The Kingdom: The New Heavens and Earth

The Tabernacle 

Acts 15:14-16 Simon unfolds how God first visits the nations, to obtain out of them a people for His name." And with this agree the words of the prophets, according as it is written, After these things I will turn back, 'And I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen... And its overturned structure will I rebuild, And I will re-erect it... " {CLV}

For the last almost 2000 years God has been visiting the nations to obtain out of them a people. Paul was chosen to begin the work of get the evangel to the nations. After obtain the people from the nations the tabernacle of David is to be rebuilt. This Tabernacle will be on the old earth during the millennium, but after the earth is destroyed there the Tabernacle will descend out of Heaven to the New Earth. 

The New Jerusalem descends out of heaven to the new Earth. 

Revelation 21:1-2 And I perceived a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth pass away, and the sea is no more." I perceived the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband." {CLV}

The new Jerusalem is in heaven. Those on the scroll of life at the Throne Judgement have already entered into the holy city. Now after the Great White Judgement the holy city is descending from heaven to a newly created earth. 

Revelation 21:3-4 And I hear a loud voice out of the throne saying, "Lo! the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and He will be tabernacling with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them." And He will be brushing away every tear from their eyes. And death will be no more, nor mourning, nor clamor, nor misery; they will be no more, for the former things passed away." {CLV}

The tabernacle of God is the new Jerusalem, and inside will be the chosen, the saints. The tabernacle is with mankind, and mankind will be His people, that is all mankind will be God’s people, and God himself will be with them. God himself will brush away the tears and their will be no more death. That is both physical death, and spiritual death. For spiritual death will be eliminated as the people outside in the nations become God’s people and are spiritual resurrected, spiritual born. When they are deemed ready, they will be added to the scroll of life and can enter the new Jerusalem, the holy city, the tabernacle. The priests in Ancient Israel would go inside the tabernacle, and inside the new Jerusalem which is the tabernacle will be the priesthood. 

Zechariah 2:10-11 Be jubilant and rejoice, daughter of Zion! For behold Me coming! And I tabernacle in your midst, (averring is Yahweh)." And many nations shall be obligated to Yahweh in that day, and they become His people. When I tabernacle in your midst, then shall you know that Yahweh of hosts sent me to you." {CLV}

Many nations shall become His people, no long is it just Israel that is His people, or just the chosen who are His people, but it is many nations. The tabernacle will be in the midst of the nations. 

When the tabernacle was with ancient Israel outside would be the wash basin which is a symbol of spiritual cleansing, and that is what the nations will be doing outside the kingdom, being spiritual cleansed. More on this in later.

Those of the Nations are Being Ruled Over:

As already covered briefly the nations are on the New Earth {Revelation 21:24 & Revelation 22:2}.  These are the ones that those in the Holy City are ruling over:

Revelation 22:5...And they shall be reigning for the eons of the eons." {CLV}

The KJV and some other translations use the words “forever and ever, implying incorrectly that they reign forever and ever. However there are translations that use the words “ages of the ages.” 

“And they shall reign to the ages of the ages.” {Rotherham & Young’s LT}

This is the correct translation of the Greek words. This correctly tells us that those in the Holy city are reigning until the end of the ages, or eons. 

What of those who are outside or without in Revelation 22:15? One could think that these people are in the nations for the nations are not in the Holy city, being on the New Earth. However that is not the case, these ones are not among the nations. The nations are not described as being outside or without. Those ones mention as being without are still in the Lake of Fire {Revelation 21:8}. 

Those of the nations must have already past through the Lake of Fire, for those of the dead who are not on the scroll of Life are cast into the Lake of Fire at the White Throne Judgement {Revelation 20:15}. The nations are not in the Lake of Fire they are on the New Earth, it is those who are without that are still in the Lake of Fire, that are described as being outside. 

This is not to say that those still in the Lake of Fire never make it into the Kingdom of the Heavens. For those of the nations passed through the Lake of Fire. 


Before getting to the next section I thought I should briefly cover a few points about paradise, which is covered more in the next section. 

2 Corinthians 12:2-4 I am acquainted with a man in Christ, fourteen years before this, (whether in a body I am not aware, or outside of the body, I am not aware - God is aware) such a one was snatched away to the third heaven. " And I am acquainted with such a man (whether in a body or outside of the body I am not aware - God is aware) that he was snatched away into paradise and hears ineffable declarations, which it is not allowed a man to speak. " {CLV}

In the above passage Paul was saying that he was acquainted with a man who had gone to paradise. The man he was acquainted with was himself. Now he was not sure if he had gone in his body, or out of his body, that is been transported there in body, or spiritually gone there. Whatever he heard there he was not allowed to speak off. 

It tell us that paradise is in the third heaven. The Lord, Christ is now in the third heaven, where the angels are, another dimension. All the chosen will one day be in paradise with the Lord. However the rest of mankind will get to paradise one day, however not at the same time as the chosen who will get to paradise first. Note that the sky is know as heaven and outer space is known as heaven as well, thus three heavens. For more on the heavens refer to the article: How many Heavens are there?

Did one of the thieves go to Paradise with the Lord, the day the Lord died? 

It is incorrectly taught that the criminal {thief} on the cross next Christ went to paradise that day, with Christ. This is incorrect because Jesus Christ died that day, and did not go to Paradise. 

Only in Luke 23:32-43, does one of the criminals repent and believe in Christ. In the other two accounts neither criminal repents, Matthew 27:38-44 and Mark 15:27-32. 

Matthew 27:38 Then are being crucified together with Him two robbers, one at the right and one at the left."

