
There is no Lucifer

Satan is not Lucifer

Lucifer is a mistranslation

Just because someone says that their teachings are based on the bible, it does not make them true.

The King James Bible {KJV} is not the best version of the bible.

No translation is 100 percent correct

Just because someone says that their teachings are based on the bible, it does not mean they are.

Not all teachers preach the truth.

Not all preachers teach the truth.

Not all teachers teach the truth.

Not all preachers preach the truth.

All bible translations contain errors

The King James Bible {KJV} contains errors

No bible translation is free of errors.

Just because someone says “that’s what the bible says”, it does not mean that the bible says that.

Some teachers are vain prattlers

Some teachers are prattling in vain, not apprehending either want they are saying, or that concerning which they are insisting.

Beware false christs, false prophets and false teachers

There are many false teachers and false prophets

Popes are not infallible in matters of faith and morals

Short Messages