Love Table

Fifth Column at bottom

Columns 1 & 2

Love General 

Let your Love grow

Love let it grow

Let your love blossom

Love let it blossom

Let your love flow

Love let it flow

Love let it out 

Be happy in Love

Be rejoicing in Love

Be united in love

Let your Love show

Do not hide your Love

Show Your Love

Love is never lapsing {1 Corinthians 13:8}

Love never fails {1 Corinthians 13:8}

Love All 

Love your Brother in Christ

Love your fellow believer {John 13:34-35}

Love One Another {John 13:34-35 & John 15: 12-17}

Love your enemies {Matthew 5:43-45 & Luke 6:27-35}

Love your enemies, and pray for those who are persecuting you, {Matthew 5:43-45}

Love your enemies, and pray for those who are persecuting you, so that you may become sons of your Father Who is in the heavens {Matthew 5:43-45}

Love everybody

Love All mankind

Love each other

Love the Father of us All, God.

Love those who love you. 

Love those who hate you

Love your children

Love your parents

Love your pets

Love all the animals

Love all creation

Love All Angels

Love your family 

Love your friends

Love your neighbour

Love unbelievers

Love everyone

Love One & All

Love God

Love Jesus Christ

Love all people

Love every person

Love All 

Love Our Father, God

Love your Father, God 

Love all spirit beings

Love the World

Love the Father and the Son

Love your family & friends

Love God & Jesus Christ

God the Father Loves

God is Love {1 John 4:8 & 4:16}

God Loves All Mankind

God Loves All

God Loves All that he has created

God Loves All Creation

God loves all created

God Loves the world {John 3:16} 

God Loves Us {1 John 4:8-10} 

God Loves Everybody

God Loves all sinners for all have sinned. {Romans 3:22-23 & 5:12}

God the Father loves his children 

God the Father loves All his children 

God loves all his sons {& daughters}

God Loves the Son

God loves his enemies

God loves believers and unbelievers

God’s love is all inclusive

God loves you

God loves everyone

God loves me

God Loves All the animals

God Loves every creature

God Loves all pets

God is kind to all the animals, every living creature!

God nurtures the animals.

He who is not loving knew not God, for God is love {1John 4:8}

God is love, and he who is remaining in love is remaining in God, and God is remaining in him {1John 4:16}

God loves all spiritual beings

God Loves all evil spirits

God loves all the demons and the Devil.

God Loves all angels

God Loves all angels & demons

God Loves All Families

God Loves All Nations

God Loves All People in All Nations

Your heavenly Father Loves you.

God Loves you family

God Loves you friends

God Loves you pets

God Loves those you love

God Loves those who love Him

God is Kind to the ungrateful and the wicked {Luke 6:35}

God’s Love Never Dies

God’s Love Never Fades

God will Always Love Me

God will Always Love You

God will Always Love Your Family

God will Always Love Your Friends

God will Always Love All

God will Always Love All His Children

God will Always Love All Families

God will Always Love All Mankind

God will Always Love All Animals

God will Always Love All Angels

God will Always Love All Spiritual Beings

God will Always Love Everyone

God will Always Love Everybody

God’s Love is Everlasting

God, the Father’s Love is Everlasting

God’s Love is never lapsing 

God’s Love never fails 

Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord {Romans 8:38-39} 

Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God 

Be happy in God’s Love

Be rejoicing in God’s Love

Jesus Christ Loves

Jesus Christ Loves All Mankind

Jesus Christ Loves All

Jesus Christ  Loves All Creation

Jesus Christ loves all created

Jesus Christ Loves the world 

Jesus Christ Loves Us 

Jesus Christ Loves Everybody

Jesus Christ Loves his enemies

Jesus Christ Loves His Father

Jesus Christ Loves all sinners for all have sinned. 

Jesus Christ Loves those who believe in him {John 13:34-35 & 15: 12-17}

Jesus Christ Loves the brethren

Jesus Christ Loves the saints

Jesus Christ Loves His friends {John 15:12-17}

Jesus Christ Loves believers and unbelievers

Jesus Christ Loves you

Jesus Christ Loves everyone

Jesus Christ Loves me

Jesus Christ’s Love is all inclusive

Jesus Christ Loves All the animals

Jesus Christ Loves every creature

Jesus Christ Loves all pets

Jesus Christ Loves all angels

Jesus Christ loves all spiritual beings

Jesus Christ Loves all evil spirits

Jesus Christ loves all the demons and the Devil.

Jesus Christ Loves all angels & demons

Jesus Christ Loves All Families

Jesus Christ Loves All Nations

Jesus Christ Loves All People in All Nations

Jesus Christ Loves you family

Jesus Christ Loves you friends

Jesus Christ Loves you pets

Jesus Christ Loves those you love

Jesus Christ Loves those who love Him

Jesus Christ Loves His Bride

Jesus’ Love Never Dies

Jesus’ Love Never Fades

Jesus Christ will Always Love Me

Jesus Christ will Always Love You

Jesus Christ will Always Love Your Family

Jesus Christ will Always Love Your Friends

Jesus Christ will Always Love All

Jesus Christ will Always Love All His Friends

Jesus Christ will Always Love All Families

Jesus Christ will Always Love All Mankind

Jesus Christ will Always Love All Animals

Jesus Christ will Always Love All Angels

Jesus Christ will Always Love All Spiritual Beings

Jesus Christ will Always Love Everyone

Jesus Christ will Always Love Everybody

Jesus’ Love is Everlasting

Jesus’ Love is never lapsing 

Jesus’ Love never fails 

Nothing can Separate us from the Love of Christ

Be happy in Jesus’ Love

Be rejoicing in Jesus’ Love

I Love

I love God

I love God, the Father

I love the Father, God

I Love God, the Saviour

I love God the Saviour of All mankind

I love God the Saviour of All

I Love the Saviour, God

I love the Son

I love the Lord

I love the Lord, Jesus Christ

I love my family

I love my friends

I love my pets

I love animals

I love Jesus, the Messiah 

I love Christ, the Saviour

I love Christ, the Saviour of All

I love Christ, the Saviour of All Mankind

I love Christ, the Saviour of All Animals

I love God the Saviour of All Animals

I Love God my Saviour

I will Always Love God, Our Father

I will Always Love Jesus Christ

I will Always Love My Family

I will Always Love My Friends

I will Always Love My Pets

I Love the Father & the Son

Illustrations: God Loves, Love, Jesus Christ Loves

God & Christ Love, Love Nexus & I Love
