Updates 2010

31 December: Journal Entry: Iran May Not Develop Nuclear Weapons, No Case For War

New links in the "Alternative Articles" section.

26 December: Change the Journal section: moved the "Coming Destruction" category in to the "Christ's Return, the Day of the Lord" category, after renaming that category.

24 December: Change the Journal section: Most categories now on their own page, click category to go to entries. Can still go by date, their is also now the archieves for 2009 entries

Judgement series: now on it's own page.

19 December: Version 5: Coming Kingdom

Moved more of the updates into Updates 2010, link at bottom.

18 December: Version 2: Different beliefs in Christianity

Version 7A: When is the Millennium

version 4A: Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord

Both these articles receiving small updates to their sections on the end battle.

Also doing an update of the "Coming Kingdom" Article. Was going to get it finished today, but came across something that I need to sort out.

14 December: Journal Entry: Spiritual Warfare & Satan’s Army

The first have of the updates for 2010, have now been placed on the page, Updates 2010, link at bottom.

More of the 2010 updates will be placed there soon as we head into 2011, were did the year go?

Update 2, 12 December: Journal Entry: Cyber War & Secret Babylon

12 December: Parts 7 & 9 of my Judgement series have been updated. Some material that was previously in part 9, is now in part 7.

Part 6 has been revised, in that the order of the text has charged, with a few added words, this should make it easier to understand.

I might post a Journal entry later today, I will see how I go.

5 December: Corrected part 6, of my Judgement series. When I was working on the evangel article, I noticed I was incorrect in my understand of 1 Corinthians 15:21-24, I corrected this in the Resurrections article, when I updated that article, but I did not remember that I also covered this in my series, which has now been corrected.

4 December: Version 4: Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord, This version contains a correction, to do with latter days, plus other new material.

Small update to the article: Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel, right at the end.

3 December: new links in the alternative articles section. There is a new section on Wikileaks, and a new link about the Illuminati

2 December: Journal entry: Secrets of Babylon Exposed and Ignored

30 November: Updated Part 9, of my judgement series.

28 November: New large Article: Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel

Not long now to the coming Birthright.

27 November: Journal entry: The Ability to Increase Money

The article about the evangel should be finished soon, it is interesting that I am doing this article now, and the evangel is what we, the chosen, the body, will be delivering to the world soon.

23 November: You will notice that the navigation has moved to the top, and is no longer down the side, I hope you like the change.

22 November: Journal entry: You Are to Prophesy

Important Entry that all should read.

13 November: Version 4: How Many Resurrections, This is a big increase on the previous version, almost doubling it's size.

I start an article and then I will move on to another article, before finish the one I started. I started the evangel article, but then found I need to update other articles, so went an updated those, now back to working on "The evangel and the secrets of the evangel," well that is what I think I will call it.

10 November: Journal Entry: Angel with Eonian Evangel

Version 3: Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord

Small update on previous version.

9 November: Version 5 of the article: One Evangel

Journal Entry: When is the Birthright Coming

Note it is coming this month according to Dr Jones.

6 November: Updated the article: All Mankind Saved

4 November: Journal entity: Ninth Sign: Double Portion

23 October: When I did version 7 of the millennium article, I left out the underlining that was in the other versions, and that was meant to be in version 7 as well, sorry about that, the underlining has now been put in place. I have talked a lot about the evangel, but not covered what it actual is, for the one evangel article explains there is only one, but not want it is, now writing an article on that, not sure went it will be finished.

20 October: Well yesterday I post a new link in the Alternative article section, about Monsanto buying Blackwater, it turns out this report was incorrect, Monsanto hired Blackwater. A link to this has been posted in the Alternative article section, the other incorrect link has been removed. Since I did not get round to reporting that the link was there in the updates, I think hardly anyone would have noticed.

17 October: Version 4 of the article: The Coming Kingdom, part 2 updated, and a reorganization of the content in the parts.

Version 7 of the article: When is the Millennium, now in two parts.

16 October: Version 3 of the article What is Revelation, Update on previous version, explanation on the mean of all nations etc in Revelation 13 to do with the beast.