39 Now those going by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads"

40 and saying, "You who are demolishing the temple and building it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, descend from the cross!"

41 Likewise the chief priests also, with the scribes and elders, scoffing, said,

42 Others he saves! Himself he can not save! If he is king of Israel, let him descend now from the cross, and we will believe on him!"

43 He has confidence in God. Let Him rescue him now, if He is wanting him, for he said that 'God's Son am I!'"

44 Now with the same, the robbers also, who are crucified together with Him, reproached Him."

Mark 15:27 And together with Him they are crucifying two robbers, one at the right and one at the left of Him….

15:31 Likewise, the chief priests also, with the scribes, scoffing with one another, said, "Others he saves! Himself he can not save!"

15:32 Let the Christ, the king of Israel, descend now from the cross, that we may be perceiving and should be believing! And those crucified together with Him reproached Him."

Both criminals reproach Christ, in the two above accounts.  

Luke 23:39 Now one of the hanged malefactors blasphemed Him, saying, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!"

40 Yet answering, the other one, rebuking him, averred, "Yet you are not fearing God, seeing that you are in the same judgment!"

41 And we, indeed, justly, for we are getting back the deserts of what we commit, yet this One commits nothing amiss."

42 And he said to Jesus, "Be reminded of me, Lord, whenever Thou mayest be coming in Thy kingdom."

43 And Jesus said to him, "Verily, to you am I saying today, with Me shall you be in paradise."

There are not four criminals as some suggest. Nor do I think that both criminals reproach at first, then one repented. 

We know that Jesus did not go to heaven that day. Jesus taught that he would die, and that is what happened that day, Jesus died. 

Some suggest that the Lord meant that at some point the criminal would be in Paradise, but he did not mean that day. I do not think that is the case. 

Since both Matthew and Mark have both of them reproach Christ, then I think one should take these two accounts over Luke. Thus I think that this text of the repentant criminal was added. 

For more on this refer to my article:  What is Death 

The New Jerusalem is Paradise

In Revelation 21:10-21 there is a description of the city in terms of measurements and materials. Getting to the measurements and materials it is thought that this is all spiritual and not an actual description of an actual city that the chosen will live in. Certainly there are spiritual aspects to the description, but that does not mean that there will not be an actual city that the chosen will live in, and one day all mankind, might live in the city. 

John 14:2-3 In My Father's house are many abodes; yet if not I would have told you, for I am going to make ready a place for you." And if I should be going and making ready a place for you, I am coming again and I will be taking you along to Myself, that where I am, you also may be." {CLV}

Jesus has gone away to prepare a place for the chosen, in His Father’s house. But not just for the chosen. There are not just a few abodes there are many. 

Romans 5:18-19 Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying." For even as, through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners, thus also, through the obedience of the One, the many shall be constituted just." {CLV}

The one offense brought condemnation for all mankind, and the disobedience of the one man the many were constituted sinners. These are the same people, the many are all mankind, the offense and the disobedience was the same action. There are many abodes in God’s house. All mankind are the many, thus there are abodes for all mankind, not just the chosen. However the chosen will get to enjoy their abodes first. 

Some believe this is just spiritual and it is talking about the spiritual kingdom, holy temple that is inside of the true believers in Christ. However Christ did actually leave the earth, which means He is actual coming again, that is his return at the end of this eon. That means Christ is talking about an actual place that He is preparing for the chosen and ultimately for all mankind. It is definite that the chosen will one day be in paradise. Thus paradise is the place He is preparing for all mankind. Is this the kingdom of the heavens, the new Jerusalem or somewhere else? 

Revelation 2:7 '"Who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the ecclesias. "'"To the one who is conquering, to him will I be granting to be eating of the log {wood} of life which is in the center of the paradise of God."'" {CLV}

Greek: xulon, means “wood,” in this case as forest. The Greek “dendron” is the main word for tree. It is a forest because it represents the members of the body of Christ, each member is a tree, producing the twelve fruits of the spirit. 

This tells us the wood of life is in the center of the paradise of God. Chapters 21 & 22 of Revelation describe the city. 

Revelation 22:1-2 And he shows me a river of water of life, resplendent as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God and the Lambkin." In the center of its square, and on either side of the river, is the log {wood} of life, producing twelve fruits, rendering its fruit in accord with each month. And the leaves of the log are for the cure of the nations." {CLV}

It seems to be tell us that the forest of life is both in the square and along both sides of the river. This is incorrect, in the original Greek text there was no punctuation or verses. The person who added the punctuation has put the full stop in the wrong place. It is the throne that is in the center of the square of the city, with the river issuing out of it. Thus it should read:  

“ And he shows me a river of water of life, resplendent as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God and the Lambkin in the center of its square. And on either side of the river, is the wood of life” 

The forest is on both sides of the river, which comes out of the square, which is in the city of new Jerusalem. Thus paradise is the new Jerusalem that Jesus is preparing for all mankind and it is an actual place. Thus the description in Revelation is of an actual place, that contains both a actual description and a spiritual description.   

The Holy City, the New Jerusalem

There are those that promote the city as a real structure that has the size and shape mentioned in the scriptures. There are others that state that it is all signs and symbols. Certainly a new earth could be made large enough to hold a structure this size. I do believe the new earth will be much bigger than the old one. For it will house all mankind, that being every person ever created. 

God could build a structure like the one mentioned in the scriptures, which would be an enormous cube or pyramid structure. I think the description can be taken as both symbolic and as a real structure of the size. I do believe that there will be an actual city, that will be the capital, the New Jerusalem. 

