The Rose Connection of the Cathedrals

21 June 2011. Edited 19 March 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Back on the 13 June 2011, Christchurch NZ, had two earthquakes. Christchurch is located in an area of the south Island of NZ called “Canterbury.” This location is important as you will see later. These destroyed the famed Rose window in the Christchurch Cathedral. According to the Cathedral’s own website, the window over resent years had come to personify the Cathedral’s life and presence. This I related to a judgement against the actions, values and message of the Saul type Pentecost Church.

On the 19 June I watch an episode of a program, the episode was called something like “War of the Roses.” The program had been place on in the middle of the night and some episodes were probably missed, hance the need to take note of the name, to try to find out.

This place emphases on the name, and I knew the term “War of the Roses,” refer to an actual event in history. Looking up the event I find out that there was a cycle of civil war in England that started in 1455, known as the “War of the Roses.” There were two roses, the white rose, which was the Houses of York, and the red rose, which was Lancaster. Henry VII married Elizabeth with their children becoming heirs of both York and Lancaster. Yorkist attempts on the throne were defeated.

I prayed about it the night of the 19 June. The thought came to me, “Church of England.” Looking up the “Church of England,” I find that it had many buildings including Cathedrals. One such Cathedral is called “Canterbury Cathedral.” Thus a connection between the one in NZ and the one in England. A recent addition to the Canterbury Cathedral in 1988 was the “Compass Rose” that placed in the Nave. While not a rose window it is called the “Compass Rose,” thus again establishing a connection. The Rose window was not a Compass Rose, but to me there is still a connection. Earlier on the 20 June I was watching a program and the number 23 came up. 1988 plus 23 gets you 2011.

The symbol of The Compass Rose identifies those belonging to the worldwide Anglican Communion. Both Cathedrals are actually Anglican, which is another connection. In the center of the Compass Rose is the cross of St. George which is surrounded by a Greek inscription, "The truth shall set you free." However the church does not put forward the truth, so how does it set you free? This then connects back to the Judgement, for I said it was against their values and message. They place values in all the wrong and incorrect things they teach. It in no way sets anyone free, it actual entraps them. The spread of Anglican Christianity across the world is reflected by the points of the compass. This spread has been real terrible for the people of the world, however it was all part of the overall plan of God. The day all those who have been feed all the false teachings of the church will find out the truth, and they will be set free at last.

Which leads to the question: Is there something about all this that points to some future event? Possible an event at the Canterbury Cathedral? Or an event in another church building that also has the Compass Rose symbol? Or another location that is connected to the Rose symbol?

There is a similar Compass Rose which was dedicated by the same Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie, in the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (National Cathedral) in Washington, D.C. in 1990. Adding 23 to that gets you 2013, the event does not have to happen in 2011. Revelation can come long before the actual event.

The answer to the above questions at this time, is that I do not know.

Of course it does not necessarily have to signal a future event, it could just be revelation about the event on the 13 June 2011, and a connection between these Cathedrals.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Edited 19 March 2012

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