Wine Harvest, Mount, 21 Pattern, & Virgin Bride

2 December 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Wine Harvest

On the 29 November I went to Corban Estate and looked around the outside of the old buildings. The last thing I looked at was the old wine vats. In Starforth Park is a painted wall that has grapes on it. We are waiting on the outpouring of the holy spirit. At the time of Pentecost it is the time of the wheat harvest, and it is also time of the grape harvest. We are also waiting for the provision to come.

Nehemiah 12:44 And certain are appointed on that day over the chambers for treasures, for heave-offerings, for first-fruits, and for tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for priests, and for Levites, for the joy of Judah [is] over the priests, and over the Levites, who are standing up. {CLV}

Nehemiah 13:5 and he makes for him a great chamber, and there they were formerly putting the present, the frankincense, and the vessels, and the tithe of the corn, the new wine, and the oil--the commanded thing of the Levites, and the singers, and the gatekeepers--and the heave-offering of the priests. {CLV}

The corn here is wheat, thus the first-fruit of the wheat harvest, as the barley would have already been harvested.

Nehemiah 13:12 and all Judah have brought in the tithe of the corn, and of the new wine, and of the oil, to the treasuries. {CLV}

Both verses above mention new wine, and oil among the offerings at this feast. For new wine, you need a harvest of grapes, and for new oil, you also need a harvest.

Recall that I went up the mount on the 9 August 2012, the number for awaiting the outpouring in my notes is 120. Adding 120 days would get you the 7 Dec, with the 120th day being the 6 Dec, another way to look at it is four months which would get you the 5 Dec.

Crystal Mountain

Recall that Moses started the forty days on the 16 of the third Hebrew month. On that day Moses and a number of other people observed the “white work of the sapphire.”

Exodus 24:9-11 And Moses goeth up, Aaron also, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they see the God of Israel, and under His feet is as the white work of the sapphire, and as the substance of the heavens for purity; and unto those of the sons of Israel who are near He hath not put forth His hand, and they see God, and eat and drink. {YLT}

On the 29 November I went out to a place called “Crystal Mountain.” There is a gallery, café, museum, animals, and rides you can take. I only went to the gallery, which is the shop where they sell mainly crystals, but also other stuff. I do not buy anything at the shop. This could have been a sign of the sapphire, the 29 was the 15 of the third civil month.

Then I went on to look for a place that was on a map, called “Fire Mountain Village.” I went up road, but did not see any sign for the place on the road. Maybe this was went to represent the mount, as the road went up and up. After I had got to the top, and was coming along a flatter bit, I did see a sign for a business that had the word “Conqueror.”

While Moses went up on the 16, Yahweh did not talk to him until the seventh day.

Exodus 24:16 And the glory of Yahweh rested upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days,—then called he unto Moses on the seventh day, out of the midst of the cloud. {REB}

When Yahweh called on to Moses it would have been on the 22 of the third Hebrew month. The 22 of the third civil month is the 6 December 2012.

21 Pattern

Recall that I went up the mount on the 9 August this was the 21st of the fifth Hebrew month. Tabernacles was in the seventh month 15-22, {1-8 Oct 2012}. Factor in a month delay, eighth month 15-22, {31 Oct -7 Nov 2012}. In the sequence below one can see the recurring date of the 21st of the Hebrew month.

Sequence, 2012 dates:

St Thomas & Samoan church {Next to St Thomas}: 4 July & 2 August

New Lynn School, with dated stone: 12-13 August, Closing ceremony of Olympic games, pyramid built.

St Austell’s Church & Ambrico Kiln: 8 September {21 of sixth Hebrew month}

New Lynn Samoan seventh day Adventist church: 7 October {21 of seventh Hebrew month}

Pond in Manawa Wetlands: 6 November {21 of eighth Hebrew month}

Seating under roof in Manawa Wetlands:

It is therefore possible that the finial date in the sequence is also the 21 or 22 of the Hebrew month, possibly 5-6 Dec {21-22 of ninth Hebrew month}. This can also be seen in the sequence below.

Sequence, 2012 dates:

Community Centre: Sometime after 23 August, but before 30 August 2012.

Saint Francis & St Therese Parish Hall: 30 August 2012

Old Homestead Co-operating Parish: 8 September 2012 {21 of sixth Hebrew month}

Springs of Life Church: 7 October 2012 {21 of seventh Hebrew month}

Eric Armishaw Park: 6-7 November {21-22 of eighth Hebrew month}

Walker Park: From about the 8 November

Selwyn Village, retirement village with hospital called, Christ’s hospital: Possibly 5-6 Dec {21-22 of ninth Hebrew month}

Virgin Bride

Recall that in 2009 was the start of the drought period of three and half years. This was delayed a month and it was also the start of the Elijah/Elisha period. The start was in May 2009 after the delay. This being after the Passover Conference in April of that year. Fast-forward that period and you get 8-10 Nov 2012. However there was no outpouring.

In May of 2009 a month after the conference was the wedding on the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. This however was not related to the delayed started. My thinking is that it is a sign of something occurring a month after the three and half year period. In a sequence there is Virginia Street, which I do believe is close. Adding a month on to 8-10 Nov and you get 8-10 Dec 2012. My thinking is however that it could be 5-6 Dec, being the 21-22 of the Hebrew month.

I have mentioned a year starting on the 21 June 2012, the Anniversary of the ring. This being a year after the sign of the delay in sending out the Apostles which was on the 19-21 June 2011. The anniversary of the marriage proposal was on the 19 June. The sixth month of this year started on the 15 November 2012 and the 21 of the sixth month is the 5 Dec.

I have mentioned many times a coming second Judgement. It is my view now that this judgement needs to occur, and when it does, the virgin bride will get the gifts from the bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

Recall the visitation to St Paul’s, Minnesota by Dr Jones, Chad and Brad. This was on the 14 July 2012. The number 144 is resurrection saints. The 144th day is the 4 Dec, and 144 days is the 5 December 2012. Interestingly if you added 153 days to the 4 July you get the 4 Dec. 153 being the number for Sons of God. The 4 July was the 14 of the forth Hebrew month, and the 14 of the first month of the year starting on the 21 June 2012. For more on that read the entry: Comments on Divine Visitation at St Paul’s

My view is still that this judgement will befall St Paul’s Cathedral in London. It will not just befall that cathedral, but will be devastating to the London area. Recall that I prayed for London in Chapel 2, the sign of the second Judgement on the Day of Atonement this year. The first judgement was the sign of the loss of authority. There will be a second judgement, and at that time I believe we will gain authority. A one month delay, then a forty day count gets you the 5 Dec.

The Mt Albert Station has the number 40a on the platform. This being the sign of departure, before we can depart, we have to wait for the outpouring. The mount is Mount Albert, and it is also the sign of the Holy Spirit.

Review the entries here: England Signs

The Sign and/or Work on the 4 December:

There seems to be something I am meant to do this Tuesday, it involves going on a walk, I am to plan my journey in central Auckland. Not sure where I am to go, or what I am meant to do. It could involve signs and or some work to perform. It will be the 4 December, one day before the 5 December.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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