Split the article: The Wedding of Christ and His Bride, into two parts, no update.

10 October: Version 2 God's Plan of the Eons, Update on version 1, mainly in part 1.

4 October: New link in Alternative Articles.

3 October, 2:20pm: Small update to the journal entry: Who is the Antichrist?, I also did small changes to the articles: What is Revelation?& Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord {small change to part one}. Just a small update to one of the paragraphs in each of those. You only need to go to one to see the change as I repeat myself in the three, since the need is to cover the Antichrist in all three. Just explaining that the antichrists had come out of the brethren, but were not the brethren {1John 2:19-21}.

3 October: World Tour Clipart posted in clipart section.

2 October: Journal entry: Revelation All Saved World Tour

There are also short messages for the tour, I was also hoping to do the clipart today, but looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow.

150 New Short Messages, for a total of 954 Short messages. 6 New Categories.

Updated tables.

30 September: Updated article: No Aliens!, now version 5, with new material.

New link in Alternative Articles section.

28 September: Version 2 of song: Let me tell you about the Kingdom of the Heavens

27 September: Edited the song: The Bride Is Ready, changed a few of the words.

20 September: New Article: What is Wrong with Witchcraft and Magic

18 September: Updated the article the Coming Kingdom, part 4 has been updated. Covers the new Universe of Light.

Journal entry: The Coming Universe of Light

Due to my recent revelation about the new Universe of Light, I have had to update the article No Aliens, again, now version 4.

16 September: Two Journal entries: Opening my Mouth with Boldness, to make Known the Evangel and Filled full with the Realization of His Will

The first one that I did today Opening my Mouth with Boldness, has a prayer request, that is I am request that you pray something like what it says in the entry to pray. I do hope you will start praying something like that as I know I will be praying something like that, as I did last night.

The second one I write, Filled full with the Realization, which is listed above the first in the date column, because I posted it second, but below the first one in the category column, also has something that you could pray if you wanted too, up to you.

15 September: Journal entry: No Nuclear Armageddon

Updated article: No Aliens!, now version 3, with new material.

I also have a new part in the alternative articles section, that has links to both these articles. This is because alternative websites report on aliens and nuclear war.

12 September: Two new articles: Righteous, Forgive and Pardon, What is the Difference? and Faithful: Sinning or not sinning?

I suggest you read the "What is the difference" one before reading the other one, but any order you like. The first one there I had in draft for sometime, but it was just not the right time to finish it, the second one was going to be part of the first one, but today I decide they should be separate.

4 September: 190 New Short Messages, for a total of 805 Short messages. 11 New Categories.

5 New tables, making a total of 18 tables.

Tables updated.

3 September: Clipart update: 12 New Unique images in a range of colours and sizes

28-29 August: Updated the article: Light of the World

Added one link to Alternative Articles section.

27 August: Updated the article: One Evangel, Now version 4, which now covers a belief bit on the teachings of Christ and the disciples, and Paul's teachings. It also covers a verse of scripture in a new section that teaches that the evangel that Peter had was for the nations as well as Israel.

Journal entry: One Evangel to the Entire Creation. Covers part of the update to the "One Evangel" article.

25 August: Added one link to Alternative Articles section.

24 August: Song: It Will be A Beautiful Future, & an extended version. One or two of you may remember, the song "It is a beautiful Eternity" which I deleted because it was incorrect. I deleted it over 9 months ago. This new song uses most of the lines from the old one, but the choruses have been changed. Note it is about 64 days since I done the last song. I report that 64 was a prophetic number in a Journal entry: Prophetic Numbers

Updated and renamed the Illustration "Snatch Away", now called "Futurism Verses Correct View"

22 August: Added a two links to the two parts of an article on "Christianity & The NWO" to the Alternative Articles section. Added one new "Alternative news link"

You will notice some minor changes to the layout. "Author info" has been renamed "Site & Author Info"

The links to Image Storage have been removed form the front page and the side bar, you can get to it form "Site & Author Info" Image Storage is just where they are stored, images are visible in the section where they are posted too.

