30 Days 8 am Watch Date October 28

By Mark Farquharson.

September 22, 2021.

I have gotten numerous signs over the years to do with the Gate opening at 8 am when there will be no waiting and no delays. I believe now that we are approaching that time. I connect this with the time of Affective Apostleship.

Back in July 27, 2013 I got the sign that the Gate was to open 30 days hence. July is like September, thus the 30 days hence can apply to September 27, which would get you October 27/28.

There are a few signs that connect to Delta. The current covid 19 variant that is most common in the world at the moment is delta. The word Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. The flat area at some river mouths where the river splits into smaller tributaries is also known as the Delta.

Delta Ave is twice where I got the sign “No waiting, no delays,” the person opens at 8 am. On this street I got the sign to wait 15 minutes at a Lab test place on May 25, 2017. Having been to another lab test place earlier on June 1st 2016, and told to wait 15 minutes to remove the plaster, and an hour before heaving lifting.

Thus there is a wait of an hour before 8 am, at which point there will be no waiting or delays. How long is the hour? There are different ways to measure time in prophecy. I have been given my own way of measuring time. Five minutes is an hour and five minutes is 24 days, thus an hour is 288 days, thus the wait is also that long. However when is 8 am or when is 7 am from which time one can work out 8 am?

Earlier this year on January 14th at 11 am I attended a funeral at the Salvation Army church on Delta Ave, actually across the road from the Lab test place. At the time I did not think of it as a sign to do with 8 a.m. From January 14 to October 28, is 288 days inclusively.

October 28 this year is the 22nd of the eighth Hebrew month. September 20, Is the time that we begun crossing our Red Sea. On August 22, The youngest daughter of Dr. Stephen E. Jones received revelation “The horse and the rider thrown into the sea.” This revelation could apply to October 28 as this will be the 22nd of the eighth Hebrew month.

Revelation connected to 8 am, of when they occurred below:


July 22-August 21, Road Bridge over motorway, open August 22.

September 27, Sign Steel Gate opening, Car park 36. This at a meet where Telecom NZ split into two companies over a period to be complete by November 30. Later Telecom became Spark.

2012, July 11, Watch stopped 11:30 last night.


July 27 “Gate about to open 30 days hence.”

August 3, 30 days, 30 nights.

September 26, First TV sold $30. Hebrew date Tishrei 22, {Seventh month}

November 1, Second TV sold $30.


November 7, Spark ATM $100 credit, not put into account.

December 8, Account credited $115.

2015 May 6, Barber on Delta Ave. Sign Open at 8 am, “No waiting, no delays.” This is a sign because we have been waiting for the time of Affective Apostleship, and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Thus at 8 am there will be no waiting or delays.


May 20, “Out of the Gate by 8.” Thus the gate opens in 30 days at 8 am.

June 1st, Lab test wait 15 minutes, wait an hour before heavy lifting. This contents to another Lab test.

September 9, “Got the time,” “5 to 8”

November 4, “Knocking on heavens Door,” Hebrew date Cheshvan 22, {Eighth month}


May 25, “No waiting, no delays,” Barber Delta Ave.

Lab test “You came at the right time.” Wait 15 minutes. This lab test place was also on Delta Ave. I am to wait the 15 minutes and the hour at the same time. Thus the wait is an hour, from 7 am to 8 am, for that is the time given at the barber.

October 31, Declaring the time for Affective Apostleship the time of 8 AM. I declare this on this date linking the time of Affective Apostleship to 8 am.

November 7, Upcoming event on November 10, at Events Centre, Mercury Energy “Walk though the Open Door.” November 10, Hebrew date Cheshvan 21.

November 13. “By the gate at 8 for the school bus.” No I do not have children at this time or catch a school bus.


October 30, 8 am in court case in TV program.

November 7. Electronic school sign, exams through to November 30. Bus leaving school.


February 28, Time 8 am on school display. New electronic display by footpath.

March 13, Time on school display 8 am.

April 10, school time out by an hour.

June 25, Chase TV program. Opening of stock exchange 8 am.

August 15, Chase TV program, Four hours before noon, 8 am.

September 22, Melania Trump opening NY stock exchange, ringing the bell, with UN school children.

October 9, School time out by an hour on display.

November 30, Woman pays $115 into Mum’s account for horse clock and toy koalas. Up from $100 for just the clock. This is the same as the credit back in 2014.

December 6, Mum meets woman at Auckland Airport to hand over cloak and koalas. Woman arrived from the Gold Coast on flight NZ 938. Then woman fly to Invercargill on NZ 699.

December 31, 8 o’clock.


May 3, Caught bus, time on display in bus 8 am, was 7 am. Thus out by an hour.


January 14. Funeral for uncle 11 am at Salvation Army church at 32 Delta Ave.

This is across the road from the Lab test place and down the road from the Barber.

August 22, The youngest daughter of Dr. Stephen E. Jones receives revelation “The horse and the rider thrown into the sea.”

September 20, The time that we begun crossing our Red Sea.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2021
