The Day Of the Lord Part 2

Prophecies of Jesus Christ

Jesus prophesied of the Day of the Lord, in what is called the Olivet Discourse. This is because He was on the Mount of Olives when He spoke these prophesies to his disciples. The Discourse is recorded in three accounts: Matthew 24-25, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Teachings on the Day are also covered in Luke 17 & 19. All of these passages will be extensively covered below.

Jewish War & Temple’s Destruction:

Luke 19:41-44 And as He draws near, perceiving the city, He laments over it, saying that, "If you knew, even you, and surely in this day, what is for your peace-! Yet now it was hid from your eyes, for the days will be arriving on you, and your enemies will be casting up a rampart about you, and will be surrounding you, and will be pressing you everywhere, and will be leveling you and your children in you, and they will not be leaving a stone on a stone in you, because you knew not the era of your visitation." {CLV}

Matthew 22:7 Now the king is angered, and, sending his troops, destroys those murderers and sets their city in flames." {CLV}

Matthew 23:35-38 so that on you should be coming all the just blood shed on the earth, from the blood of just Abel until the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murder between the temple and the altar." Verily, I am saying to you: All these things will be arriving on this generation." Jerusalem! Jerusalem! who art killing the prophets and pelting with stones those who have been dispatched to her! How many times do I want to assemble your children in the manner a hen is assembling her brood under her wings-and you will not!" Lo! left is your house to you desolate. {CLV}

Above Jesus prophecies the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem, with in the life time of the generation alive at the time, with in 40 years. Both these events occurred in the 1st century AD.

Matthew 24:1-2 And, coming out, Jesus went from the sanctuary. And His disciples approached to exhibit to Him the buildings of the sanctuary." Yet He, answering, said to them, "Are you not observing all these? Verily, I am saying to you, Under no circumstances may a stone here be left on a stone, which shall not be demolished." {CLV}

Luke 21:5-6 And at some saying concerning the sanctuary, that it is adorned with ideal stones and votive offerings, He said, These which you are beholding-there will be coming days in which not a stone will be left here on a stone, which will not be demolished." {CLV}

However the disciples did not believe that the beautiful sanctuary {the temple} would be destroyed. Jesus made it clear to them that it would be completely demolished. When Jesus was sitting on the mount of Olives Peter, James, John and Andrew inquired of Him privately three questions.

Luke 21:7 Now they inquire of Him, saying, "Teacher, when, then, will these things be, and what is the sign whenever these things may be about to be occurring? {CLV}

Mark 13:3-4 And at His sitting on the mount of Olives, facing the sanctuary, Peter and James and John and Andrew inquired of Him privately, Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign whenever all these things may be about to be concluding? {CLV}

Matthew 24:3 Now at His sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign of Thy presence and of the conclusion of the eon? {CLV}

Reading it carefully the three questions are:

1: When will these things be?: When will the destruction come.

2: What is the sign whenever these things may be about to be occurring?

3: What is the sign of Thy presence and of the conclusion of the eon?

The disciples were questioning Jesus about when the city and the temple would be destroyed. However they thought that the destruction of city and the temple would be when Jesus return at that would be the conclusion of the eon. The destruction of Jerusalem was a Day of the Lord, but it was not the ultimate Day of the Lord when the eon would end and Jesus himself would return. They did not know that there would be a gap between the events. A period of grace, which God would use to call out the chosen from all nations. When Jesus physically returns the present eon will come to an end. For more on the eons refer to my article: "God’s Plan of the Eons

The answer that Jesus give cover not only both events, but also the whole time period, from when He would leave, until and including His return.

The Two Fulfillments of the First Part

The first part that was covered, was the time up to the coming destruction of the Temple and the city in the war in 66-70 AD. Covered in Matthew 24:4-14, Mark 13:5-13 and Luke 21:8-19. However in prophecy there are patterns and greater fulfillment. This first part of the prophecy also applies to all the time between the two comings.

Matthew 24:4-7 And, answering, Jesus said to them, "Beware that no one should be deceiving you." For many shall be coming in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ!' and shall be deceiving many." Yet you shall be about to be hearing battles, and tidings of battles. See that you are not alarmed, for it must be occurring; but not as yet is the consummation." For roused shall be a nation against a nation, and a kingdom against a kingdom, and there shall be famines and quakes in places." {CLV} & Mark 13:5-8 & Luke 21:8-11

Consummation: Meaning Finish, Finish of something that was started. This was the finish of the time of the Hebrews, the finish of physical Israel as God’s chosen nation, as it was replaced by spiritual Israel. However it was not the consummation of the eon for that is still going, and will last until his return.

Many would be deceived before the coming destruction in 66-70 AD, and many would be deceived over the whole time period of grace. During both periods nation would rise against nation and there would be famines and quakes.