All the links at the top on the right side of the home page above the "Updates" link have gone, however the pages have not been removed, all should still be easy to find, and are in the "Site & Author Info" section.

21 August: Added two new links to articles in the Alternative Articles section. Added one new "Alternative news link"

19 August: Journal Entry: Watchman, Warning of Coming Sword

18 August: Updated: My Beliefs. I have learn more, since the last time I updated, and had not got round to updating.

Added one link to Alternative Articles section.

17 August: Deleted one Journal Entry: 15 and 20 are Watch Dates

One counter has been removed as the date has now passed. Where was the "hailstorm of truth"? I have no indication that there was a "hailstorm of truth" on that date. I myself did not get the revelation that this was a watch date. It could be still to come on another date. I did link it to start with my revelation about "All will be revealed," of course this did not happen on that date, however it does not mean it will not happen, and it could still happen before the open door ministry starts. Because of this I have done some small editing to the entries, Open Door Ministry & Is The Ninth Sign Money?

Change the name of one entry from "20 Not a date & The 8-4 Revelation" to "The 8-4 Revelation" and done some editing.

12 August: Journal Entry: Tabernacles Age

10 August: Journal Entry: Is The Ninth Sign Money?

8 August: Two Journal Entries: Christ is Returning Soon, Are You Ready?, & Temporary World

New link in Alternative Articles section

7 August: Journal Entry: Who Has Salvation?

6 August: Updated: What is Revelation, Added info about Antichrist, and the Olivet Discourse given by Christ, along with bit more about the armies gathered for battle in Revelation 19 & 20.

5 August: Updated: Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord; Parts 1-3 have been updated. Mainly added info about the Antichrist, and about a power blackout on the day of the Lord, just before Christ returns. You can also read about the power blackout in the new Journal entry: Getting Everyone’s Attention On the Day of the Lord

4 August: Journal Entry: Who is the Antichrist?

1 August: New Short Messages: Now over 600

Five Tables have been updated

28 July: New link in Alternative Articles section

27 July: Journal Entry: Coming Future Events

26 July: Journal Entry: Prophetic Numbers

Updated and rename the article: Elijah-Elisha Ministry

Added one link to the Other Writers section, got a link to the 100 scriptural proofs.

25 July: Two Journal Entries: Open Door Ministry & Site News 3

Also add links to the "Alternative Articles" section, under the "Alternative News Links," heading.

24 July: Updated the article: Trinity Is God three Persons?

New section in the "Articles" section, Called "Alternative Articles" it has a number of the links from the old "In the news" Section along with some new links, note it does not have all the links from the old section.

The "In the News" section has be deleted. There will not be a news section in the new "Alternative Articles" section, as there was in the old "In the News" section. This is because I will no longer be providing a news part. To much to do to keep you informed of alternative news, I will be provide links to those sites. Sometimes a new link will be posted. besides I have not update the news in a while.

Small update to my article: "Swine Flu", it is in the new section.

22 July: There is some problem with the new section "alternative news" may have to convert the old section, or start completely over, frustrating. bear with me while I work it out.

21 July: Two Countdowns added, the first counting down to the Hailstorm of Truth date, I believe this is linked to revelation I had about "All will be revealed"

The second one counts down to the open door ministry date. I have also being working on a replacement for the "In the News" Section, called alternative news, unforuntely it does not want to save my latest version of the new section.

20 July: Updated and greatly extended the article: The Coming Kingdom, Now in 4 parts.

18 July: Updated: Parts 6, 7 & 9 of the Judgement series, part 9 has got the biggest up date. With a new section covering the restoration of Israel.

17 July: New article: The Covenant For A Thousand Generations, This replaces the old article: "A Thousand Generations". The stuff in the old article was correct, but I decided more information was needed, and the focus changed.

16 July: The article: "A Thousand Generations" will be replaced by new article soon. This has delayed work on the update of the Coming kingdom, but some info from the new article maybe used in the updated Coming kingdom article.

14 July: The article: "A Thousand Generations" has been deleted.

10 July: Updated the article: What is Death. Mainly More info about the thief going to paradise.

6 July: New Large Article: Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord

In 5 parts, all parts have been posted up.

