Limiting God’s Powers and Involvement

By Mark Farquharson

People seem to constantly want to limit God’s powers, or remove him from the process all together. It does not matter want it is, whether it be the Flood or the creation process or something else, people seem to constantly limit God’s powers, or his involvement in the process. They want to remove his powers, or lessen his powers, or reduce his involvement from part of it, or all of it. Thus they assume that God used his powers for part of it, then he stop using his powers for the rest of it. Thus God waited for the natural process, because that fits their beliefs. However the scriptures do not mention God stopping to let natural processes take over. They limit God’s involvement in the process, because if they did not, it would not fit their beliefs about want went on. How do they know he used natural processes? They do not know this, it is not in the scriptures anywhere. God is not limited in his powers, just because you think he is. Just because you think he did not use his powers for something, does not mean he did not. It is not up to you when he uses his powers, it is up to God and no one else.

People limit God’s ability to save all humanity, to save the animals, to saved the wicked evil spirits. People limit God’s love as well for his works, for all that he created.

People have him uses his powers when they want him to use his powers, and have him not use his powers when they want. Humans do not control God, it is the other way around, God controls humans. God controls everything, he is in control of everything.

People also want to limit or do away with God’s use of evil. They don’t want to believe that he created evil, or that he controls the evil forces as well as the Good.

I wish people would stop limiting God’s involvement, his powers, and his Love.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009
