Comments on Divine Visitation at St Paul’s

23 July 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the 14 July Dr Jones, Chad and Brad, were lead to go to the “downtown area of St. Paul, Minnesota to issue some decrees from the Divine Court.” What they did and the meaning of it are covered here: Separating Land and Sea, Divine Visitation at St. Paul

What I want to do is just cover some connections I have made, thus your should read the entry at the above link first.

“St. Paul City Hall and Court House. There we decreed that the Law of God was the law of the land. We decreed a separation between the law of the land and the law of the sea, so that the law of the sea would not have dominion over the law of the land….

…Our decree was spoken on behalf of the Divine Court as a witness that land and sea should remain separate, as God had covenanted with Noah and the whole earth. The rainbow was God's signature on this promise (Gen. 9:15).”

The rainbow is a sign I have got recently a few times, here are a few. On the day of the 21 June, the day of the first seat in the sequence of the three seats I saw a rainbow out the window. This is also the first day of a year that started at this point. The three seats are a sequence which I cover here: The Meaning and the Timing of the Three Lots of Seats

Also out on a walk on the 27 June when I was at the intersection of two streets, I observed a rainbow. Later on the 4 July while out walking I came to that same spot and thought “this is a great Passover.” The 4 July I have identified as first Passover in the year that start on the 21 June. Thus the rainbow is linked to the start of the year and first Passover. My thinking is that it will also be connected to greatest and second Passover on the 2 August and the wave-sheaf on the 4 August.

I had this dream, that had rainbows, there was this dark city, all the lights were out, and it was night, the buildings were hard to mark out, then all theses rainbows appeared in the night sky. Which is strange as you can only see rainbows during the day.

“….We went next to First National Bank.

At this location, Chad read the entire chapter of Leviticus 25, because that is the great chapter dealing with the sabbath years, the law of Jubilee, and the laws of redemption. It also outlaws usury (25:36, 37), which is the foundation of the banking system today. In reading this chapter, we established the true law of the land and rendered the commercial law of the sea null and void, so that it would have no jurisdiction over the land.

I then looked across the street and noticed that this decree was being witnessed by representatives from eight different cultures.”

There will be a number of nations at the Olympic games in London, thus different cultures will be represented.

“From there, we drove to St. Paul's Cathedral, which stands on the highest of the seven hills in St. Paul. Its location was deliberately chosen in order to lay claim to a higher authority than that of the Minnesota State Capital on the next highest hill nearby. St. Paul's Cathedral is a smaller scale model of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, which also sits on seven mountains (Rev. 17:9).

….The Church's authority was legitimate, but like Saul, it has usurped the power of God by instituting its own laws that are contrary to the law of God. (One example is usury, which was sanctified in the Church in 1942 when the Vatican Bank was established.)….”

Hence, we were led to St. Paul's Cathedral to cast down supplanters and to re-establish God's sovereignty.”

I have got the sign of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. There is a St Paul’s church in Auckland NZ, which I got as a sign, I link this to my St. Paul's Cathedral in London sign. The St Paul’s church has been linked by a sign to St Benedictine’s church in Auckland. Pope Benedictine is the present pope. However Westminster Abbey which is a large Gothic church used for British coronations was originally a Benedictine abbey. Thus it can refer to Westminster Abbey in London. London controls Washington DC and all of the USA as covered in this entry: Reason Judgement is Coming on London

Westminster Abbey is used for coronations and could therefore be linked to the crowning of the body of Christ on the 30 November 2011. The body having been crowned are awaiting their authority. This then seems to indicate that the London Judgment needs to occur to release this authority.

“We then drove to the Minnesota State Capital to deal with more counterfeits and usurpers.”

“At the replica of the Liberty Bell, we spoke the word of Jubilee, reading the inscription on the bell. That inscription is, "Proclaim liberty to all the inhabitants thereof," taken from Lev. 25:10, which speaks of the law of Jubilee. We then rang the bell.”

Stratford subway station in London is the brand new station at the Olympic Park, and will be used for most people travelling to the game venues. This station is part of the Jubilee Line and Jubilee Extension Line.

The court case of David versus Discover Card covered in the entry was held in room 216:

“The case was held in Room 216, which is associated with Jericho. Jericho means "moon," and the moon has a diameter of 2160 miles. Joshua overthrew Jericho, and Joshua's name appears 216 times in Scripture.”

The full moon is usually on the 14 of the Hebrew month you are in. The 14 of the first and second Hebrew month is when the first and second Passovers occur. As I have covered in previous entries a new year start on the 21 June 2012. The second and Greatest Passover will occur on the 2 August followed by the Wave-sheaf on the 4 August. This is covered in the entry: The Greatest Passover to Come

The wave sheaf from my understanding is on the day after the special sabbath, with the special sabbath being on the 15, thus the wave-sheaf is on the 16 of the month, that being the 4 August. The number 214 can refer to the second month, 14th day, thus the second Passover and 216 can refer to the second month, the 16th day, thus the 4 August. Thus Joshua will overthrew Jericho on the wave-sheaf. I have got the sign of the morning star which links to the greatest Passover. Thus the morning star, Jesus Christ will overthrow the moon on the 4 August.

The 2 August is usually day 214, but this year is a leap year, thus it is day 215, and the 4 August is usually day 216, but this year it is day 217. Day 216, is the 3 August. Thus we should watch the period 1-4 August.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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