Elvis, Campbell, Phoenix & Dream Signs

15 August 2012. Updated 21 August 2012.

By Mark Farquharson

Elvis Presley Sign:

Sometime ago I got the Elvis sign but I was not sure what it meant. Then I got the sign in connection with a demolition yard. Thus the indication seems to be that there will be demolition, which somehow connects with Elvis. This could be some place he went or a time that something occurred in his life. Presley was born on the 1935 and died 16 August 1977. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. Note the 16 August is the end of the second week of Unleavened Bread going by the pattern of Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 30. The funeral was on the 18 August, which will be the end of the second month of my year started 21 June 2012. This demolition could then occur on the day of his death or funeral. It does not mean the demolition has to occur in a place that Elvis visited. He mostly stayed in the USA, expect when he was in the army. I have got no indication or sign of destruction occurring to a place he visited. There are Elvis memorials in different countries and also waxworks of Elvis.

In Cranwell Park in Auckland is a statue of Elvis, at the base it has the speech he said when he got the Jaycee Award, in the speech he mentions dreams.

John Logan Campbell Signs:

Interestingly my family and I where at a meeting on the 10 August. Someone who asked about a drink beforehand was told that there would be nothing before 3:30 p.m. which is the time Presley was pronounced dead. The food and drink did come before that. To get to the room the meting was in, we went through the Library room. Lately I have been going to the public libraries to look at travel books. The room where the meeting was had a large painting of John Logan Campbell, and the room was named after him. At the summit of One tree Hill is the grave of Sir John Logan Campbell, with an obelisk on top. There are many trees on One Tree Hill, but when it was given it’s English name a tree stood near the summit. The tree was cut down and later replaced. At one time there where two trees but one was felled by attack in 1960. The remaining tree was later attacked twice by Maori activists with chainsaws, first on the 28 October 1994, the anniversary of the 1835 Declaration of Independence and the second time on the 5 October 2000. It was later removed on the 26 October after substantial efforts to save it failed. There are no trees at the summit at this time, due to uncertainty as to what tree to replace it with and ongoing Treaty of Waitangi claims.

One tree Hill Domain is joined to Cornwall Park. This park was originally a farm owned by Campbell. It was named after the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall {later King George V and Queen Mary} who visited Australia and New Zealand on the royal visit in 1901. In the farm on Cornwall Park, 12 Lambs were born this winter, which is unusual. Across the road from Cornwall Park is Alexandra Park. The recent child born to Vinnie and Joy was named Christin Alexandra. In the British Museum is a Statue of Apollo in Room 22: Alexander the Great. As I covered in this entry: Apollo and Thomas Signs in England

I also got the Apollo sign as I was walking home on the 15 August.

Phoenix and Closing Ceremony:

Near the end of the closing Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games there was a large Phoenix on display. A phoenix rises from it’s own ashes. It was above the Olympic torch that represented the nations. A sign that the phoenix will rise from the ashes of the nations. This does not actually mean the nations will be in ashes, but a sign of the elites plan for the nations. There was also a pyramid, see the phoenix and the pyramid at the link below.

More about the symbols of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies at this link: The Occult Symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Dream Signs:

At the public library on the 14 August there was a book called “Quiet London.” One of the books I looked at had a number of cities, at the back it had about unbuilt dream cities. It mentioned Sir Thomas More’s Utopia of 1516 and the City of the Sun, by Tomasso Campanella 1626. Campanella is similar to Campbell. There are a few Thomas signs to do with England, Thomas Brock was the sculptor of the Victoria Memorial and finished the Prince Albert figure in the Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens, London. Part of the Albert Memorial in Albert Square, was designed by Thomas Worthington and the sculptor was commissioned by Thomas Goadsby. As I covered in this entry: Apollo and Thomas Signs in England

Remember the movie I watched at Westfield was about dreams. There is also the sign that the city will be like a dream as in Isaiah 29. Although Isaiah is about Ariel, which is a name for Jerusalem, it can apply to another city. I covered this in this entry: London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

Thus the signs seem to indicate that London will be demolished to build a dream city, that will actually never be built.

In an effort to ensure Jewish support for World War I, the British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, pledged that his government would view with favour the establishment of a Jewish homeland, thus supporting the Zionists. With growing Jewish and the Arab unrest Britain hand the area over to the United Nations in 1947.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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