The Kingdom Part 2

The Stone Kingdom

In Daniel 2:32-43 is the statue dream that covers the gold, silver,  copper,  and iron kingdoms of man. These kingdoms are destroyed by the stone kingdom.  

Daniel 2:34-35 You were perceiving till a stone severs itself, that is, not by hands, and it collides with the image at its feet that were of iron and clay, and pulverizes them." Then pulverized, as one, are the iron, the clay, the copper, the silver, and the gold, and they are as chaff from summer threshing sites, and the wind lifts them up, and no place at all is found for them. And the stone that collides with the image becomes a vast mountain range, and fills all the earth." {CLV}

The fourth kingdom is Rome. Surely if the fourth empire was Roman, which is long ago past out of existence then where is the stone that destroys the feet, surely this empire should now exist. The stone Kingdom has not come, anyone can see that the stone kingdom is not here. However if this is still to come, then is the dream incorrect?

The stone kingdom is the “Kingdom of God,” also know as the “Kingdom of the Heavens.” The stone kingdom will come soon and destroy the fourth kingdom. With the coming of the Messiah all the kingdoms of men will be smashed and become like chaff. The dream is correct, the fourth kingdom still exists, no empire destroyed the fourth empire. It continues until the stone kingdom comes, but is not Rome long gone? When we get to the feet the Iron {Fourth Kingdom} is mixed with Clay, this tells us that the form of the fourth kingdom changes over time. The clay is not another kingdom, the clay and the Iron are viewed as the Fourth Kingdom. While the Roman Empire has gone through many changes it still continues today. 

Daniel 2:41-43 Seeing that you perceived the feet and toes, part of them of potter's clay, and part of them of iron: The kingdom shall be composite. And the stability of iron will be in it, forasmuch as you perceived the iron mixed with the muddy clay." And the toes of the feet, part of them of iron and part of them of clay: at the end, the kingdom shall be mighty, yet part of it shall be frail." Seeing that you perceived the iron mixed with muddy clay: Thus mixing with wealth is the armed force of the mortal. Yet with wealth it is not clinging, this one with that one, even as iron mixes not with clay." {CLV}

The Stone Kingdom will come and destroy all other kingdoms. This kingdom will rule the earth during the millennium. 

Those Taken away on the Day of the Lord

On the Day the Lord returns there will be those who are taken away. I am not talking about the gathering or taking of the chosen, this is after the chosen are gathered. I am only covering this part of the Lord's return here. 

Matthew 24:36-40 Now, concerning that day and hour no one is aware, neither the messengers of the heavens, nor the Son; except the Father only." For even as the days of Noah, thus shall be the presence of the Son of Mankind." For as they were in those days before the deluge, masticating {chewing} and drinking and marrying and taking in marriage until the day on which Noah entered into the ark, and did not know till the deluge came and takes them all away, thus shall be the presence of the Son of Mankind." Then two shall be in the field; one is taken along and one left: two grinding at the millstone; one is taken along and one left. {CLV}

Luke 17:26-27 And according as it occurred in the days of Noah, thus will it be in the days of the Son of Mankind also." They ate, they drank, they married, they took out in marriage, until the day on which Noah entered into the ark, and the deluge came and destroys them all." {CLV}

Jesus is comparing his return to what happened back in the days of Noah. Back in those days before the deluge came, the people of the day where eating and drinking and marrying, right up until they where all taken away by the flood. That is to say that back then and the time just before his return, people will be going about there daily lives as normal. There will even be marriages going on, people will be enjoying life. That is how it is going to be when the Lord returns. Most of the world will be eating and drinking and getting married, right up until He returns. Back in the days of Noah most people would have either not known that the deluge was coming, or if they had heard that it was coming, they would have not believed that it was coming. They would have probably thought that Noah was mad to build the ark. 

There are some important differences however to what happened in Noah's day and what is going to happen when the Lord returns. In Noah's day he and his family entered the ark and the flood came and took away all those that where not on the ark. However there will not be a destructive flood when the Lord returns. It is also important to remember what was covered earlier, the Chosen are gathered from all over the earth, that is they are all gathered together. Thus just as Noah and his family where secured away on the ark, the chosen are gathered. 

After this one is taken and one is left. Those that where taken in Noah's day are the ones that were destroyed by the deluge. In Noah's day all those not on the ark were destroyed, however this is not the case here, for all those not gathered are not destroyed. Indeed one is taken and one is left, that is one is left alive. Taken here referring to their life being taken away, there spirit being taken away. For when the spirit is taken from the body, the person is dead.

