Bookstore Dream

15 December 2013

By Mark Farquharson

On the morning of the 9 Dec. 2013, I had the following dream:

My mother, brother and I are in a bookstore that happens to be at a broader. We are told we can go. I look at the books and select two books. My brother and mother go on ahead. When I get to the counter I think the price is $30, but it is only $10. I comment on this good price and leave the store catching up with my brother and mother at an intersection which is at a broader. The broader is between the USA and some other country. Dream ends.

It seems that we are held up at this broader inside a bookstore, for some unknown reason, then we are told we can go. For what ever reason I select two books.

I have looked at travel books in bookstores in the past. Money can indicate the length of time. For instance when my brother Paul sold his TV for $30 it was a sign of a thirty day period, the same when my mother sold her TV for thirty dollars. Thus the sign here could be of a thirty day period. However when I get to the counter there will only be ten days to go, for twenty days will have already occurred. Of course price does not have to equal time, but it has in the past.

On the 13 Dec my mother brought a book for $12 at a bookshop. This could connect to the dream, indicating that part of the dream has been fulfilled, with my mother going on ahead. The 12 could indicate that I will meet up with them in twelve days or that I will be at the counter in twelve days. However it could indicate some other period or something else. Twelve is divine government.

I went to the same bookstore on the 15 Dec. There were some books for $5, but I did not buy any. Thus I can not say there was fulfilment of that part of the dream. It makes me wonder what the twelve means.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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