Revelation 21:9 And one of the seven messengers who have the seven bowls brimming with the last seven calamities came, and he speaks with me, saying, "Hither! I shall be showing you the bride, the wife of the Lambkin." {CLV}

The angel carried away John and shown him the city:

Revelation 21:10 And he carries me away, in spirit, on a mountain, huge and high, and shows me the holy city, Jerusalem, as it is descending out of heaven from God, {CLV}

The city is the bride, the wife of the Lambkin. 

The people that have an allotment in the city will descend, and the actual kingdom in heaven could descend as well. It does not say that it lands on the new earth, just that it descends to the new earth. Thus some think it will be floating in the sky. This city could come to rest on an actual mountain that is huge and high. I do not believe that the city will float in the sky, it will actually be on the land, not floating in the sky, for I do not view it as being physically like the city mentioned in Revelation, that being a gigantic cube. In the old Testament it also mentions the city being on an exceedingly high mountain. 

Isaiah 2:2-3 But it shall come to pass, in the afterpart of the days, That the mountain of the house of Yahweh Shall be, set up, as the head of the mountains, And be exalted above the hills,—And all the nations, shall stream thereunto; And many peoples shall go and say—Come ye, and let us ascend Unto the mountain of Yahweh Unto the house of the God of Jacob, That he may teach us of his ways, And we may walk in his paths,—For, out of Zion, shall go forth a law, And the word of Yahweh out of Jerusalem; {Rotherham}

Micah 4:1-2 But it shall come to pass, in the afterpart {latter} of the days, that the mountain of the house of Yahweh shall be, set up, as the head of the mountains, and, exalted, shall it be, above the hills,—and peoples, shall stream thereunto; Yea many nations, shall go, and say—come ye, and let us ascend unto the mountain of Yahweh, and unto the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us of his ways, and we may walk in his paths,—for, out of Zion, shall go forth a law, and, the word of Yahweh, out of Jerusalem; {Rotherham}

Ezekiel 40:2  In the visions of God, he brought me into the land of Israel,—and set me down upon an exceeding high mountain, and thereupon, was, as it were the structure of a city, on the south. {REB}

However this could be a symbolic aspect of the city, as it will be the capital, of the new Earth. For the mount in Hebrews 12:22-24, is in heaven where the city is before it descends. 

Hebrews 12:22-24 But you have come to mount Zion, and the city of the living God, celestial Jerusalem, and to ten thousand messengers, to a universal convocation, and to the ecclesia of the firstborn, registered in the heavens, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the just perfected, and to Jesus, the Mediator of a fresh covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling which is speaking better than Abel." {CLV}

Here the city is pictured in heaven on mount Zion. This is also the case earlier in Revelation 14:1, where the lambkin is standing on the mount with the 144,000. That said I do believe it is not all symbolic. For there will be an actual new earth and an actual capital city on the new earth. Further there will be actual people in the nations that would want to come to the actual city to learn the ways of God. 

Revelation 21:12 having a wall, huge and high, having twelve portals, and at the portals twelve messengers, and their names inscribed, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel." {CLV}

You can see the symbolic description of the city here. For the names of the angels are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. It then mentions the 12 portals, three on each side, Rev. 21:13.

Revelation 21:14 And the wall of the city has twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lambkin." {CLV}

The number twelve continues here, with the twelve apostles. The one John is with has a golden reed to measure the city. It is these measurements that are ENORMOUS. 

Revelation 21:16 And the city is lying four square: and its length is as much as the breadth. And he measures the city with the reed to twelve thousand stadia. Its length and breadth and height are equal. {CLV} {stadia, other translations furlong} 

The size of the city is described as being 12000 stadia or approximately 12000 furlongs or about 1500 miles or 2400 kilometres {Note 1} in length and breadth and height. Thus the city is described as a ENORMOUS cube. Another thought is the city is a pyramid.  

The atmosphere on our existing planet extends to about 500 kilometres before starting to blend with space. Thus the humongous city would extend far out into space for about 2000 kilometres. Due to the weight and the enormous magnitude of this city and its vast reach into space, our little planet would start to quickly wobble off balance, if such a huge city was to land on this planet. I can see these aspects of the city as both symbolic and the actual size of the city. 

Revelation 21:17 And he measures its wall of a hundred forty-four cubits of a human measure, which is that of the messenger." {CLV}

Using the size of a cubit of 444.5mm {17.5 inches} being the size use during the period of the second temple, the wall is about 64 metres high. Hundred and forty-four is the number for the first resurrection saints. 

Revelation 21:18-21 And the building material in its wall is jasper, and the city is clear gold, like clear glass." The foundations of the wall of the city are adorned with every precious stone, the first foundation with jasper, the second lapis lazuli, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh topaz, the eighth beryl, the ninth peridot, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh amethyst, the twelfth garnet." And the twelve portals are twelve pearls. Each one of the portals was respectively of one pearl. And the square of the city is gold, clear as translucent glass." {CLV}

The wall of the city is described symbolically as be built with jasper, a red gemstone and adorned with every precious stone. The city itself is described as having the building material of clear gold, that is clean pure Gold! Each portal is a pearl. The actual look of the city and each persons residence in the city could be very different to this. However I am sure that the city, itself will look amazing, and each residence will look amazing. 

The Chief Priests and the Elders Get in

Luke 9:21-22 Now He, warning them, charges them to tell no one this, saying that "The Son of Mankind must be suffering much, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be roused." {CLV}

Jesus knew that the elders and the chief priests would rejected him. He knew that He would be crucified, and that it was them that would accuse him. 

The chief priests and the elders where asking Jesus certain questions in Matthew 21.  