2 July: Journal Entry: All Nations Destroyed Not Just Israel

Updated Journal Entry: Babylon System Not Destroyed Before the Lord Returns

Have changed the order of a few of the Journal Entries by Category.

29 June: Renamed the article: When is the seventh millennium, now called "When is God's Rest"

Sorry but the .tk domain is no longer available, basically no one was using it.

26 June: Journal Entry: Babylon System Not Destroyed Before the Lord Returns, Also to be posted at Wisefire

25 June: Deleted two articles: Snatch Away & Day of the Lord. A new much bigger article on the Day of the Lord is coming, hopefully soon, which will include the info from the Snatch Away article.

22 June: Put link in other writers page to Gerry Watts article on the parables. I have covered some parables in my Judgement Series and in my new article about the wedding, however I do not plan at this stage to cover all the parables.

20 June: Updated: When is the Millennium? Now version 6. I have put in new material to do with the end battle and a new section early in the article about there only being one body. Also put in when the ten days where in history to do with one of the churches in Revelation. It seems as I learn more God has me update the article. I am thinking this is full and final version, but I do not know, but it seems to cover everything as far as I know.

19 June: New Song: The Bride Is Ready

Also posted at Wisefire

16 June 2:58 PM: Index added to: Day Age Creation Belief is it Correct?

16 June: Updated: How Many Heavens are there? I had left out Paradise, and what happens when you die, now both covered along with what happen to Enoch, I had already covered what happen to Elijah.

Index added to What is Revelation?, I realized that I had not put an index in the fourth biggest article What is Revelation?, it is bigger than the death one, which I thought was the fourth one {Not counting the series}.

13 June: The four biggest Articles now have indexes at the top that you can click, if you can not read an article in one go, then you can quickly get back to it.

Also added to Part 9 of the Judgement series

12 June 2:35 pm: Corrected and updated: Elijah Ministry. Now back on line.

12 June: Updated: The Wedding of Christ and His Bride. I know I just posted it four days ago and now I am updating it, I have put in additional material. Mainly extended the part about whether it is on this old earth, and added two parts near the end about Samson's wedding, and the Elijah Ministry. I happened to look at the Elijah Ministry article and decided I better cover that, and then happened to come across an article about Samson's wedding and the feast being before so I thought I better cover that, because it is not. I am not planing another update.

I know it is a long article, but I am not going to at the moment split it up, I may do jump links.

Note the article about the Elijah ministry should return soon. It is wrong and needs changing.

8 June: New Article: The Wedding of Christ and His Bride

Christ is to return very soon, and then there will be a great wedding.

7 June: Updated: Freewill: Has new material, and more verses.

5 June: New Article: Light of the World.

Updated: Predestination. V3: Has new material, and more verses.

What about the other two articles? Well I have been working on the wedding article, but I switch to doing a update on predestination and got that finished today. The new article I started and finished today. For some reason I was meant to write it today. The wedding article, was going be an update to another article, but now is a separate article, is almost finished, and short be posted soon, as long as God does not side track me any further..

30 May: Change the name of the new article: Will There Be a Great Tribulation? TO: What is Revelation?

Along with some over minor changes to layout and wording. And now it is under the "Prophecy" heading.

I decide to change it, because it is not just covering the Great Tribulation, but actually five views on Revelation itself.

29 May: New Article: Will There Be a Great Tribulation?>> Now: What is Revelation?

Updated: Fourth Kingdom is Rome

I am still working on the "Day of Lord" article, and "The Wedding" which I actually started earlier as an update to another article. For some reason I switch to doing the tribulation article and got it finished, now back to the other articles.

25 May: Edited: Fourth Kingdom is Rome

23 May: Updated: When is the Millennium?, I have added new material, and change some of the layout. I have gain new understanding of the time period that Satan is bound, and the giving over of authority that He did before He was bound.

You will notice I have put a version number on the millennium article. The last big update I had on my computer as version 4, then I did two updates, but still had it as version 4. This new version is version 5 on my computer, and that is what I am calling it on here.

