Confirmation of Where we are on the Journey to Authority and New Signs

24 February 2012. Updated 27 Feb. 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Further Confirmation of Signs

Further confirmation of the connection of the signs was given to me on the 21 of this month, along with the indication of where I am on the journey. As I have mentioned in pervious entries I went for a walk on the 5 October last year. This walk I view as a journey, that started at St Joseph and St Patrick’s Cathedral, when I was among the seats. The starting point of the journey is then some date in the past, that is indicate by me being among the seats. I do not know the actual start date, but what is important is the end date.

On the 21 Feb, I went to St Patrick’s Cathedral, the start of the journey. Then I walk a slightly different route to the one on 5 October last year. That is I went along different roads to start with, but then I joined the same route just behind the hall in Aotea Square. Again going up through Myers Park and past the statue of Moses. From there I journey to the cemetery, were there was a slight difference as I entered this time though a gate with a star on it. I thought “Star of David.” From there I went across the bridge and into St Benedict’s Church.

Last time there was a woman sitting near the front. As I approach the woman she got up and went over to the side. At which point I went on to the stage. This time St Benedict’s Church was empty, and I went straight up to the front and on to the stage. At which point I sat on the chair that was on stage. This is the same thing I had done at Church of Our Lady of Lourdes on 16 Feb 2012. That is I had sat on a chair on the stage. Thus this connects the signs of Lady of Lourdes and St Benedict’s Church. This further confirms what I said in the pervious entry about them being connected.

All these signs I have got, point to me that something major will happen at the end of the journey. This I believe is the coming of the authority, the knowledge and the glory. Which means that is the start of the Open Door Ministry, the Herald of the True Evangel to the World.

This is further indicate by the fact that when I first went to St Benedict’s Church I went up one side to the front. At which point I went into this small side room. When I came out I cross to the other side and proceed down to the entrance. That is I had gone around all sides completing a circuit. I link this to the few times that I have gone around the outside of a sports field. The field represents the world. Thus when I am up on the stage at the end of the journey I will be heralding to the world.

Where are we on the Journey?:

I got indication of where we are on the journey also on the 21 Feb. As I was walking along the roads I came to intersections control by traffic lights. As I got to the first set I push the button and quickly it when green and I crossed. There was also no wait at the next set. When I got to the top of the stairs after Myers park the light was green for the pedestrian crossing. It turn red as I went to cross, but I made it cross with out wait. At the intersection before the cemetery I push the button and it went green and I crossed. After the cemetery, there was another intersection, and the light was green to cross, but I had no need to cross to get to the bridge. On the other side of the bridge I push the button and it stayed red for sometime.

This indicates that in terms of the journey I have already been to the cemetery and am now crossing the bridge. The other parts of the journey are now finished indicated by the green lights. At the end of the bridge the light was red indicating that part of the journey is not finished.

As I have said in the past the cemetery represents second passover that occurred on the 7 Feb. This being when I got the sign of the full moon. I do not want to cover again the signs of the moon as I covered them last time, please read the last entry for that info: Lady of Lourdes and $12,000 Table

On the 9 Feb I go the sign “Across the bridge.” I view this sign as an indication that it was now time to start crossing the bridge. This to me is confirmed by the traffic light signs on 21 Feb. The question then is how long will it take to finishing crossing the bridge and go the short distance up the road to the church.

My view has been that it will be 1 March 2012, that the journey will end. This being the 192 days from 22 August 2011. This is the date that was six months from the sign, the Christchurch earthquake, resulted in the Cathedral losing it’s steeple. The sign of the lost of authority. 192 comes form multiplying the numbers 24 and 8. The priesthood, elders represent by the number 24, and new begins, new creation by the number 8. There is also the $ 12,000 that I will have in my account on this date that matches with the table dream. Update on table dream below. It is also the end of the 32 days of pressure that started on the 29 Jan. The 29 Jan been the date on a phantom sign out side a petrol station.

There is also the sign of 7:11, which I view as seven days and 11 Months. Thus starting at the start of the first Hebrew month and counting 11 full months gets you the start of the 12 month. The seven day of the 12 Hebrew month is 1 March. This also what Jesus meant when he said “still four months,” in that it was four months until the harvest from the start of the year.

Two days before Jesus Actual birthday, which is the Day of Trumpets, on the 27 September, last year I went to a meeting at night. When we left, the gates to the car park were shut, and they opened before us as we left. The opening gates a sign referring to the Open Door Ministry. The meet was about the company splitting into two, which would be completed on the 30 Nov. 2011. Christmas sign points to the celebration of Jesus Birthday. Thus applying the completion of the split, you want the 30 of the second month after that. 2012 is a leap year, Feb. has 29 days, thus the 30 day is 1 March 2012. This matches with the other signs, the 32 day count and the 192 day count, along with 7:11. Note the NZ time late at night, thus if this is the case, then it would be before lunch in the UK and very earlier morning in the US or before midnight on the 29 Feb.