Luke 17:28-30 Likewise, according as it occurred in the days of Lot, they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built." Yet on the day in which Lot came out from Sodom, fire and sulphur rains from heaven and destroys them all." In accord with these will it be on the day in which the Son of Mankind is unveiled. {CLV}

What happens when the Lord returns, will be in accord with, in agreement with what happen to Sodom. All those in Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities where destroyed by fire and sulphur except for Lot and his two daughters, for even his wife was killed when she looked back. That is on the Day of His return it will be accord with what a happen to Sodom, that is they will all be destroyed, however there will be no raining down of fire or sulphur.  The ones that will be destroyed will be the evil wicked ones and those who do not believe in the evangel of Christ. It is only those that are chosen who are gathered, that is a person may believe in the evangel but if they are not chosen they are not gathered. 

Luke 17:31-33 In that day, he who shall be on the housetop and his gear in his house, let him not be descending to pick it up. And let the one in the field likewise not turn back to that behind him." Remember Lot's wife. Whosoever should be seeking to procure his soul will be destroying it, yet whoever should be destroying it will cause it to live."

On the day of Jesus Christ’s return no one should try go back to get their material possessions or try to save their own lives, this would be pointless. In the east houses had flat roofs, where one could rest or eat. Thus if you are on your housetop {at home}, or out in the fields {working}, you should not try to save your material possessions or save ourselves. Then there is the warning “Remember Lot’s wife”. 

After being warn not to look back, or stop in any part of the basin, lot’s wife did look back. It is at this point she died by becoming a monument of salt. Why did God not want Lot or his family to look back? Looking back, meant that the person was thinking of their life they had left behind. It meant the person was clinging to those things that God was destroying. 

Entering the Kingdom

There will be those entering the kingdom when the Lord returns, just before the start of the millennium. However this is not the only time to enter into the kingdom. There will be those entering at the time of the Great White Throne Judgement after the millennium. 

Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone saying to Me 'Lord! Lord!' will be entering into the kingdom of the heavens, but he who is doing the will of My Father Who is in the heavens." Many will be declaring to Me in that day, 'Lord! Lord! Was it not in Your name that we prophesy, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many powerful deeds?'" And then shall I be avowing to them that 'I never knew you! Depart from Me, workers of lawlessness!'" {CLV}

This can apply to when the Lord returns, and apply at the time of the Great White Throne Judgement. All those working lawlessly will destroyed when the Lord returns. However at the judgement all those not already raised from the dead will be resurrected, however those who have been lawless in their lives will not enter at that time. 

It is only those who did the will of the Father who will be entering the Kingdom of the heavens. Many will believe that they did a number of powerful deeds in the name of the Lord. However this does not mean they will get into the kingdom. Many will not get in, who think they should. There will be many false prophets, false teachers, false brethren who will try to get in, but they will miss out. Many will not realize that they are the false ones until they get to the judgement. That is not to say they will not get in later,  but at the time of the judgement they will not get in. 

Matthew 13:41-43 The Son of Mankind shall be dispatching His messengers, and they shall be culling out of His kingdom all the snares and those doing lawlessness, and they shall be casting them into a furnace of fire. There shall be lamentation and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the just be shining out as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear!" {CLV}

Here when the Lord returns the messages shall be culling out of His kingdom all the snares and those doing lawlessness. They are not cast into the furnace of fire at this time, this occurs at the time of judgement. This being only a temporary purifying fire.

In Matthew 25:31-46 is the sheep and the goats separation which occurs when the Lord returns.  

Matthew 25:31-32 Now, whenever the Son of Mankind may be coming in His glory, and all the holy messengers with Him, then shall He be seated on the throne of His glory, and in front of Him shall be gathered all the nations. And He shall be severing them from one another even as a shepherd is severing the sheep from the kids {goats}. {CLV}

The sheep are the true believers and the kids are the unbelievers. A lot of people think they are the sheep, but they will be surprise when they find out then are the goats. 

Matthew 25:33-34 And He shall be standing the sheep, indeed, at His right, yet the kids at the left." Then shall the King be declaring to those at His right, 'Hither, blessed of My Father! Enjoy the allotment of the kingdom made ready for you from the disruption of the world." {CLV}

Long ago the kingdom was made ready, for the sheep. It is at this point when the Son of Mankind is severing the sheep from the kids that they get into the kingdom. 

