Christmas, Moon Signs, Passovers

31 January 2012

By Mark Farquharson

The first lot of dates has now passed that I mentioned recently. That means the second lot of dates become the new watch dates with a change to the last date in that set.

As you know if you had been reading along, I took the sign of the moon in January 2012 to be a type of first or second Passover. My thinking was that it was second Passover as there was a two month delay indication on the birthday. However this could have just been pointing to the time of coronation, as that was two months after Jesus’ actual birthday at the end of September. Thus I took the time of coronation as the point for the Passovers to come. Meaning one in December and the second in January. Since the authority has not come, along with the knowledge and the glory this was incorrect.

This brings me to the indication on His birthday and the Christmas indication. Following the Passovers in April and May last year I got indication on Jesus’ birthday, which I had taken to mean Jesus’ actual birthday. However the Christmas indication points to the celebration of his birthday not his actual birthday. Thus the celebration was 25 Dec, which means the passovers could not come until after his actual birthday.

I had thought there was a passover at the end of December, but this was incorrect. This was revelation to watch for the passover, which comes at the time of the full moon. For I saw the full moon in April and in May at the time of the passovers. I also saw the full moon again in October and November after Jesus’ actual birthday. Thus with the Christmas indication the two Passover should be in January and in February.

What I am looking for is a date shortly after a type of second Passover. I went on this walk which involved going passed a statue of Moses, and I picked up a pamphlet about the Israelites crossing the water after Moses parted it. Thus our journey corresponds in certain ways to the Israelites leaving Egypt. On the walk I visited a cemetery and then crossed a bridge to a church. What happened in the church I take as the point of gaining authority. The cemetery I take as meaning a passover, for at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection, a number of graves opened as some people were resurrected. However these people did not gain immortality and therefore died again. Thus the distance between second passover, the cemetery and authority the Church is not that far. As the church was just across the bridge from the cemetery.

If you look at the journey the Israelites took, after second passover Moses was visited by Jethro. This is when Moses handed out authority to chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, fifties and of tens {Exodus 18:21}. This I take as the point when Jesus will give out authority to the body. The time this happened is unknown, it was some time after second Passover but before they arrived at the mount of Sinai, which I have explained in earlier entries was on the 13 of the third month.

This brings me to the garage signs. Back on the 27 Dec I got the direction that it was left at the garage and up the hill, to were I was going. This walk I was on I take as indication of the journey to Authority. However it is a matter of correctly understanding the indications. This direction was the correct way and should have been taken as first passover. Thus when the sign of the moon came in January this was the correct sign of first passover. Which brings me to left at the garage. I saw this phantom sign on the 7 January at a garage with the number 8 and the end date of the 29 January. Thus I took this as a watch date for it was a sign at a garage and the directions were left at the garage on the 27 Dec. However this was not the date of the authority. It was the date of going passed the garage. What do I mean by that? Well on the 27 July I got the indication that when the sign had been there six months I would be at motorway. It mean I had to wait until that date before I could cross over. Now the date is passed it up the hill. At another garage on the 25 January the man said that it is 32 for tyre pressure. I take this to be a revelation, which I am taking to mean 32 days. Thus the date to watch is 32 days after the date on the phantom sign, which is 1 March 2012.

With the sign of the moon in January being first Passover, then second Passover is 7 February being the 14 of the 11 Hebrew month, with wave-sheaf on the 9 Feb. Unleavened bread feast is from the 8 Feb - 14 Feb. Extend it by a week as in the days of Hezekiah and the second week ends on the 21 Feb. The type of third month when the provision started, starts on the 24 Feb, when the 12 month starts. The last date in this set I mentioned last time was 26 Feb, however I am dropping that date and changing it for 1 March 2012, being the 32 days after the phantom sign. This is 192 days after the date of 22 August 2011, which was six months after the sign. 192 is 24 the number of the priesthood times the number 8, the number of new begins, new creation.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

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