Look up the Kingdom, but first the Evangel to the World

14 December 2011

By Mark Farquharson

On the night of the 11 Dec I was told by God to “look up.” Looking out the window I did not see any stars for to much light from the city, and I did not see any moon. I was told that up there was the kingdom of the Heavens, my adobe awaited. Yes my abode in the kingdom, in the new Jerusalem awaits. As does abodes await for all the members of the body. But not only for the members of the body, for abodes await for all mankind. The kingdom is large enough to house all who ever lived comfortable. However it is for the members of the body to receive there abodes first. It is for us to teach the rest of mankind and bring them into the kingdom, the new Jerusalem in time {Revelation 21-22}.

I have an invitation to the wedding of the bridegroom, Christ and the bride, the body of Christ. For I am the bride and a guest to the wedding.

But first before the wedding, before I gain accesses to my abode there is something for me to do. Take the evangel to the world. Here are some other things I was told not in any order:

“You have the evangel go forth”

“You will travel wide and far”

These two above confirming the promise to me that was made some years ago, about telling the world.

“It’s time to receive Great Knowledge”

“The provision is coming”

“Time is short, things will happen quickly at great speed, be ready”

“It’s time for the priests to go into the temple.” This to me refers to the Sixfold Division of Mankind. I have covered this in the article: “God's Plan of the Eons”

The priests were camped closed to the tabernacle in the wilderness. They would go into the courtyard were they would cleanse themselves before going into the temple. The body of Christ is the priests who are outside in the courtyard, cleansing themselves before going into the temple. Thus it is approaching the time for us to go into the temple, the Tabernacle. As for the rest of mankind I do believe that they are in the came of the priests. Next for them is to enter the courtyard.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011.

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