

Almighty God, the Father

God Bless


There is NO Trinity

Almighty God, the Father

Contrary to popular belief, God does not hate Sinners

“Your Father in Heaven is watching”

God is the Father of us all

God does it all for us

“Be conciliated to God” {2 Corinthians 5:20}

Beseech for Christ's sake, "Be conciliated to God!" {2 Corinthians 5:20}

God is truly awesome & wonderful

God is light, and darkness in Him there is none. {1John 1:5}

God Exists

God is Real

Trust in God

Put your Trust in God

God is going to accomplish His will

'father' you should not be calling one of you on the earth, for One is your Father, the heavenly. {Matthew 23:9}

There is only One Father, the Heavenly Father.

Refer to no priest as ‘father,’ for only One is your Father, the Heavenly Father.

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God Bless

God Bless You

God Bless Everyone

God Bless everybody

God Bless all

God Bless all mankind

God Bless all animals

God Bless all beasts

God Bless all creatures

God Bless you and me

God Bless one and all

God Bless all the nations

God Bless us all

God Bless all families

God Bless your family

God Bless your friends

God Bless your family and friends

God Bless all people in all nations

God Bless your pets

God Bless your enemies

God Bless All pets

God Bless the entire world

God Bless Unbelievers

God Bless the Chosen

God Bless Demons & Satan

God Bless All evil spirit beings

God Bless Believers

God Bless the saints

God Bless the unchosen

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Oneness: The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit are Not one god

Jesus Christ is the Son

God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

The Father is NOT the Son

The Son is NOT the Father

Christ is NOT God, the Father.

God the Father can not Die

God the Father created Jesus Christ

The Father, sent the Son, he did not come himself.

God the Father did not die on the Cross

Christ is NOT our Father, God is our Father

Almighty God raised Christ from the dead, Christ did not raise himself from the dead. {Acts 17:30-31}

Jesus has a Father

There is no Oneness

Oneness is not supported by the bible

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are Not one god

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There is NO Trinity

There is NO Trinity

God the Almighty is NOT three persons

The trinity is a myth.

There are Not three gods, there is only One Almighty God

The trinity is NOT TRUE

The trinity is NOT supported by the bible

There is no Godhead

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Short Messages