Matthew 25:35-40 For I hunger and you give Me to eat' I thirst and you give Me drink; a stranger was I and you took Me in; naked and you clothed Me; infirm am I and you visit Me; in jail was I and you come to Me.' Then the just will be answering Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we perceive Thee hungering and nourish Thee, or thirsting and we give Thee drink? Now when did we perceive Thee a stranger and took Thee in, or naked and we clothed Thee? Now when did we perceive Thee infirm, or in jail, and we came to Thee?'" And, answering, the King shall be declaring to them, 'Verily, I am saying to you, In as much as you do it to one of these, the least of My brethren, you do it to Me.'" {CLV}

These on the left go into the fire eonian, that is the lake of fire. This occurring  after the millennium at the time of the great White Throne Judgement. That is spiritually they are in the Lake of Fire, not an actual lake of fire, that would be impossible. 

Matthew 25:41-46 Then shall He be declaring to those also at His left, 'Go from Me, you cursed, into the fire eonian, made ready for the Adversary and his messengers." For I hunger and you do not give Me to eat; I thirst and you do not give Me drink; a stranger was I and you did not take Me in; naked and you did not clothe Me; infirm and in jail and you did not visit Me.' Then shall they also be answering, saying, 'Lord, when did we perceive you hungering or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or infirm, or in jail, and we did not serve you?'" Then shall He be answering them, saying, 'Verily, I am saying to you, In as much as you do it not to one of these, the least, neither do you it to Me.'" And these shall be coming away into chastening eonian, yet the just into life eonian." {CLV}

Many arrive from the east and the west:

Matthew 8:11 Now I am saying to you that many from the east and the west shall be arriving and reclining with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens, {CLV}

That is, those who have been saved from among the nations will be arriving and relaxing with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens. However sons of the kingdom do not get in:

Matthew 8:12 yet the sons of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness. There shall be lamentation and gnashing of teeth." {CLV}

The sons are cast into outer darkness, which means they are cast into the lake of fire. Who are the sons? The sons are the people of  Israel. Israel reject the King, and in doing so also rejected the kingdom. Note true believers in Israel get into the kingdom. However the people of Israel will get into the kingdom one day. 

The Talents and the Minas:

The Parable of the Minas {Luke 19:11-27} & the Parable of the talents {Mathew 25:14-30}. Even through these parables were spoken at different times they are equivalent. This is also covered in the Judgement series, in the parables part.

Parable of the talents 

Mathew 25:14-22 For it is even as a man traveling. He calls his own slaves and gives over to them his possessions. And to one, indeed, he gives five talents, yet to one, two, yet to one, one; to each according to his own ability. And he travels immediately. "Now, being gone, the one getting the five talents trades with them and gains another five talents. Similarly, also, the one with the two; he also gains another two. Yet the one getting the one talent, coming away, excavates in the earth and hides his lord's silver. "Now, after much time, the lord of those slaves is coming and settling accounts with them. And, approaching, the one getting the five talents brings to him another five talents, saying, 'Lord, five talents you give over to me, Lo! another five talents do I gain with them.' Now his lord averred to him, 'Well done! good and faithful slave. Over a few were you faithful; over many will I place you. Enter into the joy of your lord!' "Now, approaching, the one also getting the two talents said, 'Lord, two talents you give over to me, Lo! another two talents I gain with them.' His lord averred to him, 'Well done! good and faithful slave. Over a few were you faithful; over many will I place you. Enter into the joy of your lord!' {CLV}

Talent: In the days when the Lord was on the earth, a talent was a unit of money. 

The lord here is of course Jesus Christ, he is indicating in this parable the fact that he will be gone along time. The talents in the parable represent Christ’s property. Jesus was stating by way of this parable the fact that he would leave his property with his servants. This is not Christ’s physical property, but the property belonging to the spiritual kingdom of God. 

Now the slaves here work for their master while he is gone. Each worker has a job to do while the master is away. Each worker is given talents according to their ability, they are not all given the same about. Depending on the calling, depending on the work that God has given them, they are given the amount that is needed for there circumstance. 

Ephesians 4:11-13 And the same One gives these, indeed, as apostles, yet these as prophets, yet these as evangelists, yet these as pastors and teachers, toward the adjusting of the saints for the work of dispensing, for the up building of the body of Christ, unto the end that we should all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ, {CLV}

Romans 12:4-8 For even as, in one body, we have many members, yet all the members have not the same function, thus we, who are many, are one body in Christ, yet individually members of one another." Now, having graces excelling, in accord with the grace which is given to us, whether prophecy, exercise it in accord with the analogy of the faith;" or dispensing, in the dispensation; or the teacher, in teaching;" or the entreater, in entreaty; the sharer, with generosity; the presider, with diligence; the merciful one, with glee." {CLV}

The slave that has five and the slave that has two, both gain talents. When the lord returns he places them over the many. That is they are placed over many people, it does not mean they are place over many actual talents. They are placed over those on the earth during the millennium period and later over those on the new Earth that are outside of the New Jerusalem. 

