Confirmation of 11:30, and the Church Sequence

2 November 2013. Corrected on 9 November 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Back on the 24 October I walked to Western Springs. There I overheard someone mention 30 minutes. This could relate to the 11:30, sign I got at the library, when the woman behind the counter said that her watch stopped at 11:30 last night. This in itself could relate to November 30, which is the date the Stone of Destiny was returned in 1996 and the finish date for Dr Jones pyramid in 2011. Of course it does not have to mean we have to wait until 30 November.

There was about five people that walked past. Following just behind them was a man that looked like he was not part of their group. It looked like he was in a gown, and he said to me as he passed, “are you hungry.” I said “no.” He was holding a loaf of bread. Currently we are hungry for the word, after this three year drought.

On the 30 October I was walking across the Sturges road bridge when I noticed a plaque on it, which said “A small house fits hundred people you love.” The ninth sign is to do with feeding hundred people.

I walked on to St Paul’s in Massey. Inside I walked to the front. To the left of the stage is additional seating, which is where I sat down in the front pew. I wonder if this could indicate something happening in a couple of days, which would be this weekend. I got up and walked on to the stage. As I pasted the seat there I put my hand on the back of it. This could indicate arrive at the seat. After that I left the church.

I have been saying that the Hebrew dates are important. Last year I sat in a chair at another church on the stage on the 6 November, which had the Hebrew date 21 Cheshvan. The 30 October this year was the 26 Cheshvan. However I do take it that arrive at the seat was indeed the 21 Cheshvan, being the 25 October.

On the 31 October I was at the Ellerslie Events centre, on the fourth flour. Along one side of the room are these doors that lead out on to the stadium, to watch horse racing. There was no horse racing this day, thus the doors were locked shut. However I was standing by one door, that was not locked, and the wind blew it open, twice, before someone came and locked it. There is one step down to the door.

On the 1 November a person ring about a TV. I told them to come at 11.00 a.m. The man came and looked at the TV. Then he mentioned video recorder. Which lead to me hunting down the video recorder. After finding it, I could not get it to work with the TV. He brought the TV for $ 30. When he had left I looked at the time, it was 11:30 a.m. The extra time of looking for the video recorder and trying to get it to work, meant that it had taken about half hour or 30 minutes, and he brought it for $30. Then later that night I was watching TV and they mentioned the “Stone of Destiny.”

Recall the library dream with the food counter which I had on the 29 August 2012. The 1 November was the 28 Cheshvan, the eighth Hebrew month. The woman said in the library that her watch stopped at 11:30 last night, that is it stopped the day before. The signs then on the 1 November I take as confirming that was 11:30. Thus arrive at the counter would be the 2 November, if I am correct. However how long then does it take to get the food?

Back on the back on the 26 September we sold a different TV for $30. This was on the 22 Tishrei. At the time this was a watch date due to the signs of RSA meals. The day before was a watch date for arrive at the stage. In my notes there is a month period, or delay between arrive at the stage 21 Tishrei and arrive at the seat 21 Cheshvan. A thirty day period however only takes us to the 21 or 22 Cheshvan.

The 21 Cheshvan, the 25 October this year was the date Dr Jones was commissioned for his trip. You can read more about that in these two weblogs:

Revelation and Preparation for the Philippine Trip

&: More Revelation of the Philippine Trip

In the church sequence however there is additional week which takes us to the 29 Cheshvan, which is from the seat to the lectern. I have noted that there is a difference between this date and the end of the current work along the Mississippi river, which ends a couple of days later.

I note that I sat at the front and waited for a woman to go before I took to the lectern. This then could have indicate that there was still a brief period to go before the lectern.

I observed the Pastor eating the bread at the table on the 1 Kislev, this would match with the current work. On the 1 Kislev last year I sat in a seat in Manawa Wetlands, which is be a sign of the coming knowledge and glory. The other place I sat on the 1 Kislev last year was the summit of Mount Owairaka which represents the Holy Spirit.

The last stop along the river is Elysian Fields Ave. Elysian Fields referring to Paradise in mythology. Fields can relate to the ninth sign. We are to eat the food, bread at the Table of the Lord.

Dr Jones himself is not taking into account the Hebrew dates for his Green Juice fast. The Hebrew dates being 21-28 Cheshvan. However he may be correct we may have to wait until the 14-15 November 2013. The 1 Kislev last year was the 15 November. However this does not match the present signs. Note the apostles were to wait until the Holy Spirit had come, before they journeyed. Dr Jones leaves on the 5 November.

A Judgement:

30 minutes could also relate to the sign of Paul Holmes funeral, when my mother watch the first 30 minutes on the internet having missed that part on TV. I have gotten signs of a funeral service. This to me indicates a judgment, which could take the form of a natural or man made disaster.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013