Matthew 21:23 And at His coming into the sanctuary, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to Him while He was teaching, saying, "By what authority are you doing these things, and who gives you this authority?…..{CLV}

Then Jesus asked them: 

Matthew 21:28-32 Now what are you supposing? A man had two children. And, coming to the first, he said, 'Child, go today, work in my vineyard.'" Yet he, answering, said, 'I do not want to.' Yet subsequently, regretting it, he went forth." Now, coming to the second, he said similarly. Now he, answering, said, "I go, lord! and he went not forth." Which of the two does the will of the father? They are saying, "The first. Jesus is saying to them, "Verily, I am saying to you that the tribute collectors and the prostitutes are preceding you into the kingdom of God." For John came to you on the road of righteousness, and you do not believe him. Yet the tribute collectors and the prostitutes believe him. Now you, perceiving it, did not even regret subsequently, so as to believe him." {CLV}

“The tribute collectors and the prostitutes are preceding you into the kingdom of God.” That is the tribute collectors and the prostitutes are getting in before the chief priests and the elders. It is not saying the chief priests and the elders do not get in, it is saying the others precede them, that is get in before they do. Which means they also will get into the kingdom, but after the tribute collectors and the prostitutes. The tribute collectors and the prostitutes, can not just walk in, they will need to be spiritually cleansed and spiritually purified by the fire. Even though Jesus knew the chief priests and the elders would rejected him, they still get in to the kingdom. Of course they will have been spiritual purified and cleansed before getting into the kingdom. 

The New Earth

Not only does the new earth need to house the New Jerusalem, it also needs to house all the nations. For All those of the restored nations will be housed on the new earth. Thus the new earth will be vastly larger than this present earth. 

2 Peter 3:13Yet we, according to His promises, are hoping for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is dwelling. {CLV}

Revelation 21:1-2 And I perceived a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth pass away, and the sea is no more." {CLV}

Greek word “kainos” is translated as “new” in both the above verses, meaning brand new. It has this meaning in the following verses:

Luke 5:36-38 Now He told them a parable also, that "No one, rending a patch from a new cloak, is patching it on an old cloak. Otherwise, surely the new also will be rending, and the patch from the new will not be agreeing with the old." And no one is draining fresh wine into old wine skins. Otherwise, surely the fresh wine will be bursting the wine skins, and it will be spilled and the wine skins will perish." But fresh wine is drained into new wine skins, and both are preserved." {CLV}

John 19:41 Now there was in the place where He was crucified, a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one has been placed as yet." {CLV}

Thus the old planet will not be renewed, by the fire, but will actually be completely destroyed, and replace by a totally new planet. There will be no earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tornadoes, or other natural disasters happening on this planet.   

One day all mankind will be in the holy city. They will have immortal bodies.

I have read that the luxury of the town house will be based on a person’s position in heaven, but I do not believe this will be the case. For me the size or luxury that one can have will not be based on someone’s position in heaven. While at the start of the Tabernacles eon the saints will have different levels of authority, this will ultimately only be temporary. Why should the luxury be based on a temporary position that will not last all of time. And what of those with no position because their names are not on the scroll of life at the start of the eon, should they get a place less luxurious, when they get access to the city, but have no authority? God is the one who decided who would have what authority in the next eon, why should someone have a less luxurious place through no fault of their own? I do believe that everyone will have the some luxury in their town house, no matter what their temporary position they have. However the saints will enjoy the luxury first, the rest of mankind will have to wait. 

In Ezekiel 40-48 there is a city that is refer to as a house. This is the city of new Jerusalem. I will not be going through all those scriptures. A lot of it is measurements and descriptions of different parts of the city. Earlier Ezekiel 47, was covered. It is up to you if you study those scriptures, which have not been covered. For an understanding of the coming kingdom, I do not think that it is required. 

The Sea is no More

As you just read in Revelation 21:1-2 it states that the sea is no more. Are there really no seas on the New Earth? There is a new earth, all that is on the earth is new. That is the new earth will have new trees, mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and seas etc. 

Revelation 5:13 And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and underneath the earth and on the sea, and all in them, I hear also saying, "To Him Who is sitting on the throne-To the Lambkin-Be blessing and honor and glory and might For the eons of the eons!"

Thus all of creation including all the creatures in the sea give blessing and honor and glory. Why have them all give glory if there is no place for them on the new earth? 

When it talks about the sea in Revelation 20:1-2 it is not talking about actual bodies of water. We have to be careful in Revelation to distinguish between when it means literal and when it is symbolic. For instance when it is talking about the beast that comes from the sea. 

Revelation 13:1 ……..And I perceived a wild beast ascending out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads,……

There is no beast that has seven heads that is to come out of the sea, or that has come out of the actual sea. Thus the beast is a symbol of something and the sea mentioned here is not the actual sea. 

Ezekiel 26:3 Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Behold me! against thee O Tyre,— So then I will bring up against thee many nations, As the sea bringeth up its rolling waves; REB

Here in Ezekiel the many nations are compared to the sea. The sea in Revelation 13:1 are nations that give birth to the beast that comes from them. These nations are not actually in the sea. It is this sea that is no more, not that the people are no more, for they have been resurrected. 

No Need of Sun or Moon

Isaiah 60:19-20 No further, for you, is the sun coming to be for light by day, and for brightness the moon shall not give light to you at night. Yet Yahweh comes to be your light eonian, and your Elohim to be your beauty." No further shall your sun set, nor your moon be gathered in, for Yahweh shall be yours for light eonian; {CLV}

Yahweh: the name of Our Supreme God. Elohim: God’s title.

Yahweh Elohim, will be the light and the beauty of the new Jerusalem. There will be need for the sun or moon for light. 