11 May: Updated: When is the Millennium?, I know this is another update in a short period of time, but I came on info about a different belief in the millennium, and I thought it should be covered, to info how it was incorrect, another view on Premillennialism.

11 May: Journal Entry: Jesus Walks on Water, the Second Coming?

11 May: Deleted the article: The Seven Bowels of Revelation. This information is covered in the other writers section, where I have posted the links to the Dr Jones articles covering this.

5 May: Journal Entry: No Future Millennium Reign, A very brief overview some of the stuff in the millennium article.

2 May: Updated: When is the Millennium?. There is now a much shorter beasts part, more maybe written on the beasts in another article.

2 May: I need to correct a small part of the millennium article, I have been shown more on the wild beasts, which means there is a small part that needs correcting, I am working on that now. sorry for any inconvenience.

30 April: I have put a note at the bottom of the home page, about the "sign in" link, please note there is no site membership, there is no need to click the link.

29 April: Deleted the article: End of the World. The information is covered in the millennium article & I am also planing to cover it in the new Day of Lord article. There was also a bit of information in that article that on further research was found to be questionable. Thus I do not know the truth of it, thus I have left out that info, and I am not planing to cover it in the "Day Of Lord" article. Process on the day of Lord article has been slow, as I was side tracked by other updates, and other things.

26 April: Updated & extended: When is the Millennium?

21 April: All articles should now have the CLV references except for the articles I am currently updating.

18 April: Updated the article: When is the Seventh Day Millennium?

You should notice the CLV reference start to appear next to bible text in the articles, I decided to add the reference, instead of just informing people at the start of the article section.

17 April: Extended the site intro.

15 April: Part 2 of the new series in the "In the News" section, under the "Who Controls the World?" heading.

I have decided to do a new and much bigger Day of The Lord article, and I will probably put the snatch away info in that, and do away with the separate article.

God also reveal to me, some new info about the millennium, that means there is another update to the "When is the Millennium?" article to come.

7 April: Updated Article: When is the Millennium?

4 April: New link in the section "Who Controls the World?", in the "In the News" section. This is part one of a three part series, post the links to the other parts when they become available.

2 April: Small update to the article: What is Death

I have been working on a update for the Snatch Away article, but progress has been slow, now instead I could include it in a update of The Day of The Lord article, I am not sure at this stage.

1 April: I decided there was a problem with the Article: Creation Jubilee

What I have decided for now is to delete the article, I am not sure at this stage if it will be reposted after editing, or I will go with a new article that explains things better.

31 March: Journal entry: All Creation Created through Christ

27 March: Clipart update: 10 New Unique images in a range of colours

Transparency Crossword images added, after the other other ones.

25 March: Journal entry: Crowning the King, is this to do with My Revelation?

23 March: Journal entry: 20 Not a Date, & The 8-4 Revelation

21 March: New Article: Creation Jubilee

19 March: Removed all small GLAC Crossword clipart, the 16 & 20 text sizes are still there. Just thought the smallest size was to small.

16 March: Two tables have been updated, I noticed I had not updated them previously when I updated the short messages. I have started to put some of my clipart around the site, in a few places, at the bottom of some articles, and with some tables, also on the Image storage page.

14 March: I was going through the Judgement series and noticed I missed doing one of the links at the bottom to the next chapter, I had the name of the next chapter but it was not as a link, which it should have been. It has now been fixed, if you happen to notice anything like this, where there should be a link, and there is not, please email me, thanks.

You will notice I have change the heads in the Judgement series so the numbers are after the word Judgement, instead of "2 Judgement: The Judgement of Sins" you now have "Judgement: 2 The Judgement of Sins".

10 March: I have now finished doing the transparency for the circles and the triangles clipart. I don't know if I will do transparency for the crossword clipart.

8 March: Just worked out how to do transparent backgrounds for the clipart images using Paint.net. I have redone some images already, and I will be working on the others, these are the circles and the triangles. Which means the white background will now be transparent. I have decide to try to have all the words inside the clipart, instead of some words above and some words below on some of the cliparts, this will mean a change to some of the images to do this.

