Bearing Fruit and Open Door

25 February 2014

By Mark Farquharson

You should read these weblogs before proceeding:

1) Bob Jones--his final prophecy

2) Bob Jones memorial service and prophecy

3) Overthrowing the golden calves

Recall the end of the second cycle of 76 day cycle is the 15 April 2014. First Passover is 14 April, Wave sheaf is the 16, for I take it as the day after the special sabbath, but if you take it as after the weekly sabbath, then the 20. End of unleavened bread 21 April.

Due to the two hundred day cycles last year, the 16 April could link back to 11 March, which could link to entering the Temple.

This connects to the Open Door, however now I think this might not be when it opens. Recall that on 15 April 2012 I was declaring the Door Open, this lasted until the 6 May 2012. As I said in the last entry Chorus is lying the cables for faster broadband services. A few weeks back the letter came that they would be laying cable in my street and that this would be finished on 15 April, which is the end of the cycle. There was no action to start with for a couple of weeks and I wondered if there would be a delay. However I noticed them working in the back street. Then on the 24 February they come up my street and started digging hols in the ground.

In the last entry I mentioned that back in 2011, Chorus split from Telecom NZ. The meet was held on the 27 Sept 2011, after the meet as we drove out that night, I observed the large gate opening. When we drove in I did not observe the gate. The split completed on the 30 Nov of that year. That was a 64 day period. The 30 Nov is the anniversary date for the Stone of Destiny and the building of the pyramid by Dr Jones. 64 days on the to the end of the cycle would bring you to 19 June the anniversary of the Marriage Proposal and the Ring on the 21 June. Last week I was out walking and I observed this car that was double-park, that is it was parked alongside another car. Cars were having to drive around it, then just before this truck coming up the road the car was moved out of the way. It had the number plate CFT 999. Changing the letters to numbers you have 3 6 20, for the first part. This could indicate 20 June, unless it means something else. The number 999 means a staircase to heaven, and connects to the Open Door. I walked on to a supermarket. In the supermarket I was coming up to go though the express self service lane, when I notice a checkout operator, thus I went to that lane. She said to me “I’m not stopping you.” Meaning she was not stopping me going to the self service lane. I was only getting one item, coffee actually, and there was a trolley blocking my way. Thus I had to move the trolley out of the way to get out of the lane.

Later while thinking about what she said, I noticed that I had lost my piece of paper that I had with me to make notes and my Rainbow’s End pen. Thus I had written the plate number down, then I had lost the piece of paper with the number on it. Did I loss it in the supermarket when I got my money out at the checkout? I can not be sure. Does this mean the stopping or blockage will be removed on or around the 20 June?

Later I went into Mt Albert Methodist Church, where I was offered a drink of tea or coffee or water. I did not take a drink, and only stayed briefly. I had just brought coffee at the supermarket, and now she was offering me coffee. Thus the church will no longer be stopping me, that is us, on a certain date in the future. Just a bit more on this, back on the 25 October 2012, I went into St Paul’s church in central Auckland where I was offered coffee, but did not have any. They usually do not open during the week, but they were open this weekday as they were preparing for a wedding the next day. Recall the wedding proposal 19 and the ring 20 June.

Back on the 20 June 2013 I went with some other people to watch the movie “After Earth” at St Lukes shopping mall. We watched it in Cinema 6. This year I watched it on the night of the 9 February on TV. In NZ it is summer, it was really hot, thus the ranch slider was open. Usually when it is hot it is open a bit, however on the 9 Feb. it was wide open until just before the movie.

However this would be after the buds would bloom and the apple tree itself as according to the prophecy of Bob Jones these are meant to occur in spring. First the blooms come then the fruit appearing in May.

Which brings me to the sign of the outpouring. Back On the 22 May 2012, I got a sign that I took as the sign of the outpouring. The 22 May this year will be the 22 of the second Hebrew month. Second Unleavened Bread goes to the 21 of the second month, being a day ahead in NZ, it could indicate the 21 May elsewhere. Bob Jones died on 14 February and the service was on the 21 February 2014. The 14 February is a type of second Passover. In the weblog “Bob Jones memorial service and prophecy,” {link above} Dr Jones mentions the revelation of the “bearing fruit” on the 21 February 2001. Thus will the fruit bear on the 21 of the second Hebrew month in May?

On Sunday I went to look at a house that was for sale, the real-estate agent was named Cherry. It was number 87 Manhattan Heights. Between the 23 February and the 21 May is 87 days. There was a wooden chair outside that I sat on to put my shoes back on. Back on the 16 February 2012, I sat in the chair on the stage in Lady of Lourdes and on the 21 February 2012, I sat in the chair on stage in St Benedict’s Church.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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