God Loves You


By Mark Farquharson

No matter who you are, no matter what you have done, no matter if you’re a believer or an unbeliever, God loves you. That’s right, let me say it again, in case you missed it:


I have no idea who you are, I can’t tell who is reading this blog, but I know that God loves you. Even if you never come to this blog ever again, I know God loves you. And everyone else out there that is not reading this blog, and will never read this blog, I know that God Loves them, each and everyone of them.

It does not matter when the person lived, or how they lived, or what they did, God loves them unconditionally. That means there are no strings, no barriers, no matter what God loves you and everybody else. That’s right no matter what any one else says even if they are a priest, I know God Loves You and everybody else.

God is the Father of the human race, he is the Father of everybody. God is the loving Father of the whole human race. He loves everybody, and is the Father of everybody. No matter what you think of God he will always love you. No matter what you do God will always love you.

If you already know that God Loves you, then that is wonderful, but if you don’t then I am here to tell you, again and again if needed be, but if you still don’t believe this, then that is fine, even if you don’t believe that God loves you, it does not make it untrue, it is True, God really does Love you.

You may think that he does not know you, or that he does not care about you, well you would be wrong, very wrong, because I know that God Loves everybody, and that God cares about everybody, and he knows everybody.

God’s plan is to reconcile everyone to him, that is everyone who ever lived, through out all time. All mankind will be saved, contrary to what most Churches teach. Not only that all creation will be saved, that’s right all the animals will be saved, and all the evil spiritual beings. God loves them all, and will reconcile all them back to him, and save them all, no matter what anyone else says.

God Bless you all, who ever you are.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009 edited Jan 2010

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