Revelation 21:23-25 And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should be appearing in it, for the glory of God illuminates it, and its lamp is the Lambkin." And the nations shall be walking by means of its light, and the kings of the earth are carrying their glory into it." And its portals should under no circumstances be locked by day; for there shall be no night there.{CLV}

The city here is the New Jerusalem, which will have no need of sun nor of the moon, and there will be no more night in the city. For the Glory of God, not only provides spiritual light, but also physical light, for the Sun and moon provide physical light, and they will not be needed inside the city. The people in the city will all be immortal, which means they will not need to sleep ever again, hence no need for night. The city also has the lamp which is the lambkin, Jesus Christ.  

Revelation 22:3-5 And there shall be no more any doom, and the throne of God and of the Lambkin shall be in it. And His slaves shall be offering divine service to Him." And they shall be seeing His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads." And night shall be no more, and they have no need of lamplight and sunlight, for the Lord God shall be illuminating them. {CLV}

The people in the new Jerusalem will have no need of lamplight and sunlight, for they will be illuminated by the Lord God. 

The question then is how much light from inside, the glory of God, and the lamp, Jesus Christ will illuminate outside the city? 

Psalms 72:17-19 His Name shall remain for the eon; Before the sun shall His Name be propagated, And all nations shall bless themselves in Him and call Him happy." Blessed be Yahweh, Elohim, the Elohim of Israel, Doing marvelous works by Himself alone, And blessed be His glorious Name for the eon! The entire earth shall be filled with His glory! {CLV}

Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of Yahweh's glory, as the waters are covering over the sea." {CLV}

Spiritual light will extend over the whole earth for the nations will walk by the means of this light and the entire earth will be filled with the Lord’s glory. However as mentioned earlier the light is not just spiritual light, but actually also physical light. 

There will still be spiritual darkness, as the nations will be in spiritual darkness, but over time they will start to walk by the light of the city. Over time they will move from the darkness to the light. The evil spirit beings will also be in spiritual darkness but they will not stay evil, and they will move into the spiritual light as well. 

I do believe the physical light from the city will extend greatly outside. One could think the light will be like the Sun and only cover one side of the new earth, leaving the other side in darkness. However this is not light from the Sun and does not have to behave the same way. I do believe the light will extended over the whole new earth, there being no night on the new earth. 

What then of Isaiah 60:11? Which states that the gates are open day and night? 

Isaiah 60:11 And your gates are open continually. By day and night they shall not be closed, for bringing to you the estate of the nations, with their kings leading." {CLV}

This can not be the case for there is no night according to Revelation 21:25 & Revelation 22:5.

Revelation 21:25 And its portals should under no circumstances be locked by day; for there shall be no night there.{CLV}

Revelation 22:5 And night shall be no more, and they have no need of lamplight and sunlight, for the Lord God shall be illuminating them. {CLV}

The gates can not be open at night, if there is no night. This is the case in the city, for God illuminates the city, and this illumination extends outside. Thus the gates are open by day and there is no night. There are mistakes in these copies of the scriptures that are used for translation, we do not have access to the original scriptures. Thus “and night” could have been added at some point. On the other hand one could think that it just means they are open all the time, the fact that it says “night” does not mean there is literally night in the city. It is not to be taken literally, as a fact. 

Since the spiritual light will cover the whole earth, so will the physical light cover the whole earth. Thus there will be no need of Sun or moon at all on the new earth, for the light will extended over the whole earth. But does this mean there will be no Sun?

For there to be no need of the Sun, the light would have to extend out over the whole solar system to light all the planets. One should not think of this as impossible. God’s glory can extend greatly, in fact just covering a planet is nothing for the glory of God, and a solar system is nothing as well. How far will this glory extend? 

Jesus Christ Does Not Reign Forever

Many believe mistakenly that the Lord Jesus Christ rules forever, however this is not the case. This is due to incorrect translations. 

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh messenger trumpets. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of this world became our Lord's and His Christ's, and He shall be reigning for the eons of the eons! Amen!" {CLV}

In the KJV it has Him reigning for ever and ever, however this is incorrect. The Greek word here is “aion” which means an eon. Which means a long period of time, but not forever. That means Christ shall be reigning for the eons, that is more than one eon, but not forever. However Jesus has been reigning since He when to heaven and in fact before He came the first time. For more on How many Eons there are refer to my article: “God's Plan of the Eons

Revelation 22:3-5 And there shall be no more any doom, and the throne of God and of the Lambkin shall be in it. And His slaves shall be offering divine service to Him. And they shall be seeing His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. And night shall be no more, and they have no need of lamplight and sunlight, for the Lord God shall be illuminating them. And they shall be reigning for the eons of the eons. {CLV}

His slaves, for Jesus Christ obtained them by paying of their debt, with His blood. That is the chosen the saints are to reign for the eons of the eons. The saints do not reign forever over the nations, for at the end of the last eon, all the nations will be inside the tabernacle, the New Jerusalem, thus there will be no one from the nations left outside to reign over. And the saints do not judge the spirit beings forever for they will all be purified and reconciled to Christ by the end of the last eon. Thus there will be no one for the saints to reign over at the end of the last eon, which means they will stop reigning, they do not reign forever. 

 1 Corinthians 15:21 For since, in fact, through a man came death, through a Man, also, comes the resurrection of the dead.

22 For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.

23 Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence;

24 thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power.

25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet.

26 The last enemy is being abolished: death.

27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him.