Matthew 24:8-13 Yet all these are the beginning of pangs. Then shall they be giving you up to affliction, and they shall be killing you, and you shall be hated by all of the nations because of My name." And then many shall be snared, and they shall be giving one another up and hating one another." And many false prophets shall be roused, and shall be deceiving many." And, because of the multiplication of lawlessness, the love of many shall be cooling." Yet he who endures to the consummation, he shall be saved." {CLV}

Luke 21:12-19 Yet before all these things they shall be laying their hands on you and they shall be persecuting you, giving you up into the synagogues and jails, being led off to kings and governors on account of My name." Yet it shall be eventuating to you for a testimony. Ponder, then, in your hearts not to be premeditating a defense, for I will be giving you a mouth and wisdom, which all those opposing you shall not be able to withstand or contradict." Yet you shall be given up by parents also, and brothers and relatives and friends, and they shall be putting some of you to death." And you shall be hated by all because of My name. And a hair of your head should by no means be perishing. By your endurance shall you be acquiring your souls. {CLV} & Mark 13:9-13

Many believers were persecuted and killed before the war in 66-70 AD, however many more have been persecuted and killed over this whole period of grace. Many had time to flee to the mountains, escaping the coming destruction. Those who endure to the time of the consummation shall had salvation.

However they would later have died, so how is it they are not perishing, because they have salvation. In that Judgement they will not be perishing. Not that anyone will literal die at the judgement, but it is speak of the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death, not a physical death, but a spiritual death.

Romans 8:22-25 For we are aware that the entire creation is groaning and travailing together until now. Yet not only so, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruit of the spirit, we ourselves also, are groaning in ourselves, awaiting the sonship, the deliverance of our body." For to expectation were we saved. Now expectation, being observed, is not expectation, for what anyone is observing, why is he expecting it also? Now, if we are expecting what we are not observing, we are awaiting it with endurance." {CLV}

This is covered more much later in the article. Briefly Believers in Christ are awaiting the deliverance of their bodies. They are awaiting this deliverance with endurance. Clearly they all can not endure to the consummation of the eon, for most are long dead. Those who are alive at the consummation will get this deliverance, having salvation. However those who have died in Christ, do not miss out, they will be resurrected and get salvation. That is the deliverance of their immortal bodies, more on this later. However many who are called will not have endurance, they will fall away from the faith.

Matthew 24:14 And heralded shall be this evangel of the kingdom in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the consummation shall be arriving." {CLV}

Mark 13:10 And to all the nations first must be heralded the evangel. {CLV}

Revelation 14:6-7 And I perceived another messenger flying in mid-heaven, having an eonian evangel to bring to those situated on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and language and people, saying with a loud voice, "Be ye afraid of God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judging came; and worship the Maker of heaven and the land and the sea and the springs of water." {CLV}

This was fulfilled before the war came in 66-70 AD, but is also to be fulfilled in a great way. In the Olivet Discourse this comes before the prophesized destruction of Jerusalem. Inhabited earth here refers to the nations in that part of the earth that relate to this prophecy, not all nations on the planet.

For instance:

Daniel 2:39-40 In your place shall arise another kingdom of the earth, inferior to you, that is silver; and another kingdom, the third, that is copper, shall have authority in all the earth." {CLV}

The copper kingdom was the Greek empire. This empire certainly did not have authority of the whole planet. However this prophecy was fulfilled because it is refer to that area of the earth that the empire did have control over.

However there will be a greater fulfillment of the herald of the evangel to the nations of the earth in the future. Just before Jesus Christ returns the saints will deliver the evangel to the whole planet. This evangel will be brought to those situated on the earth, every nation and people, by the chosen. As the chosen get the true evangel out there to the world many will embrace it and many will reject it.

Two Signs of the Coming Destruction

The destruction of the temple and the city is covered in Matthew 24:15-22, Mark 13:14-20 and Luke 21:20-24. Luke is the only one that covers the era of the nations.

There were two signs given by Jesus that would signal the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem.

1: Matthew 24:15-16 Whenever, then, you may be perceiving the abomination of desolation, which is declared through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him who is reading apprehend!);" then let those in Judea flee into the mountains. {CLV}

Daniel 9:26 After the sixty-two sevens, Messiah will be cut off, and there is no adjudication for Him. The city and the holy place shall be laid in ruins with the other governor's coming; then its end is by an overflow, and till the end of the war desolations will be decided." {CLV}

Daniel 9:27 Then he will be master of a covenant with many for one seven: At half of the seven, he will cause to cease the sacrifice and the approach present; on a wing of the sanctuary shall be desolating abominations. Till the conclusion of the era the decided conclusion will be poured forth on the desolation." {CLV}

This is part of Daniel’s seventy weeks, with each week representing seven years for a total of 490 years. You should have noticed the sign, the abomination of desolation in both Matthew and Daniel. Before I get to that, I will briefly cover a couple of other things.

