Saved from What?

By Mark Farquharson

Is God saving us from Hell?

Did God create Hell?

If God did not create Hell, then there is no need to save us from this place, because it does not exist.

Are people going to burn forever in Hell, Along with the devil? No!!!

God is Love. God is not some evil torturer that create Hell. Why build Hell if no one goes there?

The penalty for sin is death, not Hell. When Adam and Eve sinned, they where sentenced to die, they died spiritual, they where separated from God, and they eventually died physical. And God killed Animals to cloth them, to show them what death is.

Animals in the old testament where killed to atone for sin, both for the person, and for the nation of Israel… These dead animals did not then go to hell…

When Jesus Christ paid the price for everyone’s sins, he died, but he did not go to Hell. He did not go on any missions in Hell, ether, different to what some believe… He was dead… His spirit went to God, the Father, there was nothing Jesus could do while he was dead…

God is going to raise us from the dead, and reconcile us to him…

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2007

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