The Timing of the Gate and the Outpouring of the spirit

17 October 2015

By Mark Farquharson

Back in 2011 on the night of the 27 September I got the sign of the gate, when I observed this large gate opening. There was a date of 30 November connected to this gate. The Coronation Stone was transfered back to Scotland during the period 14-30 November 1996.

Then in 2013 I got additional signs to do with the date of 30 November. That year two televisions were sold. The first one was sold for thirty dollars on the 26 September, that being the 22 of the seventh Hebrew month. Tabernacles goes from the 15 to the 22 of the seventh Hebrew month. That is it was sold on the eighth day of tabernacles. It is also one day short of being two years after the sign of the gate back in 2011. The second TV was sold on the 1 November, the person actually came at 11 a.m. There was a bit of a hold up with trying to get a video recorder to work. In the end he only brought the TV for thirty dollars, leaving at 11:30 a.m. when I looked at the time. Thus the two TVs were sold for the same price.

This could indicate a thirty day period, while the period could go from the 1-30 November of some year, what does the first TV indicate. Thus the period could go from the time of the first TV. That is not to say it goes from the 26 September of some year, for it could go from the 22 of the seventh Hebrew month. This year the 22 of the seventh Hebrew month fell on the 5th of October. Thus the period could go from the 5 October - 3 November 2015 inclusive. In the Hebrew it would be 22/7 - 21/8.

This would fit with what the barber said to me, for he said that he opened at 8 o'clock, no waiting, no delays. The eight in this sign could refer to the eighth Hebrew month. We have been in a delay period, which could end in the eighth Hebrew month.

Earlier this year on the 8 May I got the sign "Just the 15 to go." Two days later the sign was "13 days to go my son." Thus there was just 15 days to go to something. Starting on the 8 May, 15 days would be 8-22 May. Also on the 8 May I looked up an old email that had a subscription going to the 16 Nov 2015. I was later told that it now went to the 30 November. Thus the period had been extended 14 Days. Note 16-30 Nov inclusive is 15 days. This shows that the 22 May and the 30 Nov are connected somehow. There was this phone account credit of $100 that my mum got towards the end of 2014. However there was a delay in getting it. When it was applied on the 8 December it was 115, that is it had increased $15.

On the 22 May 2012 I got the outpouring sign. This then could link to the 30 Nov, and the TVs, which would then indicate the 3 November.

In the book store dream, we are released and I buy two books for ten. Later on the 22 May 2014 I brought two books for $10 each using a thirty dollar gift card. I brought another book on the 4 June for $12.50 using the rest of the card and cash. However what confused me was the fact that on the 24 July of the same year I brought another two books for ten dollars each using cash. Thus if you link the two you can come to the conclusion that the two dates 22 May and 24 July are linked. You could think that the two are signs to do with the same event, that could occur on the 24 July or the 24 of the seventh Hebrew month. However this seem to conflict with the TVs. However the different buying periods of the books might not link in this way.

There was a sign of $12740 on the 22 May 2014, I take the 12000 to be link to the table dream, where there was this table for $12000. After the dream I got signs to do with the Table of the Lord. The 740 is two Hebrew years. Back on the 24 October 2013 I went to a couple of parks and prayed at the tables. Then later I went to Western Springs park and prayed at a table there as well. Then I went for a walk around the lake. While walking around the lake I noticed a group of men that walked past, closely followed by this man dressed in white. He had something in his hand which I took for bread, and he said to me "Are you hungry?" I am not sure what I said. Then he went on his way. Was this strange encounter a sign to do with spiritual food and the table of the Lord? It occurred on the 20 of the eighth Hebrew month, thus two Hebrew years ago from the 3 Nov 2015.

On the 20 and 21 August 2015 I got Easter signs. This could refer to the 20-21 of the eighth Hebrew month. Easter is at the time of Passover, this then could indicate an up coming Passover at this time, which could be the time of the Greatest Passover.

Recent outpouring sign on the 8 October 2015:

"You know it's not going to stop, it's going to keep raining," sign from one woman in group, "At least you got a dry spot in the meantime," sign from another woman in same group.

When the outpouring occurs it is not going to stop, it is going to keep raining, keep pouring out. We are in a dry spot in the meantime as we await the start of the outpouring.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

Open Door Ministry