Now what of the one who had one talent? 

Mathew 25:24-30 "Now, approaching, the one also having gotten the one talent, said, 'Lord, I knew you, that you are a hard man, reaping where you do not sow, and gathering whence you do not scatter. And, being afraid, coming away, I hide your talent in the earth. Lo! you have what is yours!' "Now, answering, his lord said to him, 'Wicked and slothful slave! You were aware that I am reaping where I do not sow, and gathering whence I do not scatter. It was binding on you, then, to be depositing my silver with the bankers, and on coming, I should recover what is mine together with interest. Take the talent away from him then, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.' For to everyone who has shall be given, and he shall have a superfluity, yet from the one who has not, that also which he has shall be taken away from him; and the useless slave cast out into outer darkness. there shall be lamentation and gnashing of teeth. {CLV}

The slave with one talent is case into outer darkness. This is describing what will happen at the judgement. The unfaithful slave will be cast in to the lake of fire, which in the parable is described as outer darkness. 

The minas:

Luke 19:11-14 Now at their hearing these things, adding, He spoke a parable because of His being near Jerusalem, and they are supposing that instantly the kingdom of God is about to be looming up." He said, then, "A certain man, a noble, went into a far country, to obtain for himself a kingdom, and to return." Now, calling ten of his slaves, he gives to them ten minas and said to them, 'Go into business while I am coming.'" Now his citizens hated him, and they dispatch an embassy after him, saying, 'We do not want this man to reign over us!'" {CLV}

The noble man in the parable is Jesus Christ. Here Jesus is telling the people he is speaking to that he is going to go away and obtain a kingdom. Next he tells them that he will come back. However instead of giving each slave a different amount, the slaves are each given one mina. In the present eon this represents God’s plan and order in it’s fullness, in the earth, through His people. Ten representing the complete and perfect Divine order. 

Luke 19:15-19 And, obtaining the kingdom, it occurred at his coming back, that he said also to summon to him these slaves to whom he had given the silver, that he may know what business they do." Now along came the first, saying, 'Lord, your mina earns ten minas.'" And he said to him, 'Well done, surely, good slave! Seeing that you became faithful in the least, be having authority over ten cities.'" And the second came, saying, 'Your mina, lord, makes five minas.'" Now he said to this one also, 'And you, be over five cities.'" {CLV}

Those who are faithful will be given authority over the cities during the millennium and later on the new Earth. However the faithful will not all rule over the same number of cities. In the parable one is given authority over ten cities the other over five cities. It depends on how the faithful in Christ use the spiritual blessing and gifts that they have. 

Luke 19:20-23 And a different one came, saying, 'Lord, lo! your mina which I had, reserved in a handkerchief." For I feared you, seeing that you are a harsh man. You are picking up what you do not lay down and reaping what you do not sow.'" Now he is saying to him, 'Out of your mouth will I judge you, wicked slave! You were aware that I am a harsh man, picking up what I do not lay down and reaping what I do not sow." And wherefore do you not give my silver to the bank, and I, coming, would utilize it together with interest?'" {CLV}

The unfaithful slave is lazy, because he did nothing with the mina that he was given, where as the others increased theirs. He was disobedient because he did not do what the master had told them to do, where as the others had. The slave did not care about his master. Upon the masters return he told lies about his master to cover his wrong doing. Making out that his master was harsh and thieving. He did this to make the claim that he was in fear of his master and that is why he just kept the mina safe, instead of risking it. 

Luke 19:24-27 And to those standing by he said, 'Take away the mina from him and give it to him who has the ten minas.'" And they say to him, 'Lord, he has ten minas!'" For I am saying to you that to everyone who has, shall be given, yet from him who has not, that also which he has shall be taken away from him." However, these, my enemies, who are not willing for me to reign over them-lead them here and slay them in front of me.'" {CLV}

The mina {blessing and gifts} that was given to the unfaithful slave, is not lost, or done away with, it is actually given to the one who has ten. The ones who were faithful are given more, while the unfaithful will be stripped of what was given to them graciously. 

