Still Transitioning to Elisha and the Ninth Sign

4 March 2016

By Mark Farquharson

As most of you will know we have done the first eight signs of Elijah and that there are 8 signs of Elisha to go. The first eight signs of Elijah were completed some time ago now, way back in July of 2010. It is now over five and a half years later and we are still waiting for the ninth sign, or the first sign of Elisha. The ninth sign is the revalue of the dinar and the provision, the money.

God showed me the other night that we are still transitioning to Elisha. As I opened the bible on February 24, I came across 2 Kings 2. This is where Elijah and Elisha are together for the final time. Then Elijah is taken away by a chariot of fire. At which point Elisha takes up the mantle of Elijah. Note this was on the 24th, reminding me of the 24 elders in heaven that John sees after the open door in heaven.

This is not to say that we have stalled here and can go no further, the ninth sign is still coming, and will definitely come. Don't give up now, I do believe we are really close now.

I may not have made this clear in the earlier entries, so I will go over this again. Vinnie has his 999/dinar dream, then later on he recounts it to his children, and one of then says that 999 is a staircase to Heaven. In China Heaven's Gate mountain has 999 steps. Thus this implies that the Dinar revalue is link to the staircase that goes to heaven. At the top the open door in Heaven. Thus the revalue should then occur when the Door of Heaven opens, simple right?

Since the ninth sign is money then the ATM credit of 115 should indicate something about the ninth sign. This was not a cash ATM, it was specially made to give boxes that had credit for phone accounts or actual mobile phones. Recall it was increased from 100 to 115. Thus when the sign came just the 15 to go, I took it that there was just the increase to go being 15 days. This period went from May 8-22 2015.

On the night of February 28 I was watching a program, and this couple had just brought this storage locker. What they actually brought was the contains of the storage lock up. He is taking out all these boxes and he is saying it is $40 a box, which he compares to get money from an ATM. We are waiting for the ninth sign, money, the pay out from the ATM. Recall that there are 40 days between the end of the current cleansing cycle and Second Passover. Dr Jones had a 40 day fast then there was the sign of the open door, door of Heaven.

Some of the confuse has come from two signs to do with the dinar revalue. The first more well known one is that the dinar well revalue at 3.18. And no I still do not know what that means.

The other is the sign of 205. Julius emailed me about a dream he had where he was “looking at the CBI site and saw a dollar/dinar 1:1 and some of the other currencies had dashes ----- or 205.”

I also had a dream on the morning of the May 14 2013 about the number 205. In the dream I was looking for some shop on foot, and my family were searching for another shop in the car. My family find the shop they were looking for. I entered a shopping mall. There was several seats joined together that went up to the second level. I sat on one of the seats and was taken up to the second level. On the second level I came out of the mall into the car park. As I walked across the car park I met up with my dad who was going to the mall. We entered the mall and went into a food shop. My brother who is called Paul, was somewhere in the mall. Dad said he was buying at 205. The dream ended. No I still do not know for certain how the dream connects to the dinar or the meaning of 205. Is the mall in the dream St Luke's Mall, I am not sure.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2016

This is the fifth entry in the series "Watch Date May 22 2016" click below for the rest of the series:

Watch Date May 22 2016

Open Door Ministry