28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all. {CLV}

Christ gives up the kingdom to His God and Father. However this does not mean the kingdom ends. For Christ does not end the kingdom, He gives it to His God and Father. Thus the Kingdom continues on. This is after all death has been abolished. This includes the second death, which is a spiritual death. That is the lake of fire, the second death will end. Those who are still dead spiritual after the judgement, will be made spiritually alive in time. For more on that check out my article: “How Many Resurrections

How Long are the Rest of Mankind Ruled Over For

Well first there is the Judgement eon, then after that there is the nations on the new earth. The cities that are allotted to the chosen will be in the restored nations, that will be on the new earth. The nations will be on the new earth, being ruled over for one eon. Those of the nations will over that eon move into the kingdom. 

When Does the Reign End?

The reign will end at the end of the eons, but the total time in years is unknown. However there maybe an indication. There is a covenant that lasts into the future eons, which giving us some idea of how long it may last. I call this “The Covenant For A Thousand Generations.” Back in the days of Abraham who was born in about 2000 BC a covenant was made with him, it was for a Thousand Generations. The length of course comes down to how long is a generation. A lot of people think that it is 40 years based on the 40 years in the wilderness. However that was how long they spend in the wilderness, it is not the length of a generation. The ones to die in the wilderness were the ones twenty years and older {Numbers 14:29-35}. 

What is need is what God calls a generation, this is unknown, a range will have to do, say 20-35 years. A thousand generations then is about between 20000 and 35000 years. The covenant when Jesus Christ returns will have only been in existence for about 4000 years. This means the covenant still has between 16000 and 31000 years to go. What of the new covenant, the new covenant did not replace all other covenants, it replaced one covenant that was with the fathers, when they came out of Egypt {Hebrews 8:6-12}. The covenant made with Abraham was ratified, which means it has not been replaced or modified.

Galatians 3:15-18 Brethren (I am saying this as a man), a human covenant likewise having been ratified, no one is repudiating or modifying it." Now to Abraham the promises were declared, and to his Seed. He is not saying "And to seeds, as of many, but as of One: And to "your Seed, which is Christ." Now this am I saying: a covenant, having been ratified before by God, the law, having come four hundred and thirty years afterward, does not invalidate, so as to nullify the promise. For if the enjoyment of the allotment is of law, it is no longer of promise. Yet God has graciously granted it to Abraham through the promise." {CLV}

The covenant still exists and has not been modified or replaced.

Psalms 105:7-11 He is Yahweh, our Elohim; His judgments are in all the earth." He remembers His covenant for the eon, The word He enjoined on a thousand generations, That He contracted with Abraham, And by His oath to Isaac." He ratified it to Jacob as a statute, To Israel as a covenant eonian." Saying, To you shall I give the land of Canaan, The region of your allotment." {CLV}

Yahweh: God’s name. 

Elohim: The “Subjector” or “God,” referring to the supreme Almighty God, the Father, in the overwhelming majority of occurrences and correctly translated as “God” in other versions. 

It was contracted to Abraham and ratified to Jacob. The word is on a thousand generations.  Now the covenant, the promises were declared to Abraham and to His seed, not his seeds, that is it was promised to Abraham and to Abraham’s seed, which is Christ. One could wonder what the point was of promising it to Christ, if Christ is God the Father according to the Trinity belief? I will not get too side tracked here, but Christ is not God the Father, Christ is the son, God is the Father. There is no Trinity, at all, there never was, it does not exist. Christ physically died on the cross, not God. The one that brought Christ back from the dead is God, Christ could not bring himself back from the dead. For more on this refer to my article:  “Trinity Is God three Persons

What is the covenant? 

Genesis 17:4 And speaking with him is the Elohim, saying, "I, behold! My covenant is with you. And you are to become the forefather of a throng of nations.

17:5 And no further shall your name be called Abram. Yet your name becomes Abraham, for the forefather of a throng of nations have I made you.

17:6 And fruitful I cause you to be exceedingly exceedingly. And I make of you nations, and kings from you shall fare forth.

17:7 And I set up My covenant between Me and you, and your seed after you, for their generations, for a covenant eonian, to become your Elohim and your seed's after you.

17:8 And I give to you and to your seed after you the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for a holding eonian. And I become their Elohim.

17:9 And saying is the Elohim to Abraham, "And you shall keep My covenant, you and your seed after you for their generations. {CLV}

1 Chronicles 16:14-19 He [is] Yahweh our Elohim, In all the earth [are] His judgments. Remember you to the eon His covenant, The word He commanded--To a thousand generations, Which He has made with Abraham, And His oath--to Isaac, And He establishes it to Jacob for a statute, To Israel--a covenant eonian. Saying: To you I give the land of Canaan, The portion of your inheritance, When you are few of number, As a little thing, and sojourners in it. {CLV}

Thus the covenant is that God will be a God to Abraham and to Abraham’s seed. And that God will give to Abraham and to his seed all the land of Canaan for a holding eonian. Note the covenant is set up between God and Abraham, and Abraham’s seed, which is Christ. 

It does not mean Israel has to be in the land for a thousand generations, the covenant is on a thousand generations. Israel was not in the land of Canaan for a thousand generations, a number times they were invaded, and taken captivity, and finally in 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, and again they were taken captive. Israel has only become a nation again just recently back in 1948. However it is not depended on Israel being in the land that long.

Genesis 17:8 And I give to you and to your seed after you the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for a holding eonian. {CLV}

The land is given to Abraham and to your seed, which is Christ, not Israel. And the covenant is on a thousand generations, and the holding is for eonian. Thus it can last through the eons. It is also to Israel a covenant eonian. 