Also on Feb 21, I got a strong indication on the number 4 together with the number 6. These multiply to make 24, and it was the 24th day in the 32 days. There was also an indication on the number 8, this with 24 makes 32 and 4 times 8 makes 32.

Table Update:

In the last entry I mentioned the $12,000 table dream. I had a dream in which there was a table costing $12,000. In the book of Revelation there are tribes, and each tribe has 12000. Inside the first room of the tabernacle is the table of showbread. For more on the dream and the meaning please refer to the last entry: Lady of Lourdes and $12,000 Table

There has been a strong emphasis on bread this year. This could be to do with the nine sign as that is 20 loaves of barley. It could also be to do with the table of showbread. On this table where loaves of bread, hence the name.

My understanding is that the priest tribe of 12,000 will gain access to the table. To do that they have to gain access to the tabernacle. The chosen the members of the body are a priesthood, and a priest tribe. Thus soon they will gain access to the tabernacle.

My balance in my account was about $ 11377 on the 16 Feb. Since then I would have got the payment of about $149, as that is an automatic payment each week. The other payment of about $347, should also have been paid, I know of no delay. This lifts the balance to about $11873. There is another payment of $149 which as I said will come on 28 Feb. This will lift the balance over the $12,000 need in the dream to buy the table. I do not see any need to touch the account. This is very close to the date of 1 March.

Watch Date 31 March:

31 October 2011 had been a watch date for Dr Jones. This was because there had been a prayer campaign ten years ago from 31 Oct. 2001 to 14 Nov 2001. The ten years being a prophetic pattern. There was a confrontation on 31 Oct. 2011. The Costa Concordia sink on the 76 day after this. That being a period of cleansing of which there are two every Prophetic Year. He thinks there are multiple beginning points for this Prophetic Year. Another period of 76 days brings you to 31 March. This is also the time of the Passover conference in Manassas, being from 31 March -1 April. Since James Bruggeman could not book the conference for 6-8 April, being the actual time of Passover.

The 31 March is also the deadline for the Committee of 300 according to Benjamin Fulford. I do not know what they are meant to do by that date as Benjamin Fulford does not say. In the Western world the Representatives the 300 most powerful families make up the Committee. Read more about them here:

On the 30 March 2011, I stood on top a mount that represented the river of life.

The 31 March 2011 is also 222 days after the date of 22 August 2011. This number emphasizes the number 2, the double portion.

Sign of 5 Goats:

When I went though Myers Park on the 21 Feb I stopped at a statue of five goats. The two things I took note of on the plaque was the ten years and China. What does the sign of the five goats mean? At this stage I think it means China is a goat nation. In the Parable of the sheep and goats, the sheep are on the right, the goats on the left. The sheep go into the kingdom the goats do not.

There is a belief that the Kings of the East in Revelation are the Asian countries. The Asian countries over throw Mystery Babylon and are meant to be a transition form of government, being relaced by the Kingdom of God.

If China is a goat nation, then it is no part of some transitional government. What of the other Asian countries, they are also no part of a transitional government. There is no transitional government in the statue dream of Daniel. The last kingdom is destroyed by the stone Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

As for Secret or Mystery Babylon of the book of Revelation that was destroyed long ago, or it was the city of Jerusalem. In Revelation the woman who is Secret Babylon is a city, which is identified as where the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, that is Jerusalem. The one receiving the vision was meant to prophesised at the time when he received it. This also means that the Kings of the East are long dead. More on this in the article: “Who is Secret Babylon”

Prince Albert Sign:

I got the sign of “Prince Albert” on the 21 Feb. Prince Albert (1819 - 1861) was married to Queen Victoria. I have no idea what this sign means, or if it is connected to any other signs. It is another indication on England, along with Church of England, St Paul’s Cathedral, and War of the Roses. However I do not know if it is connected to those.

Second Judgement:

Last time I mentioned the second judgement. Since then I remembered indications pointing to a large scale disaster, this would point to a natural disaster like an earthquake or a large volcanic eruption. If these are connected then the second judgement would be a large scale natural disaster. I am not sure of the location.

I did get the sign of St Paul’s Cathedral, with the indications being that it is a building coming under the “Church of England” which was a revelation at the end of a prayer. The “War of the Roses” sign indicates England as that was the location and it could indicate spiritual warfare. There was the Rose window in the Christchurch Cathedral that was destroyed. But these signs could be indicating something else.

You can read more about it here: “Sign of “St Paul’s Cathedral” in London.”

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012. Updated 27 Feb. 2012. Edited 13 March 2012

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