Different Beliefs


By Mark Farquharson

We who believe in Universal Reconciliation, have different points of view. While we all believe that all mankind will be saved, we do not all agree on other areas. Most believe in a coming millennium, on the other hand a few do not believe. Some believe in a coming tribulation, others do not. While there are different view points on what is to come, there are also different view points to do with the past. Did God create the earth, the universe, the plants, and the animals in six days or was it billions of years. Options also vary as to what happens when someone dies and what happens in the Lake of Fire. About the only thing we all agree on is the fact that all mankind is going to be saved.

Each of us can view our point of view as being correct. However when it comes to the millennium, only one view is correct, there is ether a coming millennium reign or there is not a coming millennium. Both views can not be correct, only one can be correct. The question of course is which one? Both sides can have good reasons why their point of view is correct. Good reasons do not make you correct, because if it did, both sides would be correct, which would be impossible.

Of course on some things there can be more than two views, and more than one view can be incorrect. However some views might be partly correct, and partly incorrect. Take the coming tribulation, is there, or is there not a coming tribulation. Stated this way we are only looking at two points. However those who think there is a coming tribulation, have different ideas on how long it is. Some believe it is only 3 and half years long, others view it as being seven years long. Thus now we have three points of view, if there is no coming tribulation, then only one point of view is correct, and two are incorrect. However if there is a coming tribulation then two views are partly correct; of course only one of these two views would be totally correct.

It does not matter how many people view a certain point of view as being correct, the popularity of a view point does not make it correct. If it did we would all be wrong, because the view of all mankind saved is not the popular view as we all know. Any belief no matter how popular, does not make it correct. On the other hand the unpopularity of a view point does not make it correct. Just because not many people believe in it, does not make it correct or incorrect. If not many people believe as you do on a point of view, it does not make you incorrect. Don’t change you mind just because a lot of other believes in UR, believe differently to you on some point of view.

Some who teach the all-inclusive love of God, have know for a long time. However it does not mean they are correct on all points of view, just because they have known along time. When doing research on the net you come across different view points even between people who have known for a long time. Also don’t think you are incorrect just because you are a new believer in UR. It is not to do with how long you have known.

It is also not to do with how many people come to a site, or even how popular a site is among UR believers. Just because a lot of us going to certain websites, it does not make those websites correct on all points of view. Similarly if no one munch goes there it does not mean that the writer at the site is incorrect on certain points of view.

God is imparting information on to us at different stages, and each believer gets different information at different times. Thus one believer can receive a revelation about something and another believe will receive that revelation at a different time.

In the end we will all know the true of these things that we disagree on.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009

