Waiting for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Unknown Period

7 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Well another set of watch dates has past and the knowledge and glory did not come, there was no outpouring of the spirit and no coming of authority, and the chosen were not revealed. After a watch date one has to analysis what did happen and what did not happen. Review the signs and indications, to try to understand them better.

I get signs, indications and revelations, these I try to understand and then show my understanding of them to you the readers of these entries. I can only do my best to understand and pray about them to get understanding of them.

There was a Passover on the 2 August, this going by the signs I got on that day. I take it that it was a Passover and it was the second Passover, after the one on the 4 July.

I thought going by my understand of the signs that the outpouring and the other stuff would come on the 4 August. Then I realised this was a weekly Sabbath, thus I changed it to 5 August. The Israelites in the wilderness got the knowledge and glory on the 15/16 of the second month, the second passover is on the 14 of the second month. Thus the indication was that these would come on the 4 of August, but you can not have the wave-sheaf on the weekly sabbath, Saturday, thus it would be the next day, the 5 August.

I have been shown sequences of events, these I try to understand. From one of these sequences, I worked out that it started on the 30 March 2012. Then I thought another date point was the 4 July. Looking at the map of the sequence, the next point looked like a third of this distance. There is 96 days between these dates, a third of that is 32 days which gets you the 5 August.

This next point has seats, and it is where I got the sign of the coming outpouring of the holy spirit on the chosen, the body. My thinking on the sign has not changed, I still believe that it was a sign of a coming outpouring of the spirit. There are then two possibilities as to why the outpouring did not occur. One I am completely wrong on where we are in the sequences. Two I am correct, and thus at the seat point, but there is a period of time that I did not know about.

Going through the sequences and the signs it does at this time appear to me that I am correct, and in the sequences I have arrive at the seat point. However there is a cycle, or period of time to wait at this point before the outpouring of the spirit.

If I look at the indications I had a seat date indication on the 16 February this year. That is in our second month, thus the 16 of the second month can indicate the 16 of the second Hebrew month. My thinking still is that the year started on the 21 June 2012, thus the seat indicates the 4 August in my year. However there was a later seat indication that of the 21 February, this would be the end of Unleavened bread and convert to 9 August 2012.

We are coming up to a date point from last year being the 22 August. I got the sign last year, “the sign had been there 6 months.” I took this to be from the 22 February -22 August 2011. The 22 February last year was the Christchurch NZ earthquake. On the 22 August last year a motorway over bridge was opened. Using this as a date point this year for my sequences the knowledge, glory, outpouring and authority should come before that date. I know that the date point of the 30 March last year was a date point for this year for the sequences. Thus I can use date points from previous years, although one should be careful.

There is another possible date that has just come to me, the 12 August, which is the date of the closing ceremony of the Olympic games. Why the closing ceremony, well as already covered in previous entries the signs I have got indicate to me that the second judgement will be on London. My thinking has been that it will occur during the Olympics.

Just briefly on the judgement, I have got no indication or sign that it will come by way of a staged alien attack. They had a spacecraft land at the closing ceremony of the 1984 Olympics. There is also mention of a attack by fighter jets online, I have had no indication or sign that it will come by fighter jets. My question would be who would attack? Iran, they are not going to be allow to fly over Europe to get to England. What of flying over Africa, but would not the aircraft carriers in the strait attack them. Another country? It seems unlikely to me.

There was a sign the other day that I watch on the news. The full moon rose up though the Olympic rings that are hanging from Tower bridge in London. In the reports on line they say it formed a sixth ring, and you can see it pass though the black ring at this link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2183904/Breathtaking-photo-shows-moon-forming-sixth-ring-Olympic-display-Londons-Tower-Bridge.html

As covered in the entry, “Comments on Divine Visitation at St Paul’s,” the David versus Discover Card was held in room 216. This number is connected to Jericho which means "moon." Joshua overthrew Jericho, and the diameter of the moon is 2160 miles. In this sign the moon is being connected to the Olympics and to London. This to me is a sign that London is the Jericho of today that will be overthrown.

The prophecy of the revaluation of the dinar stated that it would revalue at 3:18. Back on the 25 July I got the number 300. I got this number again on the 3 August and late that day I got the number 18. Then I got the number 300 on the 6 August. My thinking now is it could mean 300 days. From the first of the seventh Hebrew month, last year, the 29 September 2011 to the 25 July 2012 is 300 days. The first of the seventh month is the time of Rosh Hashanah and the start of the Jewish year, or civil year. The other year is the feast year or religious year or what I usually call the Hebrew year. Taking the full 318 days you get the 12 August 2012, which is the date of the closing ceremony. The closing ceremony starts at 9 pm and is expected to go until 11:45 pm British Summertime.

