Watch Dates: 1 July 2011 Ten days after Ring

30 June 2011

By Mark Farquharson

My thinking now is 1 July 2011, as that will be ten days after the presenting of the ring on 21 June, ten years ago. In the past I have thought that a wedding service ends when the rings go on the fingers. As for the 30 of March being the 30 June I could be wrong on that. My thinking now is 30 is of the third month, thus 30 divided by 3 gets you ten which is the delay. I was up the mount at 10 am, again 10 being the delay. There have been other indications on the 30 to do with the ninth sign. This could also to be an indication to do with the number 30 not the date.

I was unfairly dismissed from my job on 25 October 2007, adding 1335 days {Daniel 12:12} to 25 October 2007, actual brings you to 21 June 2011.

Daniel 12:12 Happy is he who will tarry and attain to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days! {CLV}

Princess Diana was born on the 1 July fifty years ago. She looked to Egypt (Dodi Fayad). She is was a pearl. Interestingly I heard the name Joseph today, at Herod Park. Heron referring to Herald of course. Joseph went to Egypt. Thus a reference to Diana looking to Egypt.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011

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