Elizabeth Revelation, Ministry to Start at Passover

March 9, 2011

By Mark Farquharson

On Thursday 24 February I got a revelation about Elizabeth, while I was on a walk. Elizabeth being the mother of John the Baptist.

Luke 3:4 as it is written in the scroll of the sayings of Isaiah the prophet, saying, "The voice of one imploring: 'In the wilderness make ready the road of the Lord! Straight...be making the highways' of Him!" {CLV}

John is the one that prepared the way for the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke 1:17 And he shall be coming before in His sight in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn back the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the stubborn to the prudence of the just, to make ready a people formed for the Lord." {CLV}

He was a type of Elijah, for he had the spirit and power of Elijah, but was not actually Elijah. John the Baptist actually states that he is not Elijah {John 1:19-22}. The way again is being prepared, this time for the second coming of Jesus, as prophesized by Jesus himself.

Matthew 17:10-11 And His disciples inquire of Him, saying, 'Why, then, are the scribes saying that Elijah must be coming first? Now He, answering, said to them that "Elijah is indeed coming, and will be restoring all." {CLV}

Here Jesus prophesize the coming of Elijah, but that does not mean it has to be actually Elijah, for John the Baptist was a type of Elijah.

Matthew 17:12 Yet I am saying to you that Elijah came already, and they did not recognize him, but they do to him whatever they will. Thus the Son of Mankind also is about to be suffering by them." {CLV}

Jesus tells His disciples that Elijah had come already, thus fulfilling the prophecy in Isaiah 40:3-4. However the scribes had not recognize that John the Baptist was the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the coming of Elijah.

It is the True believers in Christ, that will fulfil the prophecy that Jesus made. Just before his return there will be a type of Elijah. That is those ones in Christ who are alive at that time will fulfil that prophecy. I do believe that time is now at hand, that is those ones in Christ now alive at this time are a type of Elijah, they have the spirit and the power. In fact they are a type of Elisha as Elisha got the spirit of Elijah, and the double portion, they too will get the double portion.

2Kings 2:9 And it comes to pass, at their passing over, that Elijah has said unto Elisha, `Ask, what do I do for you before I am taken from you?' and Elisha said, `Then let there be, I pray you, a double portion of your spirit unto me;….{CLV}

2Kings 2:15.….`Rested has the spirit of Elijah on Elisha;'…..{CLV}

What has this to do with Elizabeth? Actually it is to do with John the Baptist, to do with when he started his ministry, which links back to when he was born. For he was born at or near Passover and when he was 30 years old he when he started his ministry.

How does this connect back to the revelation I got. John started his ministry at Passover, that is I believe when the Ministry will start. Passover this year starts on April 19 and goes for seven days until April 25. One thing to note of course is that other dates mentioned in the past for the start have come and gone. This is my understand of the revelation I got, which I am informing you about.

The Second 76 Day Cycle:

Each year starts with two cycles, well actual the first cycle usual cross over from one year to the next. The second cycle is February 6 to April 22 of this year. That is it ends in the middle of Passover.

The 8-8-8-4 Revelation

I mentioned last year that I got a revelation about the numbers 8 and 4 to do with my life. At the time I thought that the numbers ended at 2010, due to a belief that the heralding of the evangel would start last year. Not sure when they started I made them fit to last year. However I did think there could be another 8 in the sequence of numbers, that is 8-8-8-8-4. Making them fit 2010 was wrong, using the another 8 and it does work with it ending in 2011. I was born in 1975, adding the sequence of numbers together and you get 36, added that to 1975 and you come out at 2011. At the time of the dream I did wonder how it was 8’s and 4’s when there was only one four, but using the additional 8 you have 4 of them. Interestingly earlier in the year I said to someone I was 36, and I remembered at the time I had already earlier said I was 36 to someone on another occasion at the same place, when in fact I am still 35. However I do note that my birthday is the April 28 which is three days after Passover this year. Also I was not born at Passover, which in 1975 was March 27-April 2.

Earlier entry on 8-8-8-4 Revelation: The 8-4 Revelation

I have mentioned in the past how God told me to tell the world, that I love him. At the time not knowing about the coming heralding to the nations. This coming heralding will I believe fulfil this task. There could also be a greater fulfilment in the come eon, the age of Tabernacles. Article on this: God told me to tell the world that I love God

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011

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