At the Judgement those who were unfaithful will suffer much loss, the spiritual gifts that they had will be taken away from them. That is the Christians who did nothing with their gifts or blessings, or use them inappropriately will suffer greatly, and have a place with the unbelievers in the Lake of fire. Now those who are unfaithful do not have an allotment in the Kingdom.

A note about the last line of the parable. When Jesus Christ returns many will be unwilling to have Christ rule over them, they will be his enemies. The Day of the Lord is compared to Sodom & Gomorrah’s destruction and the Flood of Noah. The chosen faithful will be snatch away from the earth. After this is the separation of the unfaithful and lawless ones from the unchosen believers. Those who are unfaithful suffer the same fate as the lawless ones who are destroyed.  

The Destruction of the Earth

This destruction occurs at the end of the millennium. Please note the kingdom is not destroyed for it continues on the New Earth. 

2 Peter 3: 3-4 knowing this first, that in the last days scoffers will be coming with scoffing, going according to their own desires and saying, "Where is the promise of His presence? For since the fathers were put to repose, all is continuing thus from the beginning of creation." {CLV}

They are still waiting for his return. There are scoffers, just like today. They are asking "Where is the promise of His presence?"

2 Peter 3: 5-6 For they want to be oblivious of this, that there were heavens of old, and an earth cohering out of water and through water, by the word of God; through which the then world, being deluged by water, perished. {CLV}

It tells us here that these people do not what to know that there “were heavens of old, and an earth cohering out of water and through water, by the word of God.” This world is not the world before the flood, it is a world that was before the creation of mankind. This world of old was then destroyed by a deluged. Which was then it’s condition in Genesis 1:2:

Genesis 1:2 Yet the earth became a chaos {waste} and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. Yet the spirit of the Elohim is vibrating over the surface of the water. {CLV}

The world perished as it was completely destroyed, it was waste. Many view this as the condition of the earth went it was created, but that is not the case. There was a destructive event. For it did not just effect the earth, but the heavens as well, whereas the flood of Noah’s day just effected the earth and not the heavens. 

2 Peter 3:7 Yet the heavens now, and the earth, by the same word, are stored with fire, being kept for the day of the judging and destruction of irreverent men. {CLV}

Here we see the old earth does come to an end, it will be destroyed, and thus pass away. The heavens as well will pass away, but that does not mean the dwelling place of the angels will pass away. For there are three heavens, the sky, the Universe, and the place Jesus went when he left the earth, where the angels dwell. For more on the three heavens refer to my article: “How many Heavens are there?

There is no support for the destruction of the dwelling place of the angels. The sky of course will pass away with the destruction of the earth. The Universe and the stars and planets will all be destroyed. This is going to happen as it is compared to a real event in the past, the deluge. Just like there really was a deluge that destroyed the old earth, the present earth will really be destroyed. 

2 Peter 3:8-10 Now of this one thing you are not to be oblivious, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not tardy as to the promise, as some are deeming tardiness, but is patient because of you, not intending any to perish, but all to make room for repentance. Now the day of the Lord will be arriving as a thief.... {CLV}

Here it is again, the Lord has not returned, and in fact this tell us that the Lord was going to be gone along time. After this long time he arrives as a thief. Arriving as a thief does not mean this is a secret event, it means that it is a surprise. Most of the whole world will not be expecting him to return. It will be a surprise, to them, just like if you find a thief in you house, it would be a surprise to you. There is no mention of the millennium reign here, however he tell us that one day is thousand years. Thus the day of the Lord is at least thousand years long and at the end of the day the whole earth and the universe are destroyed. 

2 Peter 3:10-13 Now the day of the Lord will be arriving as a thief, in which the heavens shall be passing by with a booming noise, yet the elements shall be dissolved by combustion, and the earth and the works in it shall be found. At these all, then, dissolving, to what manner of men must you belong in holy behavior and devoutness, hoping for and hurrying the presence of God's day, because of which the heavens, being on fire, will be dissolved, and the elements decompose by combustion! Yet we, according to His promises, are hoping for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is dwelling. {CLV}

Right after the earth is destroyed there is the Great White Throne judgement. There will be a new earth after the judgement period, and the kingdom will descend to this new earth. 

Revelation 21:1-2 And I perceived a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth pass away, and the sea is no more." I perceived the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband." {CLV}

The holy city, new Jerusalem, descends out of heaven to the new earth, for the former earth pass away. 

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2017 & 2023

The Kingdom: The New Heavens and Earth

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The Kingdom