
12 January 2010

By Mark Farquharson

Feeling Isolated, feeling alone, you are not the only one who has these feelings. A number of us who know the truth are isolated, one way or another.

There are two kinds of isolation, there is the isolation where two or a few people are actually isolated. They can not get the word out about the Good news to anyone around them, because there is no one around them, there is no opportunity to share with anyone face to face.

Then there is the another from of isolation, it is that 2 or a few of us know the truth and that the rest of our friends and family do not. While we can be surround by family and friends we can still feel isolated. We can’t talk to them about the truth, for a number of reasons. Either they think we are crazy or there is just no way to talk to them about it.

When the Apostle Paul was in the province of Asia, he only had Luke with him physically, and all those who were in the province turned from him.

2Timothy 1:15 Of this you are aware, that all those in the province of Asia were turned from me,

However some of can feel even more isolated. In that you are the only one who knows the truth. Your friends and family do not know the truth. You can’t talk to them about the really Good News, they don’t want to know about the Salvation of All. This is the way it is for me, I have been Isolated for just over four years now, with no one else to talk to physically. My family are around to talk to, but I can’t talk to them about the Good news, thus I am isolated. At least I have my writing to keep me going.

I am reminded of Elijah who was all alone. If you don’t know, Elijah was a person in the Old Testament. He also thought he was the only one who was left. However he was told there where 7000 others.

1Kings 19:14-18 And he {Elijah} said, `I have been very zealous for Yahweh, Elohim of Hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, Your altars they have thrown down, and Your prophets they have slain by the sword, and I am left, I, by myself, and they seek my life--to take it.. And Yahweh said … I have left in Israel seven thousand, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him..

There where actually seven thousand other people that Yahweh had, not everyone in Israel at the time had turned to Baal, a false god. Later on he is not Isolated for he has with him Elisha.

These days through the use of the internet we know there are others out there, we know we are not the only ones or one. Of course we can use email and forums to communicate with others. However this is not the same as them being physical there with you. Some however may not have access to the internet.

Of course none of us are ever really alone, for the Lord stands beside us.

2 Timothy 4:17 Yet the Lord stood beside me, and He invigorates me,

The Lord stood beside Paul at all times. This is something to remember when you are feeling alone, or isolated or both, the Lord is standing with you at all times. He was raised from the dead, and is standing by you at all times, no matter what you are going through.

One day soon we who know the truth will all be brought together. For I believe Christ will return soon, and when He returns physical, we will all be brought together, never to be isolated again.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2010

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