Part 12 God’s Will

Can man’s Freewill frustrate God’s will? Can man really deign his destiny? As was covered in the Freewill section, man does not have freewill. Therefore man can not frustrate the will of God.

Can God the creator of the Heavens and the earth can be resisted or frustrated by a single person? No God did NOT give man freewill, and therefore can not be resisted or be frustrated by a single person.

Is God able to do what He likes, or is there barriers to His will?

Isaiah 46:10 declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past those things which were not done, saying, My counsel shall rise; and, I will do all My desire; {LITV}

Psalms 135:6 All that Yahweh desires, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. {LEB}

There are no barriers, man can not get in the way of God’s desire. God is all knowing He has already declared the end from the beginning. He knows how it will end, and ensures the outcome that He desires.

Daniel 4:35 And all those living in the earth are counted as nothing. And He does according to His will among the army of Heaven, and among those living in the earth. And no one is able to strike His hand or say to Him, What are You doing? {LITV}

No one can question God over what He is doing, or stop Him. For God does according to His will both in the heavens and on the earth. There is no one, nothing at all that can stand in God’s way. This shows that God is All powerful, He is omnipotent. If man had Freewill, then God is not omnipotent, He is not all powerful. Are we to deny that God is all powerful, that He is sovereign over all?

“….man DOES make choices, however, he DOES NOT have ultimate and final control over his own destiny. It is God who is in control of all forces and environmental conditions and He will use these however He chooses in order to accomplish His will...From

Additional verses that show just that God is the one in control:

Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart, deviseth his way, but, Yahweh, directeth his steps. {REB}

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the devices in a man’s heart, but, the counsel of Yahweh, that, shall stand. {REB}

Proverbs 21:1 Streams of water are the heart of a king in the hand of Yahweh; wherever he will desire, he will turn. {LEB}

Romans 9:18-19 Consequently, then, to whom He will, He is merciful, yet whom He will, He is hardening. You will be protesting to me, then, "Why, then, is He still blaming? for who has withstood His intention?" {CLV}

No one can withstand the intention of God.

Romans 20-21 O man! who are you, to be sure, who are answering again to God? That which is molded will not protest to the molder, "Why do you make me thus?" Has not the potter the right over the clay, out of the same kneading to make one vessel, indeed, for honor, yet one for dishonor? {CLV}

God is the one that molds people to be honorable or dishonorable.

...As no one would deny that God is sovereign over all things (including Satan), it is God who can change circumstances as He pleases to bring about the desired effect. In this way, we may think we are totally independent from God in the choices we make, but in reality, there is Someone greater than ourselves working behind the scenes to bring about a perfectly orchestrated finale. God is the great conductor who controls and leads men to respond with a simple wave of His baton.” From

In the “Christian Universalism” section I will cover the will of God for All Mankind, for everyone.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2021

Part 13 Just What Do You Mean “ALL”

All Will Be Saved