The RV Prophecy, My dream & the Pegasus

25 May 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Monday the 27 May 2013, will be the 18 of the third Hebrew month or 3.18 as in the following prophecy:

"Good, it's going to revalue soon and when it does you need to buy silver and gold because once it does everything is going to change". My friend said, "Well we heard that it's supposed to RV any day now". The man responds, "Not yet but soon. What you see going on in Egypt is going to happen in two more middle eastern countries and the US will go into another war." and then he says this, "When it does happen it will RV at 3.18, when it does RV, everything is going to change".

From God‘s Kingdom Ministries: A strange Dinar story

Of course 3.18 could mean something else, but it is a possibility that does actually mean the 18th day of the third Hebrew month. The prophecy was given at the end of January 2011. Note the revalue does not have to come after the other events, in the prophecy. The other events are prophecy at the same time, but that does not mean sequence.

Lets now go back to my dream. Recall that I had a dream where I was going through a shopping mall. I came out into a car park and meet up with my father. We returned to the shopping mall and entered a shop. He was going to buy at 205. Recall that Julius had a dream where he was “looking at the CBI site and saw a dollar/dinar 1:1 and some of the other currencies had dashes ----- or 205.”

I thought of this as a sequence and that the revalue would occur on day 205 of the prophetic year, which was the 21 May 2013. This of course did not occur.

Last time I covered the fact that I had received certain signs that indicated that in the dream sequence I had come out of the mall and was heading back. On the 20 May I got a sign indicating to me that I was back in the mall. However I was not in the shop. The sign came on the 21 May that I was in the shop according to the dream. If I am understanding correctly. However that was not that date of purchase. To purchase the item from the shop you have to go to the shelve to get the item, then take the item to the counter to make the purchase. Of course you do not spend days in a shop doing this. However in case of the dream sequence, it does cover a number of days.

If I go by the signs I got on the 21 May, I can compare this to another time. This being the sign of Kmart and the price of $3.00. If I look at the other time there were addition signs, like a Christmas Train. I linked that time to 24 December 2011, not to the 25 December. On 30 December 2011, I got the sign “Opening the Door of Heaven.” Of course this is want we are waiting for, the door to open. Thus if I add on six days to the 21 May then I got the 27 May 2013.

On the 22 May I go the sign of a reindeer with a scroll on a blue background. Another sign I got on the same day was an angel with a star on the head, holding a open book and a scroll.

Recall the petrol station Mobil, where the price was 2.11, but with discount it was 2.07. First went to the pump furthest away from the shop, but the hose would not reach. Drove around to the pump that was next to the shop. This was a couple of days after receiving the email from Julius about his dream. 207 is 2 higher than 205. I do take it as a sign, because it occurred two days after the email, and the price was 207. Mobil has the red Pegasus, horse with wings. Last night I got the sign of a blue and white Pegasus. I got a sign this morning of a mostly blue Pegasus with a bit of white, with the name “Ocean Blue Pegasus.” Yes I know it is blue instead of red, however it is a Pegasus. The ocean referring to water, and the holy spirit is the living water. Thus to me indicates that we are close to the revalue and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Recall that the disciples had to wait to the outpouring before they could leave.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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