Double Portion

4 November 2010, Updated 11 March 2011

By Mark Farquharson

On the 31 October 2010 US time Dr Jones post a entry called “The Birthright is Coming.” He had confirmation that the Birthright would come and its double portion, this is what the chosen, faithful are waiting for. Which you can read here: “The Birthright is Coming

The chosen, the faithful will shortly receive the Birthright, which means they will be anointed to do the Good Work that is ahead of them, which is heralding the evangel. This includes the good news that God is conciliating the world to himself at this time 2Corinthians 5:14-21. It also includes all that the death and resurrection of Christ brought about, which is that Jesus Christ paid the price for all mankind’s sins, and brought salvation for them all. There will be a greater manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the glory of God. When they receive the Birthright, they will get the double portion of the inheritance. This will give them and you if your one of them, the physical means required to do the work ahead without restriction.

Any and all restrictions will be lifted, to get the evangel out there to the world, just before the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ. At this time I also believe that All Will Be Revealed to the Chosen. One of the restrictions is that we all do not believe the same. Most believe incorrectly about want is to come in the future. Another problem is that many do not even know that this work is going to start shortly. When the anointing comes all the faithful at that time will know the great work that is ahead, and know that Jesus Christ will also shortly return, for some do not even believe He will return.

Reading this entry I was reminded of the time the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. The gathered multitude were confused because each one heard the disciples speak in his own language.

Acts 2:4-6 And they are all filled with holy spirit, and they begin to speak in different languages, according as the spirit gave them to declaim." Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem, Jews, pious men from every nation under heaven." Now when this sound occurs, the multitude came together and was confused, for each one hears them speaking in his own vernacular." {CLV}

One of the restrictions, would be our inability to speak different languages. I myself only know one language, and while some of you may know more, you would not know that many, I would think. This would mean a lifting of this restriction. When you speak to someone, they will understand you, no matter what language is their own. You will not need to go to any language classes. Of course you will also be able to understand them. An additional restriction that I think would be lift is the ability to read and understand other languages. This is what will be need if I am to travel the world heralding the evangel.

If you have the problem of not being able to speak to people about the Really Good news, this will be lifted. You will be able to speak with boldness about the evangel to anyone and everyone. If there is no one around, if you are physically isolated, this restriction will also end.

I have already mentioned money. This is a restriction, I certainly do not have enough for a world tour. However this restriction will be lifted, somehow I will have enough money. I am not asking for an money at this time.

Another restriction could be you job if you have one. If God wants you to give up your job to do the work ahead, then you will have to give that up. However I am not tell you to give up your job. Wait until you are sure that is what God wants you to do, do not go by my word. And if He does want you to quit, make sure you wait until the right time. Then again He could just get you fired, like He did me.

Update: 11 March 2011: The final 8 signs are a double portion, however the double portion itself can come before the ninth sign. Elisha got the double portion {2 Kings 2:9-10} before the ninth sign {2 Kings 4}. They could of course come at the same time, it does not have to follow the pattern exactly, in fact it is not. For the eight sign has come already, but not the double portion, however the eight sign was after the double portion {2 Kings 2:19-22}.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010, Updated 11 March 2011

Open Door Ministry
