numbers 999, 111 & 222 along with the numbers 555, 777 & 888.

Please note this is additional material to what I have already said and therefore I will take it that you have read this entry: The Staircase to Heaven, 999, 111, & 222

Before going into those numbers I would like to cover a bit more on the bar-code from the pharmacy. As I said in the Staircase to Heaven entry the bar-code for from the pharmacy was the number 9990004043565. I have already covered parts of this number in the Staircase to Heaven entry above. Time to look at the end part of this bar-code the number 565.

The number 565 is 20 short of the number 585, which was the number on car with a painted Tui on it, this being the bird not the beer. Over here in New Zealand there is Tui the beer, named after the bird.

There are 565 days between Nov 5 2014 and May 22 2016. This was the date the prayer Campaign "Dismiss all who Bind," was won. The prayer for the campaign was given on the morning of the October 26 2014. On this day Oct 26 2014 I brought the second pair of shoes for $78, saving an additional $13, that being an additional 10 percent. At the pharmacy on Nov 16 2015 I saved $13.10, which was the cost of the prescription, thus the medication cost me nothing. However the sign is a saving 13 which is ten percent.

Now for the additional material on the numbers numbers 999, 111 & 222 along with the numbers 555, 777 & 888.

Recall that Vinnie combine the numbers 999 and 111 to get three separate columns of 10 10 10. What happens then if I combine the numbers 999 and 222 in separate columns? I get three columns 11 11 11. If I multiple the number 111 by two I get 222.

On the night of February 26 this year I had the thought that 888 and 111 make 999. The number 888 is of course the number for Jesus. What then happens if I add 888 and 222, I get 1110. This as covered in the above entry is part of the phone number for the medical centre.

In the conference testimony Vinnie also covers the number 555:

If you double the number 555 you get 1110, thus again the number for the centre. Adding 222 and 111 together you get 333. Taking 333 and adding 222 you get 555.

On the morning of February 28 2016, just before 7am, I was looking up when a shop opened. The website said that it was open 7am-7pm, 7 days a week. I looked at the time it was 6:55am.

Note the time that the store opens is 7am-7pm, 7 days a week that is 7 7 7. If one adds 111 to 777 you get 888 the number for Jesus. Of course adding 222 to 777 you get 999, the number for the staircase to heaven. Then if one adds 333 and 777 you get 1110, part of the number for the medical centre. Of course you can get 777 by adding 555 and 222.

As I have covered before on May 6th 2015 the barber said to me that he open's at 8am, no delays, no waiting. Then does 8 am represent the 8th month, instead of the eighth day? Note that does not mean it is August or even the 8th Hebrew month. It would be the eight month in terms of this sign.

I have been pasted a florist that has the street number 222. The florist is called Morrison Florist, and has the same name as the funeral home next door which is called Morrison Funeral Home which has the street number 220.

The devastating Christchurch earthquake that killed 185 people back in 2011, occurred on February 22. That is it occurred on 2/22/11, see the 222 in the date.

Of the 185 that died that day 115 died in the Canterbury Television building, also known as the CTV building. While I watch a lot of coverage on the earthquake in the days and weeks after the event I did not take in the exact numbers, or how many died in this building.

The 115 number is the total amount of the credit to the account after it was increased from 100 to 115. This went into the account on December 8 2014. I can see that there was no point in me knowing back in 2011 how many died in the CTV building, as the credit did not come until more that three and half years after the earthquake.

At the time of this credit I did not know how many people died in the CTV building, therefore I did not make a connection. The following year 2015 on the four year anniversary of the earthquake, I did not come across this number. It is only on the fifth anniversary earlier this year that I read the number and made the connection. Hence the reason I have not mentioned this before.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2016

This is the fourth entry in the series "Watch Date May 22 2016" click below for the rest of the series:

Watch Date May 22 2016

Open Door Ministry