7 March: Clipart update: 25 New Unique images in a range of colours and sizes

Note only some of the new images come in the medium and smaller sizes. Going forward I will probably only do the large size for the images, I will do different colours still.

6 March: Updated Article: One Evangel

Journal Entry: Circumcision Evangel

New Illustrations: What is Wrong with the Circumcision Evangel & Freewill

5 March: Short Message update & tables update.

Big clipart update coming.

Big update coming to article: One Evangel

3 March: updated Journal entry: Did Paul Have His Own Evangel?

28 Feb: Renamed the illustration "What is Wrong with Two Evangels", & redone the image in PNG format, it is now called, Can the Jews Save Themselves By Works Alone. All the illustrations that where JPEG have now been redone.

27 Feb: updated article: One group of Believers

Updated several illustrations to PNG format. One left to update.

24 Feb: Sorry I earlier upload a PNG image that was not fully finished, it has now been finished and upload: One Mediator of God & Mankind

24 Feb: I have redone another 4 illustrations in PNG: One Mediator of God & Mankind, The Barrier Christ Removed, Putting Back the Barrier Christ Removed & Overcomers Become the Barrier.

23 Feb: There is a new site intro, you can still read the article about the site logo on a different page.

Note the change in the nav box, In the News, now higher up

Updated two illustrations and now they are in the PNG Format: The Barrier Christ Removed between the Jews & the Nations & One Group of Believers

I do not know when I will redo the other Jpeg images, into the PNG format.

The Fun Island section is gone for now.

If you did a search before you may have come across the "Site Management" section, that has now been rename "Image Storage", and now easy to get to. Note you can not scroll down in this section using IE8. You will need a different browser. As the name suggests this is where the images are stored that are used on the site.

19 Feb: Judgement Series: 9 Judgement: Judgement & Restorations of the Nations & 10 Judgement: Judged in Righteousness

This is the end of the judgement series.

18 Feb: A Number of articles received updates: One group of Believers, The Coming Kingdom, Predestination

Also updated Judgement Series: part 3

17 Feb: Updated Article: "Fourth Kingdom is Rome". I have recently find out that Israel now is spiritual Babylon.

14 Feb: I have added background colours to the tables.

Article: "Fourth Kingdom is Rome", is in the process of being updated.

12 Feb: Judgement Series: 7 Judgement: God’s Purpose for the Chosen & 8 Judgement: Parables

11 Feb: Reworked some of the clipart images:

All Saved Crosswords

Reworking now finished.

New link in the links section to a free paint program I have just started using.

A small change to the order in the articles section.

Changed one of the names of the headings in the short messages section to "All Saved"

Change one of the names of one of the tables to "All Saved"

9 Feb: Reworked some of the clipart images:

All Saved Circles

All Saved Triangles

All Saved Boxes

2 of the GLAC Circles

Plan to rework the All Saved crosswords

Got rid of one circle clipart that was too BIG

8 Feb: Clipart: 6 New unique images, in a range of sizes.

6 Feb: Short Messages: New Category: Barriers Christ Removed, in the believers category. Note there are no new messages, I have taken these messages from the believers section.

5 Feb: Judgement Series: 5 Judgement: Are Unbelievers Punished & 6 Judgement: Lake of Fire

I plan to post up two more parts in a week, and the last two in a fortnight.

3 Feb: Updated the article: How Many Resurrections Part 2, I know I updated it a short time ago, but I decided to change things around a bit and change one of the explanations. This should hopeful be it for now.

Journal Entry: 15 and 20 are Watch Dates

27 Jan: Updated the article: How Many Resurrections Part 1, I know I just update this article a couple of days ago, and I thought that would be it, but I decided to update it again, and added in about Daniel 12. This should be it for now.

You may notice I have added to the site intro at the start.

You also may have notice the new .tk domain, you can now use the new shorter URL to get to the site. It is nice and short, however you will notice the small banner at the top. This is an easy way to remember the site, and to tell others about it. It is up to you whether or not you use the shorter .tk or the longer one. However I do need an "aggregate of at least twenty-five (25) page views during 90 days." and "Access of your domain name by a third party will be credited toward satisfaction of these requirements." As it states in the Terms of use, to keep the new free domain. Hopeful the banner at the top will generate traffic to this site as my site should appear on other sites in their banner at the top.

