Mount Albert-Owairaka and the Judgement

11 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the 9 August I again went to St Mary’s Catholic Church as I had done on the 2 August and the 4 July. The 4 July I take as first Passover, that being the 14 of the first month in my year starting on the 21 June, and the 2 August as second Passover that being the 14 of my second month of the year. Back on 16 February 2012, I sat on the seat in Lady of Lourdes, thus indicating the 16 of the second month, which was the 4 August if I am correct. On the 21 February 2012 I sat in the seat at St Benedict’s church. I do now take this as a date indication, that being the 21 of the second month, which was the 9 August of my year.

I again was at the 9 a.m. service as I was the other times, I stayed briefly before leaving. This confirms for me that the 9 August was the date indicated by the sign on the 21 February. Earlier in the day I went to where I use to work, a shop called “The Warehouse,” it is a department type store. They have branches throughout New Zealand, I went to the one I use to work at. Meet three people I use to work with, one mentioned the number 100. I noticed and commented on the movement of the jewellery counter. At the jewellery counter I looked at watches.

After going to St Mary’s I walked to Avondale Primary School. On the sign they have a large spider, this would be the Avondale spider. Why was a lead to the school to see the spider? My thinking is the sign of the spider relates to the large spider statue in London unveiled on the 3 October 2007 and called "The Spirit of Zionism." This spider is meant to convey the feeling of fear that the Palestinian families feel on a daily basis. Picture of statue here:

Then after coming out of Alan Wood Park, I decided to go up the mount, that being Mt Owairaka. I headed up to the end of a road, but because it had been raining over night I decide not to use the path that is only paved part way up. Thus I took the path that went to Summit Drive, coming out at house 36. This is the number that the dream numbers add up to, in the 8-8-8-8-4 dream. 888 being the number for Jesus, and 8-4 meaning 12, thus Jesus at 12. I entered Mount Albert-Owairaka Domain. Mount Albert is the English name it was given, but now it is known by it’s Maori name Mt Owairaka.

Just to cover this briefly again, “Owairaka” should be properly pronounced “Te Wai O Raka,” which means “Priest on Tainui Canoe.” This refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura.” I relate the “Sacred drinking waters,” to the “River of Living Water” in Revelation 22:1-2. What is represent then is the river of life flowing down the mount to the nations below. The river of life is the Holy Spirit which will flow to the nations in the future.

At the top of the mount I noticed the sign was gone that explained the meaning of the Maori name. The two posts that held the sign were still there, I do not know the meaning of the missing sign. I sat on the seat in a southwards direction, facing towards the park at the bottom, called Owairaka Park. During a short prayer I mentioned universal reconciliation. Then I got up and headed back down the mount. As I was leaving the park I noticed a sign showing a volcanic eruption, as the mount use to be a volcano.

Back on the 2 August I was walking up a hill and an old man said to me, “Don’t let the hill bet you,” to which I said “no.” But that got me thinking what hill and when? In the Old Testament the word for hill, “har,” can mean a hill or a mountain. Thus the sign don’t let the hill bet you, could actual refer to a mount. My thinking now is that it could have been a sign referring to Mt Owairaka.

After going to the top of the mount on the 9 August, I went down to Owairaka Park. At the park I noticed that a seat was missing, not sure how it connects to the missing sign on the mount, or if it does. I walked around the overgrown garden, before leaving. The mount and the park are on the southern end of the suburb called Mt Albert.

Then I head to another park, before entering I noticed the “Hosanna World Harvest Church, at 119 Richardson road. 119 is the number for the call to resurrection yet falling short. Then I entered Murray Helberg park. There was a large dog running around, the owner had an FBI cap on. I exited the park on to Olympus street, which can be a sign of the Olympics. On the way home I noticed that a sign for retail space said 119sqm. The site was all full of rubble, no building work for the retail space had started.

Note adding 100 to 36 you get 136, which could mean 136 days. The 30 March 2011 was another time I went to the top of the mount. This year the 30 March was a date point for the end of a sequence, which end at the altar of St Benedict’s church. At the time I did not know that the seat sign meant a number of days. Adding 136 days to the 30 March 2012, you get the 13 August, the 136th day being the 12 August. The 12 August being the day of the closing ceremony of the games which begins at 9 p.m. London time.

The Judgement:

The spider sign indicates the spider statue, which is "The Spirit of Zionism," which points to Israel and Jerusalem. However other countries support Israel and therefore have that same spirit. The spider is in London, which is holding the Olympic games, and I exited the park on to Olympus street. Lord Mayor of London John Stuttard said that the sculpture was "in keeping with the ZION theme that we presented in our 2012 Games LOGO". It now seems they are dismissing the logo having a Zion theme. This also connects to the earthquake in Olympia, Washington. A rose sign was drawn in the sand. England’s heraldic emblem is the Tudor Rose. Henry Tudor brought about the end of the War of the Roses by taking the crown of England from Richard III.

In the scriptures Israel and Jerusalem were the overgrown vineyard. However the overgrown garden can refer to another country or city, that Yahweh views as overgrown at this time. Owairaka Park and Mt Owairaka are in the Mt Albert area named after Prince Albert who was married to Queen Victoria. Both Albert and Queen Victoria are signs I have got. These link to the sign of Cleopatra’s Needle which came over from the Egyptian city of On, or Heliopolis {City of Sun}. Which links to the scarab beetle sign which is sacred to ancient Egyptians and is used as a symbol for the solar deity in hieroglyphics and on amulets etc. For more on the overgrown garden refer to this entry: London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

When Dr Jones, Chad and Brad were in St. Paul, Minnesota on the 14 July 2012, they took issue with the gold sculpture of Apollo, the sun god, near the top of the dome of the Minnesota State Capital. They “spoke the verdict from the Divine Court to establish the only true Sovereign in the universe.”

St Benedict can refer to the present pope who is Pope Benedict XVI {16}. However it can also refer to Westminster Abbey which is a large Gothic church used for British coronations, because it was originally a Benedictine abbey. I connect my St Paul’s Cathedral in London sign to St Benedict’s church. Note while Dr Jones, Chad and Brad were in St. Paul, Minnesota they drove to St. Paul's Cathedral. There “were led to St. Paul's Cathedral to cast down supplanters and to re-establish God's sovereignty.” For more what they did refer to Dr Jones weblog entry: Divine Visitation at St. Paul

The “War of the Roses” signs which connects to the “Church of England” sign, which connects to St Paul’s Cathedral. “War of the Roses” and “Solomon’s Throne” sign which is a sign of judgment on the location of the wars which was England. There are more signs covered in the journal entries here: England Signs

The “Like a dream” sign I have connected to the England judgment. While the prophecy in Isaiah 29, is about Ariel, which is a name for Jerusalem, it does not mean the sign I got refers to modern day Jerusalem. Remember one city can spiritually be like another city. London has the spirit of Zionism and therefore is spiritually Jerusalem. The “Inception” movie which is about dreams, I watched at a Westfield mall. There is a new mega Westfield mall in London. The sign of the dream means that London will be unobtainable. Thus the judgment makes it unobtainable in someway. For more on it being like a dream refer to this entry: London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

After an earthquake or even a series of earthquakes a city can be rebuilt as in the case of Christchurch, New Zealand although progress is slow.

Judgment then by way of volcanic eruption? I do know that there are no volcanos near London, however there could be a underground magma reaction causing earthquakes. The ground could even crack right down to the magma causing it to come to the surface and then you would have an eruption, thus making the city unobtainable.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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