Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit, Watch Dates Nov 30 & Dec 8

November 11, 2016, Updated Nov 20, 2016

By Mark Farquharson

I know it has now been several months since I did my last journal entry, however it turns out that God did not want me to write anything over this time. I have had to wait on further revelation, to do with signs I have gotten earlier this year and in the years before.

As you should know by now there are various ways of measuring time. For instance there is the western calendar, and the Hebrew calendar, in fact there are two Hebrew calendars. Then in terms of prophecy a day can equal a year. Today I want to introduce you to some new ways of measuring time.

Last year on July 28 I went to this medical clinic and I had to wait 15 minutes to get the results and then I had to wait another 15 minutes after that before I could leave, which is a total of half an hour. Other people may go to a clinic and it will not be a sign or revelation. However I do take this as a sign. How long is half an hour? When does this half an hour start?

Then on May 12 2016 was another time I had to wait 15 minutes, before I was meant to leave. The date last year was July 28, however the Hebrew date was the 12 of the fifth Hebrew month, using the festive calendar. This confirms for me that these are signs. My thinking is that the half hour then starts on the 12 of the fifth Hebrew month this year, I will get into when that is later.

The next time I went to a branch of the clinic, not the same branch, but the same organization was on June 1st 2016. This time I could go straight away, but I had to wait 15 minutes before removal of the plaster and wait an hour before any heavy lifting. My thinking is that the wait is half an hour from the fifth Hebrew month, the hour is to do with understanding how to measure time.

I did do some heavy lifting on June 24, that is an indication that an hour is 24 days, and half an hour would be 12 days. However half an hour can be a lot longer than 12 days as I will explain. Shortly after going to the clinic I was waiting for a shop to open. There was this sign that said back in five minutes. This old lady said to me how long is five minutes? that sign has been there an hour. Thus five minutes is an hour, therefore half an hour is six hours. I did say it can be a lot longer, this is shorter than 12 days, but it is also a lot longer if you look at it another way. Recall that 24 days is an hour, well if five minutes is an hour then five minutes is 24 days, thus half an hour is six times this, which comes out at 144 days.

I had got a new battery for my watch last year, the battery was still under guarantee, but the watch had start to lose time. On August 24 2016, I went back to the place. He said it would be five minutes. When I went back he said that there was nothing wrong with the battery. This confirms to me that five minutes is 24 days, therefore half an hour is 144 days.

Thus all I have to do is add 144 days to the 12th day of the fifth Hebrew month, not so fast. There is disagreement of a Hebrew month as to when the Hebrew year started. With out getting into the different view points, I have worked out which date to go from, which I believe is the right one. Thus the date for the 12 of the fifth Hebrew month was on July 18 2016, adding 144 days on to this date you get Dec 8 2016.

Back in 2014 I got the sign of 12740. The 12000 is the number of people for a tribe in Revelation it is also the cost of the table in my table dream. The 740 I have taken to mean 740 days. The question has always been from where. If I go back from December 8 2016 I get a date of November 30 2014.

Back in 2013 I was give the sign of 12288.73. What then is the meaning of the 288, as it turns out I have only can across the mean of this very recently. For as I learnt this year half an hour is 144 days, thus an hour is 288 days. Very recently I got the number 8883288, the 288 being the hour or 288 days and the 888 being the number for Jesus. What then of the three or is it 3288? It turns out that 3288 is exactly nine years, and something very important happened nine years ago, on November 30.

If one goes back to the time in 2007, there is no mention of what happened that I could find on God's Kingdom Ministries. Recently this year, I have been getting signs of 12 months or a year. If I go forward a year to 2008 I do find mention of what took place. There could have been comment on it early, but I have not found mention of it. Interestingly the weblog entry is dated Dec 8 2008.

What did happen on Nov 30 2007? The Tabernacles Church was Established. Read about it here:

Thus Nov 30 2016 will be nine years after the Tabernacles Church was established, the number nine means judgement, and signifies the gifts and fruits of the spirit. Thus after nine years is it now time for the fruits and gifts of the spirit to be manifested.

Why then eight days or on the eighth day? Eight is new birth, new creation, and it could signal a prayer for rain, or some other prayer.

Sometime ago now the barber said to me that he opens at 8 am no delays, no waiting. Earlier this year he said close enough when I put the change on the counter after handing him a $10 note. This last time when I put the change on the counter he said, "right on the money."

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