One could think that Abraham has to be in the land, before the holding could start. However the covenant does not depend on him being in the land. I can give someone a parcel of land, and they do not have to be in the land to get the land. Others could have taken up residence on the land that I give to the person. However if it is my land I can still give it away. Abraham does not need to be resurrected to fulfil the covenant. 

At the start it would have applied to the generations that became ancient Israel. However it is with Abraham’s seed which is Christ. Physical Israel stopped being the chosen nation, spiritual Israel became the chosen nation through Christ. Of course the spiritual nation is not in the physical land. They are spiritual in the spiritual land of Canaan. Just like they are spiritual the new Jerusalem, later they will be in the new Jerusalem. 

On the new earth there will be the restored nations, made up of the resurrected people who do not make it into the kingdom of the heavens at the Great White Throne Judgement. One of those restored nations will be Israel, however the covenant is not depend on restored Israel, for it is with Christ. 

For more on the covenant refer to my article: “The Covenant For A Thousand Generations

Creation Jubilee

There is the idea of a Creation Jubilee which I can find no support in the bible for. Jubilees were to be on the fifty year, that is after 49 years there would be a jubilee in Israel. The Creation Jubilee is thought to be at the end of 49000 years. Of course 49000 is a lot more than 49, but there has been a higher Jubilee than 49 years already. Daniel’s 70 weeks, is a higher Jubilee. Each day represents a year, 70 weeks is 70 X 7 or 490 days, which represents 490 years. At the end of the 490 years Christ died on the cross, setting all of mankind and all of creation free. By paying the price for all of mankind and all of creation that has been effect by sin, all of creation effect by sin was set free. There was a Jubilee, after the 490 years. Now 490 is 49 years times 10. Thus that is a higher jubilee. 

Now there is about 6000 years from Adam until the return of Jesus Christ. Then there is millennium reign of 1000 years which gives about 7000 years. You would need to deducted the period before the curse is placed on creation. This factor is unknown, but it was a short time, therefore I will leave it at about 7000 years. Which leaves you with 42000 years for the next two eons. 

At the end of this period all the animals will have salvation, all mankind will be in the kingdom, having gained salvation, and all the spirit beings that were once evil will have been cleansed, and have salvation. Thus all of creation will be free at the end of this period. Now it is true that all of creation that was effect by sin will be freed, but is there then a creation Jubilee at the end of 49000 years? 

The problem with the jubilee idea is that it is to do with the cancelling of debt. When the jubilee came all debt would be cancelled. All sin is a debt, and the idea is that when the jubilee comes all this debt will be cancelled. However at the end of 490 years the debt was not just cancelled like it would have been at the start of a jubilee. If the debt had just been cancelled, then Jesus would not have had to die on the cross. Jesus did not die on the cross to cancel the debt, he died on the cross to pay the price for the debt.

However all this debt does not need to be cancelled to set all of creation free. The other way to set someone free of debt is for someone else to pay the price for that debt. This has already occurred, all debt caused by sin has been paid for. Therefore there does not need to be a Creation Jubilee. Who paid the debt? That was Jesus Christ, who died on the cross. His blood paid the price for all sin. No further payment is required. 

1 Timothy 2:3-6 God, Who wills that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and mankind, a Man, Christ Jesus, Who is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all {CLV}

Christ Jesus give himself as a correspondent Ransom for all mankind. Thus all debt was paid at the time of the cross. What is required is faith, for with out faith the payment of this debt is not recognized. There are two sides to the deal, one is the payment by Jesus Christ which has already occurred, the other is faith. When someone gains faith, then the payment for them is recognized. 

Romans 3:25-26 (Whom God purposed for a Propitiatory shelter, through faith in His blood, for a display of His righteousness because of the passing over of the penalties of sins which occurred before in the forbearance of God), toward the display of His righteousness in the current era, for Him to be just and a Justifier of the one who is of the faith of Jesus. {CLV}

Those who have faith in what Jesus did on the cross are justified. 

Romans 5:18-19 Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying." For even as, through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners, thus also, through the obedience of the One, the many shall be constituted just." {CLV}

All mankind were condemned because of Adam’s offense and all mankind are justified through the one just award, that is Jesus Christ. None of us choose to be condemned, it was not a choice that anyone made. God is undoing this condemnation by justifying everyone through the obedience of Christ. The many, are all mankind who were constituted sinners, because of the disobedience of the one, thus through the obedience of Jesus Christ all mankind shall be constituted just. 

When the rest of mankind gains faith they will be justified and set free. There is no need for a jubilee. 

Saints Given Authority over ALL FLESH

John 17:1-3 These things speaks Jesus, and lifting His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, come has the hour. Glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son should be glorifying Thee, according as Thou givest Him authority over all flesh, that everything which Thou hast given to Him, He should be giving it to them, even life eonian. Now it is eonian life that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou dost commission, Jesus Christ. {CLV}

God has given the Son authority over ALL FLESH, and everything, including this authority will be given to them, that is the saints, the chosen, the true Believers. These are the ones who will have the allotment of life, while the rest of mankind experience the second death. 

But what is meant by all flesh? Some would take this to just mean mankind, however that is not the case. “Flesh” translated from the word SARX, meaning any kind of flesh - beast, bird, reptilian, fish or human. 

1 Corinthians 15:39 Not all flesh is the same flesh, but there is one, indeed, of men, yet another flesh of beasts, yet another flesh of flyers, yet another of fishes. {CLV}

This tells us that all flesh means every creature and all mankind. How can the saints have authority over these creatures, if they not be alive? All FLESH needs to be ALIVE, for the saints to have authority over it. 

