Signs Thomas, Bowling & the Revalue

27 April 2013

By Mark Farquharson

I got some interesting signs this week, however if I understand these correctly, it throws out my earlier watch dates. The first sign I will mention came on Tuesday, with a man called Thomas. In the scriptures Thomas is the disciple who was not with the other disciples when they meet Jesus after his resurrection. The scriptures tell us that it was after eight days, then Thomas meet with Jesus. The eighth day, counting Tuesday, is the following Tuesday, that is the 30 April. After eight days is the 1 May. The other sign on Tuesday was the number 12,000. This connects to a dream I had where there was a table that cost 12,000. It also connects to the 12 tribes in Revelation, which each have 12,000.

On Wednesday I went Ten Pin Bowling. I have never done it before and I only find out the day before that I was going. The address is 199 Lincoln road, Henderson, Auckland. We were put in to groups, my group was lane 20. I scored 51, using size ball 8. The winner of our group scored 88. Note the number for Jesus is 888.

Back on the 10 July 2010, there was a spiritual work carried out at the

Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, by a group of 12 people. James was lead to anoint a man of 20 years old with the oil “Exodus II.” Then he was lead to anoint the oldest who had just turned 88 on the 8th, with the oil “Egyptian Gold.” She was in a rented wheelchair from a company called Genesis II. You can read about that work here: Spiritual Work at the Fed

While there was no anointing of anyone at the Ten Pin Bowling or any oil for that matter, one can see similarities between the two. Lane 20 at the bowling and a man of 20 years anointed at the Fed. There was a winning score of 88, and the oldest to be anointed was 88. I used size 8, and the oldest person at the Fed turned 88 on the 8th.

There are 52 weeks in the year, thus 51 could refer to the fact that there have been 51 weeks, thus a week to go. This would then indicate Tuesday the 30 April for the last day or the 1 May for the first day of the new year, if Wednesday was the start of the week. During the period of the 16 April-6 May last year I was “Declaring the Door of Heaven Open.” However I am not sure why you would start you count on the 1 May, instead of the 16 April or the 6 May.

What of the address 199, it could connect to a number of days. If one starts counting on the eighth day of Tabernacles last year, that is form the 8 October 2012, the 199th day would be 24 April 2013. This could then link to the 205 that I have mentioned recently. Recall that in the dream that Julius had, he was

“looking at the CBI site and saw a dollar/dinar 1:1 and some of the other currencies had dashes ----- or 205.” This would then mean that I was wrong about it linking to hour equals month. If it is then a day count, which counts from Tabernacles last year, then day 205 would be the 30 April 2013.

On the 21 April 2013, I got signs to do with a wedding and a ring. Note that the sign of the ring came on the 21 June 2001. Thus is this a sign to compare April to June. If that is the case, then is May linked to July. The first of the seventh Hebrew month is the feast of Trumpets, and is also the date of the birth of Jesus Christ.

There have also been signs of Christmas, on the 22, 24 and the 25 April. Back on the 30 December 2011, I got the sign “Opening the Door of Heaven.” Does this also indicate the 30 April, it is a possibility.

Why then the 30 April over the 28 April, which should be the wave-sheaf for second Passover? It could link to the sign of half hour, which I have understood to be 30 days. If you take the first wave-sheaf as being on the 31 March after first Passover, and start a 30 day count then you get the 30 April.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013