Transition Period to Your Destiny

19 November 2011

By Mark Farquharson

Ten years ago their was prayer campaign called “The Prayer Campaign of Entering into the Millennium of Rest” that ended on 14 Nov. Here is the most notable decrees and declarations, according to Dr Jones:

“(1) We declared before the Court that the ministry of miracles would be done in the earth, according to the Covenant of Miracles that God made in Exodus 34:10,

"Then God said, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been produced in all the earth, nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of the Lord, for it is an awesome thing that I am going to perform with you."

(2) We decreed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in order that people will come to the knowledge of the Truth. We understood this to include primarily the biblical teaching of the Restoration of All Things.

On Nov. 11, 2001 we again prayed and decreed for the oppressed of the world to hear the Word. We also were given revelation that a New Era was beginning, as the overcomers were being equipped to do the work of the ministry of miracles that lay ahead.

On Nov. 14, 2001 the prayer campaign ended with the Coronation of the Overcomers.”

From: Ten-year patterns being repeated now--Part 1

This confirms what I said about Heralding with Signs:

“Jesus was manifested to the eleven remaining disciples, after His resurrection from the dead. They had not believed those who told them that Jesus had be raised from the dead. Then Jesus told them to Herald the evangel.

Mark 16:15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation." {CLV}

It is coming up to the time when the chosen will be told to Herald the evangel to all the nations……

Jesus then stated the signs that they would do as they herald the evangel.

Mark 16:17-18 Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it." {CLV}

Those who believed at that time, performed the signs….However I do believe the time is coming again when those in Christ will be able to do signs. You will have to wait until you know the time is right to do signs….”

From: “Heralding with Signs & Being Accused Our Message is From the Devil

Remember the Hezekiah Factor, thus ten years later what can we expect? Well we are waiting on the Coronation, but the 14 Nov has pasted, when should we expect it? This is what Dr Jones states:

“Even so, this is just the start of a 2-week transfer of authority that should end November 29/30. How so? Because the 15-year Hezekiah extension means that events in 1996 are now resurfacing in 2011. What happened Nov. 14-30, 1996? It was when the Coronation Stone was returned to Scotland after being in London for 700 years. It left London on Nov. 14, 1996 and arrived at its destination in Edinborough, Scotland on November 30, 1996.

This is the pattern we are seeing today, 15 years later. It was prophesied by their actions in 1996, but there was also a delay, due to the extension of Hezekiah's life……”

“…….Hence, Prince Andrew presided over the Coronation Stone as it was given back to Scotland. Scotland's "patron saint" is Saint Andrew. It was returned on November 30, which is St. Andrews Day. Andrew means "man, manly." So we saw this as the princes of men giving the dominion to the saints of the Most High--the Saint Andrew company.

While this occurred prophetically in 1996, the Hezekiah extension has delayed this transfer of authority until 2011. We are now in that transition from Nov. 14-30, 2011.

The Coronation of the Overcomers was prophesied ten years ago, Nov. 14, 2001. "Hezekiah" died Oct. 8, 2011, and we are now seeing the procession leading to the coronation ceremony on Nov. 30.

These are momentous times. Get ready to fulfill your destiny.”

From: “The Procession leading to the Coronation of the Remnant

There is a ten year Hezekiah Factor and a 15-year Hezekiah extension. Dr Jones clarification of events:

“In 1996 the Hezekiah extension began, which caused a 15-year delay in events being prophesied at the time.

Hezekiah's "death" occurred on the Day of Atonement, Oct. 8, 2011.

When a king dies, his son takes over, and it is called "the beginning of his reign." This occurs immediately while the actual coronation ceremony is being planned.

On Nov. 14, 2011 (yesterday) the coronation ceremony began with a 2-week procession.

The actual coronation, I believe, occurs on November 30, 2011. This pattern was established first by the placement of the Coronation Stone on the oak table in Edinborough on Nov. 30, 1996.

We are now ten years later, when we are able to see the results of this manifest in the earth. For this reason, Nov. 14, 2011 (yesterday) marked the final end to the challenges and warfare. It also marked the start of the Coronation Procession Ceremony leading to Nov. 30, 2011.

The Coronation Stone is called The Stone of Destiny. We are now preparing for our Destiny in the New Era that lies ahead.”

From: “Summary of Events for clarification

Hezekiah's son is Manasseh who started to reign when he was 12. Remember Jesus at 12 in Luke 2:41-50.

Luke 2:49 Not ye had perceived that in the of the Father of me is binding to be me. {Concordant Greek Text Sublinear}

A truly remarkable period of time will begin very soon. This period will be a short period before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this period we will be preparing the way for our Lord, by heralding the true evangel to all the world. This will be accompanied by doing signs, that is miracles.

What of my own revelations, how do they fit with this date? That will be covered in another entry.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011.

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