Time of Gate 8 am, & Time of Apostleship, & ATM Payout Part 2

The $12000 Table

Back in 2010 on May 24 I had a dream about a table costing 12000. Since then I have got other signs relating of 12000.

12000 Table Dream May 24 2010

12288.73 The hour and a quarter {plus 1} February 2013

12000 April 23 2013

Angelica brought horse for 12000 age 12, May 7 2013

12740 including 740 for computer plus software, May 22 2014

12,000 pounds the cost of going to University on an episode of Frost, June 13 2015

12000 new cars coming in each month mentioned by barber, August 6 2015.

This connects the 12000 to the computer and to the count of an hour and a quarter. Along with connecting to the date of May 22. The barber is the one that on two different occasions mention the “no waiting, no delays” and the fact that he opens at 8 am. Thus this connects the 12000 to the time of 8 am, thus this table connects to 8 am.

12000 is the number in a tribe in the book of Revelation, there are 12 tribes thus 144000. There was a 12000 gallon capacity bronze tank that the priests used to wash before going into Solomon's Temple.

Table of the Load Prayer September 27 2013. This prayer includes seating and eating at the Table of the Lord. Thus the 12000 table is a dining table, were the overcomers will seat and eat the spiritual food.

When is 8 am?

On November 15 2016 the Doctor said that he was “waiting for the computer,” and asked “who’s the 8 O'clock. Conclusion the computer wait is connected to 8 am. This to me is a sign to do with a computer, my own computer cost 649 plus 91 for the software. Then earlier this year he left the practice on April1. This is also a sign, connecting it to the earlier sign, means his wait for the computer is over. I take this to mean just the computer, not the software. A further 91 days for the software gets you to July 1 2018.

However there is when I brought the computer from the store and when I paid. I brought the computer on April 27 2014 and paid for it May 22 2014. There is a 25 day difference, however if I say I brought it for my birthday on April 28, that leaves 24 days. This gets you July 25.

Back on November 7 2014, we went to a meeting and got a 100 phone credit from a machine shaped like a ATM. Note while it was not an actual money ATM, it give phone credit and actual cell phones for a promotion it was shaped like an ATM. Thus I taken as a sign of the money. However this was not credited when it should have been. There was the need to go back to the company and ask for the credit. It was finally credited on December 8 2014, however the amount became 115. Thus due to the delay caused the amount is increased by 15%. This company that give the credit is the same company that I got the gate sign from back on September 27 2011. Thus the gate connects to this sign of 100 becoming 115. Note 91 plus 24 gets you 115. This is why I went with a 24 day difference over a 25 day difference.

“Just the 15 to go,” May 8 2015, meaning May 8-May 22. The 15 of the 115 sign.

April 28-May 22 is 24 days.

July 1-July 25 is 24 days.

July 25 indicating the Hebrew date. Thus the 25th of the seventh Hebrew month this year is October 4 2018, but that is not 8 am, but it is important date to watch. Last year on the same Hebrew date was the lunch of the Open Door Ministry, however that was October 15 2017, as the Hebrew calendar does not align with the western calendar.

The 30/31 day delay:

Note the ATM credit was on November 7 but there was a 31 day delay before payment on December 8. Another sign of this delay is the sign I got on July 27 2013, “Gate about to open 30 days hence.” This gives a date of August 26 for the gate. Converting to the Hebrew date of 26th of the eighth Hebrew month gives a date of November 4 2018. Note adding 31 days to October 4 also gets you November 4. Adding 31 days to May 22 gets you June 21, and is about the time Dr Jones was shown that there was a delay back in 2011. Other 30 signs:

First TV sold for 30 on September 26 2013. Note adding 30 gets you October 26, while that is now the tenth month it was originally the eighth month.

Second TV sold for 30 on November 1 2013. Note person came at 11 O’clock and left about 11:30.

In the paper on October 28 2016 that had a Hebrew date of the 26th of the eighth Hebrew month was a story about a rare white Tui that the workers had mistaken for a Dove. Back on May 22 2012 a Wood Pigeon was mistaken for Tui. Thus the two dates are connected, and at the time of the earlier sign there was also the indication about the bird getting drunk connecting it to the time the apostles received the Holy Spirit.

Note from seeing the Doctor on November 15 2016 to November 4 2018 is 720 days or 2 and half hours. This connects to an earlier sign I got on May 25 2016, when a woman said that she was going to get up tomorrow at 5:30 and leave at 6, but that day she was going to the Doctor. I was to see the Doctor the next day May 26 2016, but it does not mean that it applies to that visit. It applies to a visit to the doctor. The November 15 visit is when he mentioned 8 O’clock.

Thus there is indication that the Gate opens on or about November 4 2018 and this will be the time of 8 and the time of the ATM pay out. This will be the time of no waiting, no delays.

The date of November 4 is two days before the US midterm elections November 6. It also falls into the anniversary dates of the prayer campaign “Ye Shall Surely Die” that went from November 1-6, 2001. According to Dr Jones this “culminated on November 5, 2001 when we saw Satan bound.” From Dr Jones Weblog: Results of the Burning Man prayer campaign. It will have be 17 years the number for victory.

Part 3 to come soon, I still have the dinar revalue to cover along with the saving of 13.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2018

Time of Gate 8 am, & Time of Apostleship, & ATM Payout Part 3