Limiting God’s Love and Abilities


By Mark Farquharson

God is the creator of the universe, and all that is in the universe. People will ready believe that God is the creator of the universe, that he create the stars, the planets, earth, trees, animals and mankind. He is all powerful, he is the creator of all, he is all knowing, and He is the Father of everybody.

However people seem to want to limit is his love and his abilities. They say that he can not save everybody, or that he will not save everybody. One of these limits his ability, the other limits his love. If god is beyond by the will of man, then he is not all powerful, his abilities are limited. If god will not save everyone, but he can, then he does not love everybody. These two factors limit his ability and his love.

How can the creator of everything in the universe, be limited by the will of man. He is the maker, but that which is made can dictate to the maker? This is impossible, that which is made by the creator is not more powerful than the maker.

I am here to tell you that my God, who is the Father of everybody, loves everybody. His love is not limited, he is Love. God is not beyond by the will of man, God is in control. God’s will is to save everybody, and he will not be stopped by anyone, man or evil spirit.

That which is made by the creator does not know everything. How can it chose, when it does not know all there is to know? The fact of the matter is that, there is no choice to be made. There is no Hell, how can someone chose something that does not exist? The choice is between the Kingdom and the Lake of Fire. However the choice has already be decide by God long ago. However those who go to the Lake, will not be there forever, they too will get into the Kingdom.

God not only can save everybody, he will save everybody. This is who the real God is, this is the love of God. Do not be fooled by the churches, by ministers, by those who really don’t know the true God.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009