Fourth Sign of the Moon

12 November 2011. Edited 13 Nov 2011. Corrected 20 Nov.

By Mark Farquharson

On the 4 Nov, the numbers 2, 29, 3X4=12, 46, 4 no 5. Red Wine. “let me out” maybe some reference to “Let my people go”?

On 6 Nov, I was awoken at 6:36 am. 36 is the number being my age and the number from the dream, what then of the 6. I am thinking 6 months, thus 28 April plus 6 months gets you 28 Oct. The eighth Hebrew month started on the 29 Oct.

On the 9 Nov I got an Easter sign and I saw the moon just before it was full moon.

On 10 Nov I saw the actual full moon. This is the fourth sign of the moon this year. I reported back in the entry “Sign of Moon on the 13 October 2011” that the next full moon would be on 10 Nov. Recalling from the earlier entry on the moon, I saw a full moon on 18 April, 17 May and 13 Oct. Thus no sign of the moon in the months June, July, August or September.

What was it about April, that was the first Hebrew month. In the first month you have Passover, Wave-Sheaf and Unleavened Bread. The important ones are the first two, with Passover on the 20 April and Wave Sheaf/Firstfruit on the 22 April this year.

Now May was the second Hebrew month and if Israel missed the feasts in the first month there was the opportunity to have them in the second month. Thus you have Second Passover which was on the 18 May and Second Firstfruit on the 20 May.

October was the seventh Hebrew month and had Trumpets 29 Aug, Day of Atonement 8 Oct and Tabernacles 13-20 Oct. However I think there is something else going on here, that relates this back to the first Hebrew month, with the sign of the moon.

November this year is the eighth Hebrew month. The sign of the moon this month relates it back to the second Hebrew month, with Second Passover and Second Firstfruit.

What is it about Passover and Firstfruit? Jesus died on Passover in the first Hebrew month and was resurrected on Firstfruit. Back in February on the 14, I got the sign of the cross and on the 16 February I got the sign of the empty tomb, for Jesus was resurrected. Note this sign came in the second month, indicating the second observance of Passover and Firstfruit which occurred in May this year along with the second sign of the moon. Now in October I got the sign of the moon which I relate back to the sign of the moon I got in April, and in Nov I got the sign of the moon which I relate back to the sign I got in May.

Why the sign of Jesus’ death and resurrection, because he was the one who liberated the world from sin, he freed the world, by His death on the 14 of the first Hebrew month and resurrection on the 16 of the same month.

There is a liberation coming for those in spiritual Egypt. Remember I pasted Liberty Church on 17 August. On the 5 October I went pasted the statue of Moses and picked up the “Israel in Egypt” pamphlet. Now the Israelites were to put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts on the 14 of the first Hebrew month. They started to leave on the night of the 14, travelling to the sea. The next night, the 15 they started to crossed the sea, but they did not finish crossing until the next morning of the 16 of the first Hebrew month.

Thus when then is this to all happen? Well this is an indication but here is what I think at the moment. Remember the construction sign 22 July-21 August. The 21 of the eighth Hebrew month is the 18 Nov. The 150 day count from the sign of the ring 21 June gets you 18 Nov and 210 days from Firstfruit gets you 18 Nov.

The dates would still be the same, that is Passover on the 14 and Unleavened Bread 15-21 of the Hebrew month in question. Thus the eighth Hebrew month patterned on the second, the 14 of the eighth month was the 11 Nov, and Unleavened Bread is 12-18 Nov.

One think to remember is that I am in NZ, which is ahead of the rest of the world, time wise. Not sure how this effects the dates, but we are only talking about a day.

Dr Jones stated that the 490 days form the eighth sign are 11-17 Nov. Note this would be US time for the eighth sign was of the coast of the US. Now NZ is ahead of the USA time wise. Being currently 18 hours ahead of New York, for NZ is in daylight savings time. Thus one could think that it could be the 17 in the US and the 18 in NZ. However it is not 24 hours, therefore it can be the 17 in the US and still be the 17 in NZ.

In the last entry called “Ready to Go,” I mentioned the 14 Nov. It turns out this is an actual watch day for back in 2001 there was a prayer campaign called "Entering the Millennium of Rest" from Nov. 1-14, US time.

On the 10 Nov I got the “New York, New York” sign. Back on the 6 March the words “New York, New York,” repeated in my head. This is the name of a sign, and I take it at the moment to be related to the sign about a person going to New York.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Edited 13 Nov 2011 & Corrected 20 Nov.

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