It is claimed by many of those who believe in a tribulation that the “he” in Daniel 9:27 is the supposed coming antichrist. In fact this passage in Daniel does not even mention an antichrist. The “he” here is not the antichrist or even a antichrist, it is in fact Christ. Earlier in Daniel 9:26, it says “Messiah,” meaning Christ, not the antichrist. It is still talking about the “Messiah,” in Daniel 9:27, there is no mention that it has switched to talking about someone else, and no mention of an antichrist.

The sacrifice ceased because Christ died on the Cross, he was the ultimate sacrifice, which meant that there need to be no more animal sacrifices for sin. This happen when Christ died on the Cross, it is not still to happen. However animal sacrifices did not stop at that time. The priests did not stop animal sacrifices, because they did not recognize Christ as the sacrifice. However God recognize the sacrifice, thus meaning there was no need for more sacrifices.

Thus the last week of the seventy weeks of Daniel is about Christ. It is not some future week of years that is contacted to a Great Tribulation, which I cover later. Jesus quotes Daniel, and going back to Daniel, it is revealed that the abomination is happening around the time that the city and the holy place, the temple are laid to ruins. Actual before that, because people need time to flee in to the mountains. This is not meaning modern day Israel, this is prophesying the then future destruction in 70 AD. This prophesied abomination is not going to happen in a as yet future temple, that has not be built yet. There will probably not be built another temple. While many believe that the temple needs to be rebuilt, and abominations need to go on there as a sign of Christ’s return, this is not the case. The disciples were asking about the temple that was standing at that time, not another future temple. Jesus point out that the temple that was standing would be demolished, He did not ever say it would be rebuilt again. I do not think God would allow sacrifices to start again as that would be a false sign to others that Christ was not the ultimate sacrifice and there needs to be another. It does not refer to a as yet to come future antichrist. These events have already happened long ago, they are not still future.

While many think that the “abomination of desolation” was fulfilled by the Romans, that can not be the case, because they did not get to the temple until near the end of the war. The warning had to come at or before Jerusalem was surround by the Roman armies, so that people had time to flee into the mountains. Thus it must have be referring to some other event that happened before that. It could be referring to an idolatrous image placed in the temple before the war, but no record exists of such an event, and it does not have to mean that exactly. It could refer to a group of unholy people taking over the temple before the war, as Jewish Zealots did. On the other hand it could refer to Titus the Roman Emperor who had sexual relations in the Holy of Holies with a prostitute, before destroying the temple. Either way the abomination is not a future event.

2: Luke 21:20-24 Now whenever you may be perceiving Jerusalem surrounded by encampments, then know that her desolation is near." Then let those in Judea flee into the mountains, and let those in her midst be coming out into the country, and let not those in the country be entering into her, for days of vengeance are these, to fulfill all that is written." Yet woe to those who are pregnant, and to those suckling in those days; for there will be great necessity in the land and indignation on this people." And they shall be falling by the edge of the sword and shall be led into captivity into all nations. And Jerusalem shall be trodden by the nations, until the eras of the nations may be fulfilled." {CLV}

The Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem with encampments before they besieged it. This siege was a bloodbath due not just to the Romans, but more to do with the Jewish factions with in the city fighting each other. The temple was pulled down with the stones being taken apart. Many in Jerusalem did flee into the mountains. Those who did not flee, where taken captive or killed. Jesus stated that these days of vengeance would fulfill all that is written. That is all the prophecies that where written concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel.

There will not be a future army that surrounds Jerusalem before his return. There will be no warning of his return as will be detailed later, Jerusalem being surround would surely be a warning that His return was soon.

After this Jerusalem was to be trodden by the nations, until the era {times} of the nations may be fulfilled. That is Jerusalem would be trodden for the whole time of the nations. The time of the nations is not some short time period still come in the future, it is in fact almost over have started many centuries before.

Matthew 24:16-20 then let those in Judea flee into the mountains. Let him who is on the housetop not descend to take away the things out of his house. And let him who is in the field not turn back behind him to pick up his cloak. Now woe to those who are pregnant and those suckling in those days!" Now be praying that your flight may not be occurring in winter, nor yet on a sabbath, {CLV}

It would have been difficult to get away if you were pregnant back then on foot or mule, these days people have vehicles, what would be the problem? Back then if it had been winter it would make it quite cold for travel and if it was a sabbath, people would have been in their houses not knowing that the place was being surrounded. These days with the TV and the internet I am sure they would know long before the place was surrounded. If it was winter, this would not create a problem, because cars and planes are heated.

