Temporary World


By Mark Farquharson

This is a temporary world. Loads of people believe that the world is billions of years old and will carry on for billions of years after they are long dead.

This has them thinking that there actions do not really matter. It also gives the wrong impression, that humans and then themselves do not matter. That they do not matter, because they will not really be around long enough to make a difference. That nothing really matters. There seems no point to their lives.

However everyone matters to the Father, God. Even if you have a low end job and do not achieve anything noteworthy in your life, you still matter to God, for He loves you and everybody else.

Even a number of Christians’ think that this world will not end. They spiritualise all the scriptures that relate to the world ending and to Christ’s return. This is incorrect, these scriptures should not be spiritualised.

This world will end, it will not go on for billions of years as the scientists claim. They do not know God’s plan, and it seems a lot of Christians do not know it either. The world will be destroyed by fire.

There will be a completely new earth, for this earth was only ever meant to be temporary. The new earth will be permanent, exist forever. It will be different in that, there will not be the destructive forces that are on this old earth, no earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or tornadoes, for instance.

This old temporary earth is not that old. For it is not billions of years old. The dating of rocks, trees and other stuff is not correct. How can you know the date is correct when the method is not that old. How do you know the numbers do not change over time? You do not. The truth is they can not date anything using the methods they do.

The earth has only been here about 6000 years, and it will soon be gone for good. This shows how temporary this earth is. Soon the world will be gone and in a few billion years it will be long gone. It will have served it’s purpose, it will have done it’s job. That part of God’s plan will be done with. It will not be the end of His plan, but the end of that part of the plan.

However humans are not temporary, they do matter and they will be around for along time, in fact forever. And it is all humans that will be around forever, for immortality is coming for everyone. Not at the same time, the chosen, the members of the body of Christ first, then the rest of mankind later. Immortally meaning that no human will ever died, ever again.

The chosen after the Judgement of all mankind will be in the kingdom of the heavens, and the rest of mankind will be temporarily on the new earth in the restored nations. The new earth is not temporary, but the restored nations are, for those in the restored nations will move in to the kingdom over time. One day all mankind will be living permanently in their home, the kingdom of the heavens, paradise.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010. Edited August 26 2018

Please note this event happens after the coming millennium reign.