When is 8 am, Waiting on the Computer

January 21, 2017

By Mark Farquharson

It has been some time since I last write a journal entry. As you know we are waiting for the end of the delay period, the time of effective Apostleship, the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The sign is that the delay will end at 8 am, for at that time there will be no waiting and no delays. Eight being the sign of new creation.

When then is 8 am? Recently I learned that five minutes is an hour and an hour is 24 days, thus five minutes is 24 days and a hour is also 288 days. There is a sign of a 15 minute waiting period which would mean 72 days.

On the November 15 2016 I went to the doctor, and got the following signs, "waiting on the computer," "who's my 8 o'clock," "almost there."

These my not seem like signs, but lets take a look, we are "almost there." Almost where? at 8 o'clock. What are we waiting on, the computer. The sign refers to a computer, It is not referring to the one at the medical center, therefore maybe it is referring to my computer.

The price of the computer was 740, however when paid for it was liked to the number 12000, which is the number of the people of a tribe in the book of Revelation and also the cost of the table in my table dream.

I got my last computer on April 27 2014. However that does not mean we have to wait until April, for the Hebrew date is of interest here. Using the festive calendar, you have the date of 27 of Nisan, or the first Hebrew month. This can mean waiting until that Hebrew date, or it can refer a date in the western calendar, that is January 27.

This earlier date seems the must likely date, as it is when there was the sign of the Open Door last year after Dr Jones forty day fast. It is also the date that Dr Jones move from Memphis in the USA, which was a sign of moving out of Egypt.

Note this also about 72 days after November 15 last year.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2017

Open Door Ministry