What modern day country would send out an army to attack modern day Israel? For modern day Israel is no push over, its army is well prepared and well equipped. They have fighter planes, missiles and bombs to devastate any coming army. Israel would know in plenty of time that an army was coming, they would soon launch an attack. They would be supported by their greatest ally USA. They are also equipped with nuclear weapons which could devastate any country.

Why the Delay in the Destruction of the Temple and the City:

The destruction did not come at the end of the seventy weeks. Surely for the prophecy to be fulfilled the destruction should have come at the end of the seventy weeks. That would have been the case, but Jesus asked that they be forgiven another time.

Luke 23:34 Now Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they are not aware what they are doing. {CLV}

In 33 AD just before his death, Jesus asked God to forgive them. Thus God listened to Jesus and forgive them another time. He had already forgiven them 490 times, 490 years. 490 being the 70 weeks of Daniel 9, that is 70 X 7, a day being a year. This time however it was not for one more year, but God gave them an additional 33 years before the war stared in 66 AD.

Was not the period until 70 AD, not 66 AD, since this is when Jerusalem and the temple were brought to ruins? No the period ended in 66 AD. Jesus told the disciples two signs which would indicate that the destruction was coming, which I have already refer to above, 1: abomination of desolation, 2: Jerusalem would be surround by encampments. When these happened then those in Judea were to flee into the mountains. They were to flee before Jerusalem and the temple were brought to ruins, not after.

The Time Between the Destruction and the Second Coming

Luke 21:24 And Jerusalem shall be trodden by the nations, until the eras of the nations may be fulfilled." {CLV}

The time between the end of the war in 70 AD, and the Second coming of our Lord, is the era of the nations. Now as the time of His coming approaches, Jerusalem is a city again, it is not being trodden by the nations, the era of the nations is almost over. This is a sign that His coming is close at hand.

Matthew 24:23-25 Then, if anyone should be saying to you, 'Lo! here is the Christ! or 'Here!' you should not be believing it." For roused shall be false christs and false prophets, and they shall be giving great signs and miracles, so as to deceive, if possible, even the chosen." Lo! I have declared it to you beforehand. {CLV}

Mark 13:21-23 And then, if anyone should be saying to you, 'Lo! Here is the Christ!' and 'Lo! There!', be not believing." For roused shall be false christs and false prophets, and they shall be giving signs and miracles to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen." Now you, beware! Lo! I have declared it all to you beforehand." {CLV}

Over the time period between the two events there would be false christs and false prophets. This has been fulfilled over this period as there have been many false christs and false prophets already.

Matthew 24:26-28 If, then, they should say to you, 'Lo! in the wilderness is he!' you may not be coming out' 'Lo! in the storerooms!' you should not be believing it." For even as the lightning is coming out from the east and is appearing as far as the west, thus shall be the presence of the Son of Mankind." Wheresoever the corpse may be, there will the vultures be gathered." {CLV}

Jesus informs them how He will appear. His presence will be greatly noticed for it will be like lighting, lighting up the sky. You will not have to rely on someone to tell you that He has returned. Corpses here do not have to refer to actual corpses. Those who do not have faith in the Lord are described as being dead. The vultures are the false christs and false prophets who feed on those who are figuratively, spiritual dead.

2 Peter 2:1-3 Yet there came to be false prophets also among the people, as among you also there will be false teachers who will be smuggling in destructive sects, even disowning the Owner Who buys them, bringing on themselves swift destruction." And many will be following out their wantonness, because of whom the glory of the truth will be calumniated, and in greed, with suave words, they will traffic in you, whose judgment of old is not idling, and their destruction is not nodding." {CLV}

Prophesied here is the coming of false prophets and false teachers. There have been many false prophets and false teachers over this period and currently there are many false prophets and false teachers. They have smuggled in destructive sects. That is destructive groups. Many have followed out their wantonness, because of them the glory of the truth has be calumniated, slandered and in greed, with suave words, they have traffic in the people. The truth has been slandered, they have stated it is false, that it is a lie, that it is incorrect.

Thus the truth that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of All mankind, has been slandered, has been stated as being false, replaced by the lies that it is only those who chose that are saved or only those who were chosen are saved. Both these are a lie, for He is the Saviour of all mankind. There is no choice. The Lake of Fire, has been made out to be a physical fire, when in fact you can not actually have a physical lake of fire. It has been labeled “hell,” but the lake of fire is not the awful place that is described as hell, that place does not exist. Actually the Lake of Fire is a spiritual fire.

Mark 9:49 For everyone will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt. " {CLV}

Salt is a preservative. The fire purifies the person spiritually, and acts as a preservative, to preserve everyone. Thus everyone will be preserved by the fire, not physically burned by it. Others teach that unbelievers will be annihilated, this is also untrue.

The Day of the Lord Part 3

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The Day of the Lord
