Getting Doors Fix, Second Passover and Unleavened Bread

20 April 2012

By Mark Farquharson

In the last entry I mentioned the fact that I had been reminder about the date of the 16 February 2012. This date is the day I sat in a chair on the stage at Church of Lady of Lourdes. Later on the 21 February 2012 in St Benedict Church I did the same thing, sat in a chair on the stage. Last entry I connected these with April dates, but now I realise these can actually refer to Hebrew feasts.

The second Passover was held if the nation missed the first one, it was to be held in the second Hebrew month on the 14. Second Unleavened Bread would start on the 15, going for a week ending on the 21. The second wave sheaf/firstfruit would usually follow the special sabbath, occurring on the 16. February is our second month, thus the dates can refer to Hebrew dates. They match wave sheaf and last day of Unleavened Bread.

However that does not mean that it will actual match second wave sheaf and unleavened bread, one has to also look for types or the changing of dates that are unknown to others. I have mentioned in pasted entries how the Passover Conference was a week before Easter weekend this year. It is usually on Easter weekend, that to me is a sign that there was a Passover close to that weekend. The date for this first Passover was then the 28 March, with firstfruit on the 30 March 2012. This being the date I ascended a mount last year in 2011. I also view the 30 March 2012 as the date the many day journey to the altar ended.

However at the time I did not realise that the actual seating in the chair represented a later time. Thus it is a period of time between getting to the altar and sitting in the chair.

The type second month I have starting on the 14 April, which is 300 days from the ten anniversary of the marriage proposal. Thus the Passover will then be on the 27 April, and the firstfruit on the 29 April. Unleavened Bread starts on the 28 April and goes to the 4 May 2012. This is the 318 days from the anniversary of the ring. Remember in the prophesy of the Dinar and the Overthrows, the man said it would revalue at 3.18, which could mean 318 days.

This person was to come out and fix the doors at my house but he rang up and change the date to the 4 May 2012. This can be a sign of the Open Door Ministry.

This links with Jesus at 12, when he was at the temple at Passover {Luke 2:41-50}. While it was first Passover, this can be applied to second Passover. While the text of the scriptures does not mention Unleavened Bread specifically, it does mention days. Passover was one day, unleavened bread followed which went for a week. My thinking is that they would have stayed for the whole week of Unleavened Bread. Jesus was then left behind, for three days. During that time he was talking to the priests, being among the things of his Father. This makes the 5 May-7 May a watch period.

The 8-8-8-8-4 dream I had connects with Jesus {8-8-8} at 12 {8-4}, it also represents my life. It is a reference that I will be among the things of My heavenly Father, just as Jesus stated to his parents when he was 12. The numbers in the dream add up to 36, and I have gotten this sign of 36 a number of times, but near the end of this month I will turn 37. Interestingly my Birthday is on the 28 April, which I have down as the start of second Unleavened Bread. Second Passover as the day before, meaning Jesus is at the temple.

Note the second Hebrew month starts on the 23 April, with passover on the 6 May, the above dates are the altered times, if I am correct.

There are signs of a darkness coming, I believe these an indications of a spiritual darkness coming. The spiritual forces of evil will come against us, as we spread the evangel around the world. They will influence others to come against us. However do not worry about them, as we will have on the complete armour of God, including the large shield of faith, and we will have our Swords of the spirit {Ephesians 6:10-17}.

I am still declaring the Door of Heaven open as I stated in the last entry: Declaring the Door of Heaven Open

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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