Quote: The cauldron has what they call 204 burning petals, representing each nation coming together for the games. Each petal was brought by a child from each nation and each petal will return to a nation. The 204 copper petals could be rose symbology but some are seeing it differently. The petals are stored upside down and look like thorns before they are flipped over and attached to the gas tubes and become petals.

The thorn imagery could then be interpreted as the burning bush that was not consumed if viewed in that manner. Coupled with the capstone number 204 this is pretty amazing….


A man named Redgrave (Adam dead?) passed the flame to seven children who lit the cauldron.


End quote from Ray. The burning bush is covered in the bible in Exodus 3:3-6.

Dr Jones built a pyramid last year on the 29 November and placed the capstone on the pyramid on the 30 November. From the 30 November to the opening ceremony of the games is 240 days. 24 is the number of the heavenly elders, and the priesthood. Counting to the closing ceremony it is 256 days a difference of 16, which is the number for love and resurrection.

I was looking at the Divine Visitation at St Paul’s. On the 14 July Dr Jones, Chad and Brad, were lead to go to the “downtown area of St. Paul, Minnesota to issue some decrees from the Divine Court.” While there they cast a sealed metal cup in the river. Back on the 9 July 2010, the barley was cast into the head waters and the leaking oil well in the gulf was capped 144 hours later.

“When that was completed, we went to the river to give Babylon written notification of this judgment. Chad was led to tear two pages from his Bible, Jeremiah 50 and 51, put it into a sealed metal cup, and cast it into the river. This is what Jeremiah did in his day (Jer. 51:60-64). We put our signatures on the sheets, along with a date.”

From Dr Jones FFI Newsletter: Separating Land and Sea, Divine Visitation at St. Paul

Thus at sometime in the future the judgment will occur on Babylon. My view of Babylon is different to Dr Jones view, as I view it as a city, that being the city of London. I do not what time of day this occur, I know they meet at the coffee shop about 9:30 a.m., which was 3:30 p.m. British Summertime. Using the time of 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the 12 August I got 702 hours. Using the actual start time of the ceremony of 9 p.m. and subtracting 700 hours you get 5 p.m. on the 14 July, converting this to the time in St. Paul, Minnesota you get 11 am. 70 is the number for Restoration of all.

Volcanic Signs: In the north Island Mt Tongariro erupted on the 6 August 2012 at 11.50pm. This eruption is the first in more than a century at the Te Mari Craters.

“GeoNet this morning said the plume from the eruption last night was steam-driven, coming from the hydrothermal system rather than from new molten lava rising to the surface.” http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10825125

Of the coast of New Zealand is White Island which had a small erupted recently with the alert level raised from 1 to 2 on the 6 August.

I have got volcano signs, I do not know if these eruptions are connected to those signs. Another sign is a geyser sign, and this was from a hydrothermal system. Prince Albert is a sign I have got. Mt Albert was named after prince Albert of the England royal family. The Mt Albert area was formed by volcanic active, and is where the overgrown garden sign was which is cover in this entry: London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

The sign of the cloaked woman, a statue in Alice Wylie reserve is on a mound of scoria that represents the volcanic history of the area. This reserve has a plaque to women’s suffragette 1893-93. There are sequences which have plaques to women’s suffragette 1893-93. I connect this in these sequences to the time of the coming of the knowledge and the glory. One is in a garden in a Unitec. The statue of the cloaked woman is a sign of a veil, when the veil is lifted the woman is revealed, the chosen will soon be revealed.

An indication that an underground eruption caused by a hydrothermal system will be the judgement to occur on London? That I do not know at this time.

The Sign of Jubilee:

The Mt Albert Baptist has a Jubilee Hall. Stratford subway station in London is the brand new station at the Olympic Park and is part of the Jubilee Line and Jubilee Extension Line.

“We then drove to the Minnesota State Capital to deal with more counterfeits and usurpers.”

“At the replica of the Liberty Bell, we spoke the word of Jubilee, reading the inscription on the bell. That inscription is, "Proclaim liberty to all the inhabitants thereof," taken from Lev. 25:10, which speaks of the law of Jubilee. We then rang the bell.”

From Dr Jones FFI Newsletter: Separating Land and Sea, Divine Visitation at St. Paul

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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