Luke 3:5-6 "'Every ravine shall be filled And every mountain and hill shall be made low, And the crooked shall be straight, And the rough places into smooth roads,... And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.'" {CLV}

Thus all flesh, every creature shall see the salvation of God. Every creature can and will be saved. The passage in Luke tells us that ALL FLESH will be SAVED! How else will all flesh see the salvation if it is not saved? The passage in 1 Corinthians tells us that All Flesh does not just mean mankind, but actually means every creature, all creatures, All Flesh means every creature, it could not be plainer. For more study my article: All Animals Saved 

All the animals will be plant eaters:

Isaiah 11:6-9 Then the wolf will sojourn with the he-lamb, and the leopard will recline with the kid {goat}. And the calf and the sheltered lion will graze together, and a small lad will lead among them. And the young cow and the bear will graze together, and together they will recline their young. And the lion, as the beeve, will eat crushed straw. And the sucking will revel over the hole of a cobra, and on the light-shaft of a yellow viper the weanling his hand obtrudes. They will not do evil, nor will they ruin, in all My holy mountain, for full is the earth of the knowledge of Yahweh. As water for the sea floor is a covering. {CLV}

Isaiah 65:25 Then a wolf and a lambkin will graze alike, and the lion, as the beeve, will eat crushed straw, and the serpent has soil for its bread. They will not do evil, nor ruin in all My holy mountain,"  says Yahweh. {CLV}

The animals that use to be predators will walk with the animals that use to be their prey. Those animals that use to eat other animals will eat plants, after they are resurrected. They will not need to eat meat, and this is the way it was originally, when God created the animals they were all plant eaters. The animals that were poisonous will be so no longer, there will be no need for them to be poisonous. All animals will be immortal, that means they will not have to eat anything, however they will no doubt eat. The saints will be immortal and there are scriptures that indicate they will eat as well. 

Universe of Light

Matthew 24:29-30 Now immediately after the affliction of those days the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not be giving her beams, and the stars shall be falling from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Mankind in heaven, and then all the tribes of the land shall grieve, and they shall see the Son of Mankind coming on the clouds of heaven with power and much glory."{CLV} {Also Mark 13:24-27 & Luke 21:25-28}

I have thought about this as refer to the fact that all the stars will darken, and with the Sun not shining or the moon, along with a total power failure over the whole earth, it would result in complete darkness, just before Christ returns. For a lot more on the return of Christ on the Day of the Lord refer to my article: “Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord”

However a literal take of this would mean that all the stars and all the planets and all the moons would be destroyed, in the whole universe. That is more that just not giving of their light for a period of time. 

Revelation 21:1 And I perceived a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth pass away, and the sea is no more." {CLV}

I do believe that the earth will be destroyed along with all of the universe, not just the stars and planets but space itself, which is one of the heavens. Then there will be a new earth in a new universe, new heaven. In a new universe of light, the stars would not be needed. However that does not rule them out completely, for it does not say about the stars. For the glory of God would light the whole universe, not just the new earth.

What would be in all this universe, since all planets will have been destroyed? There will be the new much bigger Earth. It is also possible that the other existing planets will be replaced by new planets. The new Universe could be full new planets that would all be lush, temperate, and inhabited by glorious creatures. For the Lord, Christ is to make ALL NEW. 

Revelation 21:5 And He Who is sitting on the throne said, "Lo! New am I making all! And He is saying, "Write, for these sayings are faithful and true."

However I can not positively say for sure that the old planets will be replaced. Certainly a case can be made for the old planets to be replaced as all is made new. 

This would mean that the Universe would not be dark as it is now. If you go out into space it is dark. The new Universe would be full of light, there would be no physical darkness. That means an end to both spiritual darkness and physical darkness. 

Heavenly Estates

I have read about the concept of “Heavenly Estates.” It is that in the future the universe will be fill of billions of new planets and new moons that are all lush, temperate, and inhabited by glorious creatures. Everyone would have there own galaxy or more of planets in the future. 

However the idea is based on the false image that we have been feed of the universe. What we have been lead to believe is that there are billions of galaxies out there with billions of stars in each one. However that is not the case at all. There are not billions of stars in each galaxy, in fact there are not even billions of galaxies. The actual number of stars is far less than that. Thus everyone may not get there own galaxy of planets in the future. For more on the actual number of stars read the article: “Real Structure of the Universe

There is the argument that this whole universe and all these stars was made for something in the future, but it is not just this earth that gets destroyed and replaced. It is the whole universe that is destroyed and replaced. Thus all these stars will be destroyed, for outer space itself will be destroyed. As for the size and structure of the new universe it is not revealed in the scriptures. 

I am not totally ruling out the concept however, for one never knows, it could happen. God could create billions of planets and billions of new creatures to full these planets along with the resurrected animals. 


Note: Concordant Literal version {CLV}

Note 1: Some translations convert the size of the city to miles, others use the word furlong instead of stadia. However stadia is correct, but what is a stadia? It is an ancient Greek unit of measurement. A stadia was equal to 600 feet, however this is not the size of foot in use today and the measurement of the foot varied between different places across ancient Greece and time periods. Thus a foot was between 296 mm {Aegina} and 333 mm {Athens}, which comes out with a stadia between 177. 6 metres and 199.8 metres. Furlong is thought equivalent to the Roman stade which come from the Greek measurement, and was 185 metres. However later the furlong was standardise in around 1300AD, at 660 feet or 201.168 metres. Thus the true size is unknown. However since most would use the standardised furlong, due to translation, which is close to the top end of the stadia, I have approximated using about 200 metres, for the stadia, to convert the size of the city into kilometres. 

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2017, 2018, 2021 & 2023

The Kingdom: Salvation for the Nations

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