26 Jan: Judgement Series: 4 Judgement: Judgement of the Unbeliever

Journal Entry: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

25 Jan: Journal Entry: 15 & 20 Are They a Revelation?

Second update 24 Jan: You will notice I removed the link to "Judgement Series: 4 Judgement: Parables" this was because I decide to move the section and make it part 8, part 4 which was part 6 is coming soon. It came to me late in the night to change the order around, reviewing and working on the series today, I decide it was better to change it round.

24 Jan: Updated the articles: What is Death & How Many Resurrections Part 1 & Part2

23 Jan: Judgement Series: 4 Judgement: Parables

20 Jan: Added a link to Gerry Watts' Prophecy Section, in the articles section, on the other writers page.

17 Jan: Well I have been working on it for four months now, and finally I have posted up the first 3 parts.

Judgement Series: 1 Judgement: What is it? & Judgement Day

2 The Judgement of Sins

3 Judgement of the Believer

Parts 4 & 5 are coming soon. There are currently 10 parts all together, you can see all the names of the parts in the article section.

16 Jan: Updated the article: Eternal Versus Aion?, I have also moved it to the other side and put it under the heading "Plan of the Eons".

Added a link in the links section to the Scripture4All website you can download the Greek / Hebrew interlinear Bible software for free.

14 Jan: Added additional text to the site intro.

Added a link to the links section, to Preston Eby site.

13 Jan: Added an addition to the article: Trinity Is God three Persons?

Updated the article: One group of Believers

There is new page about using the resources on this website, there is a link to the page on the home page. This should be easy to understand, but if you have a question email me. I have also updated some of the wording in some of the sections, that cover using the resources of that section.

12 Jan: Journal Entry: Isolated

11 Jan: Updated In the News article: Swine Flu; You will notice some of the numbers have been revised down, the old numbers where from an article, that had them inflated. Includes Lots of new figures to study.

10 Jan: God Loves All Creation” blog, All entries have now been reposted to this site in the Journal section. They are dated as to when I posted them to the blog. Link to blog has been removed, as blog has now been deleted, and blog section will be deleted in the next few minutes. I know I said I was not sure when this would happen, that was yesterday, today I got up and decided to do the transfer.

9 Jan: New Table: God Loves Table

Updated several tables

Short Message update, increased from 454 to 540; Biggest increase ever

New Grouping in the Short Message section: All Creation Saved

You will see I split the messages about animals being saved out of the All Creation Saved category and put them in their own category called: All Animals Saved, which is in the new group: All Creation Saved

The Wisefire blog entries have now been posted to this site, in the Journal section, that means you can view them here or there {expect for the site promo entry}. Note they are dated by the dates that I posted them to Wisefire Blog. I have got rid of the link to that blog in the blog section, but there is now a link in the Journal Section that will remain. This does not mean I will stop posting to the Wisefire blog, it just means that when I post an article or a song here at the website, I may also posted at Wisefire if I think it should be posted there as well, {short articles or songs only}.

The “God Loves All Creation” blog has come to an end, the entries will be reposted to this website at some stage, not sure when, not sure where they will go, maybe the Journal. Then the blog will be deleted. This should give me more time to concentrate on this website. Link to blog will stay until all entries are reposted.

This will result in the blog section being deleted at some stage, as it will not be necessary in the future.

Judgement Series: I should hopefully start to post this up soon, it is all most finished.

Nav Box issue: You will see I got rid of the smaller box, and now only have the one. I did like the look of the smaller one, but the text was to small. If Google allows for the text to be bigger in the other box, then it might return.

7 Jan: Clipart: 7 New unique images, in a range of sizes.

6 Jan: New Journal entry: Being More Like Christ-Doing the Will of God

2 Jan: Reorganized the short message section, & moved items around in the articles section, & the clipart section.

Updates 2009
