RSA, Classroom Dream & Other Signs

13 July 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Before getting to the RSA and the dream a brief recap.

Three years ago the barley meal was cast into the headwaters, 9 July 2010 and the well was capped on the 15 July 2010. That was the eight sign, and ever since then we have be waiting on the ninth sign of Elisha, the start of the double proportion. The increase of barley loaves as seen in 2 Kings 4:42-44 is the ninth sign. The ninth sign is thought to be the coming revalue of the Iraqi dinar, because of passage in John 6:1-14, when Jesus increases the barley. In that passage the word “denarii” {dinar} is used. The sanctions have now been lifted form Iraq, however still waiting on the revalue.

Before the double-portion mantle was passed to Elisha, there was a three-year drought in Israel (1 Kings 18:1). However the full period is given as 3½ years in James 5:17.

Those who have been reading these entries will know of the prophecy that the Iraq dinar would revalue at 3.18:

“What you see going on in Egypt is going to happen in two more middle eastern countries and the US will go into another war." and then he says this, "When it does happen it will RV at 3.18, when it does RV, everything is going to change".


I will not be discussing the middle east situation. At this point it is uncertain what the second country will be after the overthrow of Libya, and what war the US will enter.

What I want to get into is my signs I have been getting and the meaning of them. When I get a sign it does not come with an explanation, in other words it is up to me to try to work out what they mean.

Recently on the 9 May 2013, I went to the RSA (Returned Services' Association). In 1916 during World War I, the returning

wounded veterans formed the RSA in New Zealand to provide support for returning soldiers. These days anyone can join. You do not have to be a member to have a meal there.

About 20 of us went there to have a meal, we all paid individually, I had the fish and chips for $12. You order then you are given a pager, you sit and wait for you meat. Then you get your meat and you can added you vegetables. My pager was number 29. Interesting the Hebrew date was the 29 of the second Hebrew month. Thus the Hebrew day and the pager matched.

I again went to the RSA on the 4 July, with the same group of people. Not exactly the same, there where some different ones in the group. About 20 in the group. However this time one person paid for our group. Three of us including me ordered the Lamb. Instead of us having our own pagers, there were two for the group. Half went on pager 21, and the other half including me on pager 22. While there were no individual pagers, I did take pager 22 to the counter when I went to get my meal. The Hebrew date was the 26 of the fourth month, thus the pager did not connect to this date. Later two people joined the table who were the father and daughter of one of the group. One last point when I got back with my plate of food, someone was in my seat. I said that it was alright, thinking I would sit in their seat. However the person moved to their seat and I sat in mine.

Since the Hebrew date matched the pager the first time, does the pager number at the second visit match a future Hebrew date and if so when? I have the number 22, but of which month? Does the fact that there were two pagers indicate anything? Recall I was with the second half. Does that indicate that it is in the next Hebrew month, being the fifth month or does it indicate the sixth month or is it not an indication? The next 22 is the 22 of the fifth Hebrew month, being the 30 July. Interestingly if you start a count on the day after the Christchurch New Zealand earthquake, you get 888 days between the dates {23/2/2011-29/7/2013 inclusive}, which is the number for Jesus. The 22 of the sixth Hebrew month is the 28 August.

Of course these things are not always that simple, recall the fact that someone was in my seat, could this indicate a further delay and if so to when?

Lets get back to the prophecy, which three eighteen. Does the three indicate year, as it has now been three years since the eight sign. If that is the case, and I am not saying it is for sure, then what about the eighteen. I wonder if the 18 is day? If I count 18 days, then the eighteenth day from the 9 July is the 27 July and the eighteenth day from the 15 July is the 2 August 2013. That is a period from 27 July-2 August. This is assume I start my could on the following day. Note I am using the eighteenth day, instead of 18 days, which would get 28 July-3 August. Of course the 18 could be something else.

Recall that I got a Black Pegasus Halloween sign on the 2 June 2013. Of course getting a sign on a certain day does not mean it relates to that day, it could relate or it could relate to a different day. Back on the 30 December 2011, I got the sign “Opening the Door of Heaven.” Thus if I count the 2 June as 31 October then 30 December would be the 2 August 2013.

Dr Jones built a pyramid back on the 29 November 2011 and finished it on the 30 November 2011. Before that on the 27 September 2011, I went to a meet about a company that was splitting into two companies. The date that this would be finalized would be the 30 November 2011. The car park number was 36. At the end of the meet my family and I went to our car, but the way was locked. We got someone to help us and as we drive out of the building I remember the large gate opening before us. The company was Telecom New Zealand. I have thought of the gate opening as a possible sign of the Door of Heaven, and since the companies split on the 30 November, that it related to that date. However a month after the split, I got the sign of the Opening on the 30 December. Of course this could point to 30 December 2013 as the actual date for the Opening.

Since then I have got broadband with them on a 50 GB plan. Then recently on the 8 July 2013, they increased the plan by 30 GB to 80 GB. It is interesting that it is thirty, as in the difference between 30 November and 30 December is 30 days.

I got a sign at the library sometime ago now, when a woman behind the counter said that her watch stopped at 11:30 last night. Recently on the 28 June I stopped a big clock, by stopping the pendulum. The clock is still stopped. If 11:30 is an indication of November 30 then 30 days on to this date would be 28 July. Thus a watch period of 27 July to 3 August.

There is a upcoming trip for our group in August sometime. I have been on all the trips up until now. Which brings me to my recent dream. On the morning of the 10 July 2013, I had this dream where I was in a class room. The teacher was asking those on the right side if they would go. Then she got to me, I was on the left side at the back of the room and I said that I would not. Then I wonder if I should go or not. She indicted that something might come by then. I do not know what the something was. I looked at the blackboard and I can not be sure but I thought it read 30 July, the dream ended.

Thus could something occur before the trip that would mean I would not go, but what? Could it be the provision, the ninth sign, maybe, could be something else.

There is also the sign of the 900 section, that being the travel section, which would be the 11 August 2013. That is assuming that you count from the earthquake and not so other date.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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